Say Hello To Storm

i certainly understamd you are upset! At this point it is all just fuel for Biknut's raging fire - glad there is a sub-forum so concerns can be brought up without all the baggage of this thread. My comment was mostly directed to him, as he is the only one being truly inflammatory in here.

Welcome to shill / troll town, population now three :)

your cheque is in the mail :)

we are being handsomely renumerated by
The Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people --
under the supervision of the reverse vampires -- but for goodness sake.. don't let it slip out... theres literally 10 cents riding on this. :)
In fact take another 1% off of the figures for cc transaction fees, $475 per bike is not an awful lot for bike, battery and charger (rivalling the performance of a Bosch unit at $900). This includes sales tax and any duties applicable.
Marko good link - package weight is 45lbs on the link, the Sondors demo bike was 33% heavier than they had claimed at 59lbs, so talk of 50 mile range and 90 minute battery charge is deceiving IMHO, spec of this bike is worth looking at tho.....
My bad, I stand corrected that is some weight! How can Sondors claim a weight of less than half that (now less than two thirds that) at such a low cost with such astounding battery recharging times? Bosch must be watching his waiting to learn something new!
By clicking 'Continue', you acknowledge that you understand that you are contributing to a work-in-progress and not making a direct purchase. Perks are managed by the campaigners and cannot be guaranteed by Indiegogo. Your click also acknowledges that you agree to the Indiegogo Terms of Use.

The specs have changed again!! Here it is 380w motor and a range of 50 miles even without pedal assist, this is hot off of the press of a shill on this forum who was saving this as a big big announcement on behalf of Sondors! Weight is now down to 45lbs and a full battery charge takes only 90 minutes, ground-breaking for this industry!!
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I respectfully disagree...
Hi @biknut, I appreciate your enthusiasm around the Storm/Sondors electric bike but would like you to consider these guidelines for the EBR forums.
  • Please upload your images instead of kiting them so we won't end up with broken links
  • Please post images as thumbnails to improve mobile load time and reduce distraction for readers
  • Please edit existing posts instead of creating short new ones to flood the page
  • Please be respectful to everyone here, use data to present your point of view and do not call others names
I mentioned you during my interview video because you are an active member here, you have contributed your time and excitement but there has been a pattern of overdoing it and that can be disruptive. Remember the earlier response I wrote to you here? Please don't make me regret highlighting you by blowing the opportunity to take the high road in all of this. Some of your behavior feels reckless and abrasive to me and others here. You are welcome, everyone is different and it is okay to respectfully disagree but your points are becoming overshadowed by the way you are making them.
(Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists)
Hi @biknut, I appreciate your enthusiasm around the Storm/Sondors electric bike but would like you to consider these guidelines for the EBR forums.
  • Please upload your images instead of kiting them so we won't end up with broken links
  • Please post images as thumbnails to improve mobile load time and reduce distraction for readers
  • Please edit existing posts instead of creating short new ones to flood the page
  • Please be respectful to everyone here, use data to present your point of view and do not call others names
I mentioned you during my interview video because you are an active member here, you have contributed your time and excitement but there has been a pattern of overdoing it and that can be disruptive. Remember the earlier response I wrote to you here? Please don't make me regret highlighting you by blowing the opportunity to take the high road in all of this. Some of your behavior feels reckless and abrasive to me and others here. You are welcome, everyone is different and it is okay to respectfully disagree but your points are becoming overshadowed by the way you are making them.
@biknut, let's draw a line under this and move on, I'll change my avatar and stope pretending that I am
More handsome than I am (and can ride a bike!) and let's keep to the subject.

Re the post above are you not concerned that this campaign, 12 months in conception, is changing the specs? Sondors may well attract biters at $499 do you think he will do so even at say double that price?
(Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists)

@biknut, let's draw a line under this and move on, I'll change my avatar and stope pretending that I am
More handsome than I am (and can ride a bike!) and let's keep to the subject.

Re the post above are you not concerned that this campaign, 12 months in conception, is changing the specs? Sondors may well attract biters at $499 do you think he will do so even at say double that price?

You've pointed out numerous times that Sondors has not lived up to his word and yet you continue to use a picture of Biknut as your avatar. When will you be drawing that line?

