So the idea here is to dump junk on folks and walk away with $$ and that's ok for the E Bike industry? Get some balanced perspective, that's what Court's working to do on So@Ravi Kempaiah , what's your point? We can all see that normal waterbottle cage mounts were covered by the battery pack. That's not the issue, its what's going to happen when all the fake hype is gone since there's no legal protection for investors on Indiegogo. That's a serious differentiation from Kickstarter, where money is held until items are actually ready to ship. I saw nothing on the Indiegogo site viewed a few days ago indicating that there was a long term support or 'dealer's network'; this is an after the fact add-on.
Do due diligence, folks, that bike is not 'Storm's personal bike' that he created. His own investor buddies have images of the same bike with totally different labels. Show me where he 'created the McDonald's kiddie treats' but he's not into computers? Look at what was posted as updates on the Storm funding site. Of course he's going to have some demo unit. We can all order a Demo Unit of almost any ebike from and then call it our 'own'. Here's where I have more questions: Storm's recent claims concerning owner's support does not match what is on the Indiegogo site-- Show everyone the preplanned structure in place to support individual buyers or dealers when there's 5000+ of your bikes on the street on the same day. These latest updates Storm added on their Indiegogo campaign are a result of pushback from the public by all of you who are aware and interested in EBikes.
Manufacturer's support, at least this round, most likely will amount to the typical container load '10% of a purchase add-on in spare parts; generally nothing major. Even one of the major US EBike manufacturers I spoke with this afternoon had serious doubts about the production schedule of 5000 units, shipped and delivered from China in 2 months. This company's annual production gives them a perspective of what was rational. Again, it is easy to underestimate the time to go through US Customs and the cost of import taxes when calculating the real cost for importing a whole item, not separate parts.