Sealer for tire flats-Green Slime, Flat Attack, Zefal or Fix A Flat for Bikes?

Yup, running Slime tubes in my Marathons - from Walmart. Needed a tube, saw them on the shelf, and decided to give them a try.

That was about 9 months ago. So far so good! -Al

How long does the Slime stay in a liquid form to be effective?
How long does the Slime stay in a liquid form to be effective?
According to their website, two years. I've had it in my tires almost that long and haven't had to add any and haven't had a single flat. It's water based, so I guess it dries out. Still guessing, you can probably just add more every couple of years, but as a practical matter, for me anyway, that's about the lifetime of my tires. I'm cheap, so I might reuse my tubes when I put new tires on, but best practice is probably to put new tubes in new tires, so it's kind of a moot point.

I have new tires and tubes waiting to be put on. I'm off work this coming week, so I might go ahead and put the new stuff on. I'm very interested to see if I see any little green blobs on the tubes where the Slime saved me from fixing flats. I'm pretty sure I'll see several.

Curious if anyone has tried the actual Slime inner tubes? I’ve seen them for sale at Walmart and Amazon.
Yes. found them at Walmart on clearance and grabbed 4 of them. Put one on my wife's BH City bike and the other on my BH commuter. So far, no issues.
Side Note: I do have to say the rails to trails we ride have very low probability for tires going flat. The trails are maintained quite well and no "goatheads" here in the Midwest. ;)
Some lowlife tossed this onto the sidewalk and I rode over it on Saturday. I don't see how it didn't cut the tire. Anyway, I happened to have a empty sandwich bag, so I picked it all up and took it to the trashcan.