I didn't like this bike campaign from the start and I've grown to dislike the tone of this thread. I enjoy reasoned debate, this is neither reasoned or a debate for some.
JR I posted that last night, using Biknuts photo was a bit of harmless fun, I went out for dinner and then fell asleep. I have just got up and if I can remove his picture now I will. I responded to Brambor on another thread about posing questions to Sondors and that will be done today too. Please note I am UK based if you have concerns about my explanation, I thought I actioned the Avatar change quite promptly.....
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Okay everybody, park the knives, guns, pens, trolls, shills and keyboards: Until ship time comes, no one will really know how Sonders will handle 6000 bikes. It does appear that Indiegogo is being proactive in some manner, so in the meantime, please be civil. Its a bit anti climatic since the test ride day and so we're all restless; especially those who chose to invest. A bit of anxiety? Sure, 5 updates in a couple of days on the Storm/Sonders Indiegogo page should raise a few eyebrows, but save the crossfire until a bit closer to ship time.
Hi Ann, for me there was no crossfire until I was accused of being a paid troll! I am drafting an email as I type this email, since the Campaign Manager is bound to answer questions truthfully and promptly to stay in line with the T's and C's of Indiegogo, I just don't want myself and other people to either be ripped off, or feel ripped off - a new area of concern for me is the referral scheme but I'll move on, got to get this email done
I have sent the following email at 0800 GMT on 24/02/15. I will await a response and post it here the moment I get it. I will also start a separate thread with this same letter to stop the bombardment of this thread, for which I apologise if I have upset anyone.

Please note that these are very basic questions which resulted in me getting banned from the Storm FB page, as have others asking similar questions without response, and I guess are much the same as Dan Tynan posed, again without response. Mr Tynan is in an enviable position to reach a massive readership and allay any concerns of "doubters, naysayers, guilters" once a response is given but guess what? He hasn't heard a thing from Sondors or Team Ebike etc. Am I concerned? You bet I am.

I have received an automated acknowledgement from Indiegogo anyway, mail hasn't been returned as undeliverable via gmail. Have a good day.

Good Morning
Firstly my congratulations on being a "Campaign Owner” and the resounding response that you have had to your recent “Campaign."
As a “Contributor" I understand I am entitled to pose questions and as a “Campaign Owner” you are obliged to answer these questions truthfully and promptly, in accordance with the Terms of Conditions as set out by Indiegogo. I have copied this to Indiegogo for their reference as well, or in case my mail gets returned - in that instance I request Indiegogo to forward this email immediately to the Sondors bike team.
  1. Please can you confirm that any “pledge or contribution” for a Sondors bike will not be subject to any further charges such as a) import duties b) sales taxes in the “Contributors Territory” wherever it may be in the world?
  2. Please may you further confirm that the cost of the battery and shipping it (separately I understand) is included in the “Pledge or Contribution” amount for which almost every “Contributor” believes they will receive a Sondors bike, or bikes?
  3. I refer now to the statement that people such as myself making Pledges or Contributions have to agree to, set out here - "By clicking 'Continue', you acknowledge that you understand that you are contributing to a work-in-progress and not making a direct purchase. Perks are managed by the campaigners and cannot be guaranteed by Indiegogo. Your click also acknowledges that you agree to the Indiegogo Terms of Use.”
a) Please can you confirm that the bike that was used to allow people to ride on at the Demo Day in Santa Monica is the final production version and that the Sondors bike is no longer a work in progress, in spite of the statement on the Indiegogo website?
b) Please can you confirm that the measured weight of 59lbs with battery is not subject to change any longer having risen from 45lbs at the start of the Campaign
c) Please can you confirm that the range of 50 miles as advertised at the start of the Campaign - now amended to 50 miles with pedal assist - is not subject to change and is an accurate reflection of the bikes potential performance. Mr Sondors himself has been quoted suggesting different levels of range and I would just like clarity.
d) Please can you confirm that the battery has a full charge time of 90 minutes - please clarify from what level of charge the battery has to be at for this claim to be accurate.
e) The 350W motor, which has been revised from 380W at the start of the campaign, is not legal for use in the EU and the bike should be limited to 15mph for use in the EU - please can you confirm for those Contributors from EU Territories that their Sondors bike will be fitted with the appropriate motor to comply with EU legislation?
f) Please can you confirm is a production model can be made available to the Bike Press for their evaluation and to allay any concerns of “Contributors.”
g) Please can you identify when, within a reasonable timeframe “Contributors” may receive their “Perk(s)?”
h) Please can you confirm that the Sondors bike will retail at $1299 after the campaign has ended and early “Contributors” are rewarded with the same said “perk" at the lower Pledge of $499/$599/$699 as appropriate.
i) Please can you acknowledge, or comment on, my view that the “Perk Insurance” is a paid service which “Contributors” already have the protection of having read the Terms and Conditions of Indiegogo? In Summary if their “Contribution” is not rewarded with a “Perk” then they have recourse to pursue Mr Sondors (I am unclear whether your first name is Ivars or Storm) for compensation or to reach a satisfactory agreement, and if this is unsuccessful then Indiegogo will provide “Contributors” with contact details.
Thank you for your attention and I look forwards to an immediate, if not prompt response.
Yours Faithfully
Ian Grace (my company credentials are listed below in order that you can verify I have no association whatsoever with the bike industry, either in the USA or elsewhere)
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Do not accuse my of lying, I know nothing about a flame war you silly fool - I have contributed to the fund, I don't care what crap you wish to spread around your minions. I am not a troll however You clearly are a shill, nothing less; and not a very good one, so incompetent that your photo bucket was easily accessed with high res campaign photos and shots of the laptop style charger before it was even released by Sondors. The fact that Sondors won't even support or comment on the page you administer speaks volumes, just go and rub noses with your sycophants, you did attempt to answer the questions I have posed, none of the answers were satisfactory. Whereas I don't wish for anyone to be deceived or to lose money, I will wait for the outcome of this "project" which others acknowledge is high risk and they may not even get anything at all, but you wish to keep flying the Sondors Flag. Good for you, he is ignoring you and so will I.

