ShareRoller - Quick and Dirty Electric Bikes

FYI For backers: Jeff has updated the survey form to include pricing if one wants to upgrade from mini to standard. He also better explained the mounts and mounting choices. I had initially backed a mini but have decided to upgrade to the standard. Not crazy about the extra pound and a half (my bike weighs 19lbs) but I suspect real range will be closer to 20 and the mini could end up very limiting for me in terms of where I could ride. I also have Shimano 105 dual pivot brakes, so not v-brakes, and wasn't sure which mount to use but they responded to me within a couple hours so I could choose the correct one. NOW I am gonna go crazy waiting because it IS so close to delivery. Hurray!
Re: Tarrifs

That all may be true in the sense the China had/has "unfair" advantages, but a certain economic order had set around trade between the US and China. Americans are wholly reliant on low cost consumer goods from overseas. And with all of all of the grievances you mentioned, the system provides for ridiculously cheap widgets. While America's concession may have been that they endured IP theft, etc., China's concession was/is that they'll make stuff on the backs of their people while paying them next to nothing to do it, often in haphazard conditions. My mom bought us a VCR in 1985. It cost $500, which is closer to $1200 now. I realize they no longer exist, but when you could still get a VCR at Walmart...maybe 8 years ago, they were under $100 (in 2010 dollars). I agree that it's good to have rules, but I'm not sure your ideal is attainable, especially since China will almost unquestionably continue its ascension to the status of world super power within the next 25 - 50 years (if we don't all blow each other up before then). A rising middle class combined with population size will dwarf the American economy, and subsequently its military influence. What I'm saying is that they're not going to be pushed around unless this really starts to hurt them and the more affluent they get based on rises in internal prosperity, the less they need America to buy their crap.

My perspective is that Americans had a choice and made it by shopping at Walmart. I've been buying American made items specifically for a long time now, which means I buy less (because it is more costly), but frankly we can all "do" with less. Americans consume, consume, consume. Granted there are some things you simply cannot find made in America, and then the option is to buy from countries that pay decent wages and don't use child labor (like textiles). Or not replace things that work fine, but aren't the "newest", if the only option is overseas manufacture. But Americans in general want their cheap stuff from Walmart, etc., so they are responsible for the prevailing trade imbalance. I suspect the tariffs are going to bite those same people in the butt, hard.
I have had zero problem waiting patiently for SR. But now we have received our selection emails. Now I'm going crazy with anticipation. Imaging rides I will take (that I can't manage now because of my knee), and riding with my adult son (who got tired of waiting for me all the time). This is going to make a huge difference in my life. Now that it actually seems like it is materializing, I can't stand the wait, lol. Aaargh. Apparently my tolerance for delayed gratification is good until things get close to fruition, haha.
I hope the device works well for you! If it doesn't, there are lots of great ebikes and ebike conversion options available.
I hope the device works well for you! If it doesn't, there are lots of great ebikes and ebike conversion options available.

Thanks. If it doesn't work out, I will probably not bother with an ebike/conversion. I had a dedicated ebike at one point and sold it. SR makes sense for me because of the incredibly light weight; I carry my bike with me instead of locking it. That's not really an option with hub kits, etc., because they weight too much, just like dedicated ebikes.
Wow! Well, I hope it works out for you and for others--it looks super handy!

I'm fortunate to have my own office with a door and a lock, that's big enough for my bike to hang out there, for me to smile at during my work day!
Wow! Well, I hope it works out for you and for others--it looks super handy!

I'm fortunate to have my own office with a door and a lock, that's big enough for my bike to hang out there, for me to smile at during my work day!

That sounds really nice! Since I retired, my bike has completely replaced my car but locking a nice bike on the street is a very bad idea. Lightweight folder+lightweight SR= perfection (I hope).


Fixed it…..



Fixed it…..


Ahh, give him a break, lol. Maybe Jeff is focused on getting units out to backers instead of finding a way to bring in new $ right now. That will benefit new customers greatly if there are actual reviews.
Ahh, give him a break, lol. Maybe Jeff is focused on getting units out to backers instead of finding a way to bring in new $ right now. That will benefit new customers greatly if there are actual reviews.

