My daughter recently bought a Radwagon4 to take my granddaughter to day care. She loves it. She lives in Seattle, home to Rad, so she had no concern about the unusual tire size nor worries should a problem arise with the bike. Like you
@DesertTortoise, she was looking at a Tern HSD, but could not afford it.
She has not had a chance to go grocery shopping with the bike yet, but I think it is doable if you get the proper grocery basket or pannier. Attached is a picture I found on the web of a 1018 Radwagon with a child seat and grocery panniers.
My girlfriend rides a Tern HSD and I ride a Haibike AllMtn. Both have mid-drive motors, Bosch in the case of the Tern, Yamaha in the case of the Haibike. Neither motor exhibits any drag when pedaled with the motor off, but both bikes weigh more than 60 lbs each with racks and accessories, so they are significantly more difficult to pedal with the motor off than conventional 28-lbs bikes.
In more than four years riding an ebike, I have never totally drained the battery. Close a couple of times, but I still got home with about 5% battery charge. Most of the time, after 30-mile rides, I still have more than 25% battery charge. My butt is likely to give up before my battery!