Biknut - a self-appointed spokesman for Sondors who is also making it up as he goes along. I correctly Such arrogance

I have funded the campaign and can prove it with a receipt of payment from payapl - so stick your accusations where the sun doesn't shine (unless you are around Sondors)
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Some more comfort from Indiegogo and for funders who are stupid enough to believe they have actually bought something

And I quote

Since Indiegogo is a venue for crowdfunding campaigns, we do not become involved in communicating between campaign owners and contributors. All Contributions are made voluntarily and at the sole discretion and risk of the Contributor
Obviously I'm not trying to hide anything. I don't care who looks at my photo bucket account, because I only upload pictures I want to show off on the internet anyway. LOL you're nasty little troll aren't you. The charger in my photo bucket account happens to belong to my sons Neo Carbon. All the other pictures of Storm bikes you refer to were posted on this and other forums. You got a problem with that?

If you really were a funder you'd have known about the true charger, because indiegogo sent out an update to all the funders this morning informing us about the charger with pictures, and that it's a 5 amp charger. The charger for my stealth is 6 amp, and charges a 18 ah battery in 3 hours, so it sounds pretty reasonable to assume a 5 amp charger will be able charge a 8.8 ah battery in 90 minutes.

In the update we received additional information about a soon up and running website for all funders to log on to in order to pick our color choices. Storm Sondors said at the beginning of the campaign that we would be ask for our color choices near the end of the campaign.

I also happen to know they're considering offering a wider range of color options than is currently listed on the website, and are in the process of polling real funders to find out what they would like.
Obviously I'm not trying to hide anything. I don't care who looks at my photo bucket account, because I only upload pictures I want to show off on the internet anyway. LOL you're nasty little troll aren't you. The charger in my photo bucket account happens to belong to my sons Neo Carbon. All the other pictures of Storm bikes you refer to were posted on this and other forums. You got a problem with that?

If you really were a funder you'd have known about the true charger, because indiegogo sent out an update to all the funders this morning informing us about the charger with pictures, and that it's a 5 amp charger. The charger for my stealth is 6 amp, and charges a 18 ah battery in 3 hours, so it sounds pretty reasonable to assume a 5 amp charger will be able charge a 8.8 ah battery in 90 minutes.

In the update we received additional information about a soon up and running website for all funders to log on to in order to pick our color choices. Storm Sondors said at the beginning of the campaign that we would be ask for our color choices near the end of the campaign.

I also happen to know they're considering offering a wider range of color options than is currently listed on the website, and are in the process of polling real funders to find out what they would like.

You mean this one? You are making yourself look a fool Philip with false accusations and claims. I am waiting to read your unsatisfactory attempt to answer those questions again, please don't let this nonsense hold you back. Now apologise for calling me a liar and claiming I had not contributed to the fund...... Am waiting

You’ve Received a Campaign Update!
Hello Ian,

Here’s an update for you from the ‘Sondors Electric Bike’ team:

1 new Announcement:

Hey Everyone, an update on Rewards Program, Demo Day and the Battery/ Charger.


As a Thank You for all of your support, we would love to introduce our Rewards Program that will allow you to earn your shipping for free or at a significantly reduced price based on your efforts.


(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

➨ ➨ ➨ IMPORTANT NOTE IF READING BY EMAIL: Click Here First To Visit Indiegogo, then click the link above so it automatically loads your unique url.


As you know, demo day was a huge success. Check out the longer video from the Santa Monica, CA demo day.

Watch on Indiegogo

Thanks to all who attended!


Many of you had some questions about the battery, its case and if the battery comes with a charger, so we figured it would be easiest to answer all of the questions via update...

Battery Install- easily insert and remove the battery in seconds. Note, the battery locks in with a key to keep it safe.

Watch on Indiegogo

Battery/ Casing Demo- the battery casing can be locked, with some room to stash a few extra items. Note, the rubber plug adding the option to charge without removing the battery itself.

Watch on Indiegogo

Battery Charger- the 5 amp battery charger is similar in size to that of a laptop charger and can easily fit in a backpack. Each bike comes with a battery charger and each additional battery purchased will as well.


On a final note, we are in the progress of building a simple website to register your username, confirm addresses and pick the color eBike you would like. We will be providing an update on this as we get further along in development.

Thanks again for all of your support!

Storm Sondors & team


Visit the ‘Sondors Electric Bike’ campaign.

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Note: To stop receiving updates from Sondors Electric Bike, click (Link Removed - No Longer Exists).

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