Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Mountain City Cycle, Courtenay. It's odd that for Giant bikes and parts there seems to be more stock in the independent shops than at their flagship ones. The current plan is to have a dropper post installed, kickstand, switch to tubeless and get one of those $99 displays. No labor charges and a discount off any accessories etc when you buy the bike.
Mountain City Cycle, Courtenay. It's odd that for Giant bikes and parts there seems to be more stock in the independent shops than at their flagship ones. The current plan is to have a dropper post installed, kickstand, switch to tubeless and get one of those $99 displays. No labor charges and a discount off any accessories etc when you buy the bike.
Nice! A dropper is sounding like a good idea. I like the seat height on mine for riding, but when stopped it's just a bit too high. Tubeless will happen soon too.
Love Quadra. Our annual company fishing drinking trip is at April Point there. Fabulous. Just finished my last piece of salmon from there last night.
Thanks Ron!
Built well too. I dumped it yesterday on a ride at lunch. Smashed my ribs onto the left handlebar... Ugh that hurts. Shook it off and went out today anyway.
Scuffed up the left grip, and scraped the heck outta the left pedal. Everything else is unscathed... except the owner:rolleyes:
I hope your delivery date sticks, you have way more patience than I.
Kick stand in stock you say... Which store, Courtenay or Campbell River?
OUCH! Heal fast.
Glad the bike is ok, except for cosmetic owies.
My Ecotric26S900 next to a lock on the Leeds to Liverpool Canal at Gargrave, North Yorkshire U.K


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Nice! A dropper is sounding like a good idea. I like the seat height on mine for riding, but when stopped it's just a bit too high. Tubeless will happen soon too.
Love Quadra. Our annual company fishing drinking trip is at April Point there. Fabulous. Just finished my last piece of salmon from there last night.
Ya know Dave, glad you didn't hurt yourself with this 'get off' of yours. Late last spring I hooked a bar end on a bush and I went down immediately, do not pass go, do not collect $100. Didn't think too much of it at the time but several weeks later one knee and the upper shoulder got very sore. The knee is fine now but the shoulder isn't quite 100% if I lie on my left side at night. Nerve stuff takes a long time to heal, especially when you're longer in the tooth.
Ya know Dave, glad you didn't hurt yourself with this 'get off' of yours. Late last spring I hooked a bar end on a bush and I went down immediately, do not pass go, do not collect $100. Didn't think too much of it at the time but several weeks later one knee and the upper shoulder got very sore. The knee is fine now but the shoulder isn't quite 100% if I lie on my left side at night. Nerve stuff takes a long time to heal, especially when you're longer in the tooth.
Like you I clipped a pole with the right bar end. Had a nice audience of school kids ask "Are you OK sir?".
Ego, knee, elbow, and ribs all bashed. Lucky it was cold enough for me to be bundled up. Had it been summer T-shirt weather the road rash would have been significant.🤣
Southwest Virginia.

We have a new 4 lane in construction near my house. It is currently closed to automobile traffic. Great place to ride.
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The one picture is from the highest bridge in Virginia. For full disclosure, I was on my road bike. It's hard to give it up completely.

Where in SW VA are you, pockets? Used to spend all my summers on my grandmother's farm in Botetourt County, just north of Roanoke.
23 mile ride up the Skagit River and then another 23 back down again. 78 degrees, dry and sunny...perfection. I For the last ten miles, I put it in Turbo and started pushing the pedals to cadence of around 90 and me to a 130 BPM heart rate, bringing the speed up to the mid-twenties. I his 20% on the first battery at mile 40 and swapped in a second battery and used 30% doing the 7 miles sprint to the finish.

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Were you riding that old railroad line, Alaskan? That's nice ride. One of my big climbs is on Lyman Hill, just north of where you were.
A 2021 Giant Trance XE Pro 29er. I'm really hoping to ride some trails beyond my own backyard. :)
Awesome. The vid was fun, felt like I was riding with you!
Question... does your Trance have a rubber grommet/stopper between the battery connectors and the housing? I've seen pics of this as a remedy/assistant to negating water ingress.
My 2021 Stance does not have this. I'll look for pics...