Say Hello To Storm

Congrats on the Cervelo. Anything more than my basic cf Fezzari would be wasted on me. Nothing like a road bike to make you really appreciate cycling, the incredible efficiency, simplicity, all that. Get a nice ebike, get a nice regular bike. They are both great experiences. All the other variations are OK, but road bikes are still pretty special.
Its like a kind of flying; there is nothing else like it. But I ride my airnimal with the bionx kit more!
I'll make a bet with anyone right now. Once I get this bike, if I ever get one, after I get through modifying it my way, everyone one you will be wishing you had one.
Its like a kind of flying; there is nothing else like it. But I ride my airnimal with the bionx kit more!

Bikes have many different uses and a different type of bike is best for each use.. Love my Stromer when I want to ride and not sweat or don't feel like putting a lot of effort into it. The STromer also replaces my car for local errands. However, there is no greater joy than propelling yourself at 20 mph for miles and miles.. Great rush of adrenaline; it is quite
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Oh no, man oh man, I'm starting to rethink my position. Court was right. I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner. Think about where these guy live. On the West coast. There's about 95% certainty they're the worst kind of crooks.
Democrats :(

well, now I understands :)
Oh no, man oh man, I'm starting to rethink my position. Court was right. I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner. Think about where these guy live. On the West coast. There's about 95% certainty they're the worst kind of crooks.
Democrats :(
Oh no, these are sharp, successful businessmen! They're Republicans :eek:
$199 USD is a new payment option
If I had a cynical streak, I'd say they noticed the rate of donations dropping, meaning all marks good for $500 were tapped out, so now it's time to try to scrape some leftovers. But since I don't have a cynical streak, I won't say it.
Ya'll did notice how the reduced price end date keeps being pushed out? So is it bait 'n' switch for the 5K who bought (excuse me, invested in) the bike with the expectation that it was coming with a bigger battery, lighter weight, etc.
OMG Ann, talk about moving the goal posts. If Storm Sondors said, I'm a vegetarian, your head line would read, Storm Sondors hates chickens.

The price isn't reduced, it's $100 higher until Friday midnight. It's going up again after that. You better you one while they're still only $600
Give it a rest biknut. No need to make petty insults to other forum members. Not everyone blindly believes this bike is the 2nd coming of Jesus to the eBike world.
I started this thread and I'm very upbeat, and positive about this little Storm bike. I've come to realize I lot of people, not just on this forum, but all over the internet feel threatened by this bike, and seem compelled to bash it for various reasons.

It's too scrawny. It's too cheap, The owners are crooks, It'll overheat, The specs are wrong. Not one person, besides me, had said, this bike has a look that's kick ass. There's nothing else like it. It's frame has a unique angular shape. The frame enclosure sure looks great, and gives the bike a look all it's own. The styling is like no other bike out there before. It's look has the it factor.

I'm just kind of curious why no one has started a thread for the purpose of bashing Storm bikes. It seems like it would be a very popular thread. Everyone could get together and chat their heads out, till their hearts content, with like minded negativity. You could call it, why I hate Storm eBikes, or, The Official Strom Bashing Thread. I promise I won't ever come near it. This can continue as the thread where people that actually want one can post.
You have got to be kidding. That bike sucks. It is underpowered for a fat bike. I have not said anything yet because I was indifferent about it but if you call us out then let me tell you this bike is stupid.
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You have got to be kidding. That bike sucks. It is underpowered for a fat bike. I have not said anything yet because I was indifferent about it but if you call us out the let me tell you this bike is stupid.

You realize of course, you're talking about the bike I just bought and await.

It's easy to say a bike sucks. There's dozens of fat bikes with the exact same specs. Do you say they all suck. A guy that owns one might have a different perspective? It's kind of relative. From where I sit, the tiny difference in suck, between a Storm, and your bike is almost zero. Would I be wrong if I said your bike sucks.

It's never nice to say someone's bike sucks.
Biknut which is it?. First you arrive and try to overpower everyone lobbying for 40+mph bikes and now you are a big fan boy of a bike that will die in soft sand and won't make it up a snowy hill.