I understand the focus on delivering to backers, but I don't think it's too much to ask for accuracy in communications for a company that we all want to succeed. I don't think any of us (except maybe the very most well off financially) wants a product that is run as a single batch. We'll want support for our units, whether as 'backers' or 'buyers'. isn't coming across very well. I know of absolutely no one that would interpret ~1 week as something as an open ended as it has become. How many weeks has that been there now?

I think it's going to be a great product. I'm just stuck at whether I should be putting away cash for the purchase, how much that might be, and when the true delivery may be as a buyer, not a backer.

I put my email address into his site the first time it offered that opportunity, and in the time since there has not been one mass-email update to the potential buyers. Yet, the offer to take down your email address to be notified continues to be present on the web site.

Ahh, give him a break, lol. Maybe Jeff is focused on getting units out to backers instead of finding a way to bring in new $ right now.
I understand the focus on delivering to backers, but I don't think it's too much to ask for accuracy in communications for a company that we all want to succeed. I don't think any of us (except maybe the very most well off financially) wants a product that is run as a single batch. We'll want support for our units, whether as 'backers' or 'buyers'. isn't coming across very well. I know of absolutely no one that would interpret ~1 week as something as an open ended as it has become. How many weeks has that been there now?

I think it's going to be a great product. I'm just stuck at whether I should be putting away cash for the purchase, how much that might be, and when the true delivery may be as a buyer, not a backer.

I put my email address into his site the first time it offered that opportunity, and in the time since there has not been one mass-email update to the potential buyers. Yet, the offer to take down your email address to be notified continues to be present on the web site.


Yes, the communication/timing could be better. But, otoh, I'd rather he focus on production. He doesn't have a staff for customer service or marketing. Personally, I wouldn't judge the level of post-purchase service by this - if the product is successful and makes it past the first run he will be able to afford some staffing help. As to the email update or lack thereof, it says sign up to notified when available....and it's not available yet, so no notification seems reasonable to me. Whatever money he made during crowdfunding has gone into the product development (and probably a ton of his own money too) so I cut him a lot of slack on the communication side because he's a one man army here, lol.
He doesn't have a staff for customer service or marketing.

How do you know this? Did he tell you?

Whatever money he made during crowdfunding has gone into the product development

How do you know this? Did he tell you?
He doesn't have a staff for customer service or marketing.

How do you know this? Did he tell you?

Whatever money he made during crowdfunding has gone into the product development

How do you know this? Did he tell you?

Good questions--one difficulty of anonymous forums is we don't know folks' information, sources, or intentions. We can assume that each of us is well-meaning, and ask for follow-up information and sources. :)
Today I may have found my Shareroller commuting alternative: the GOTRAX GXL electric scooter. It is for sale on both Amazon and WalMart. The reviews are excellent, and the price is $400 on WalMart and $430 on Amazon and the GOTRAX web site (on 8/29/2018).

Yes, there are compromises, but at that price--and if it really goes up hills as easily as the reviewers say--then I am buying one.

I may get a Shareroller later after a big bunch of reviews are in, the reliability is somewhat established, and the price is known.
I bought the Gotrax GXL electric scooter. It is very fun to ride, and I am using it to commute to work (less than 0.5 miles). I still want a Shareroller but not as urgently.
The Gotrax GXL weighs about 27 pounds according to my scale at home. That matches the 26.5 pounds that the Gotrax web page shows under the GXL specifications.

I fold up the scooter before carrying it into my office building. The weight isn't too bad to carry the distance to my desk, but I might buy an accessory strap somewhere to make it easier to carry around.

NOTE: The motor/handlebar brake is regenerative, and the motor/handlebar brake is disabled if the battery is at full charge so that the battery doesn't get dangerously overcharged. The manual/disc brake on the rear wheel continues to work, of course. I don't think that disabling is mentioned in the short user manual, so I panicked a little bit when it happened the first time when I was going down a hill. The manual/disc brake worked fine.
What is the total weight of the complete unit?

Depends on the battery. 4.5lb or 6lb for mini versus standard according to his website. He didn't post the separate weight for the motor unit; the weights he gives are all inclusive.
Depends on the battery. 4.5lb or 6lb for mini versus standard according to his website. He didn't post the separate weight for the motor unit; the weights he gives are all inclusive.
I can't recall having seen any BMS mentioned (battery charger, protection, ...) as yet, the point important as we in our ignorance contribute a lot to the speedy degrade of its lifetime.