I'll be glad to answer any specific question. I can't copy and paste my answers from this morning because the thread became very heated, and contentious, and the group owner, which is not me, deleted it.
I think I already answered the one about the charge time just now.
Lol, the charge time depends on how much the battery is depleted PMSL - are you serious? So when it says it will take 90 mins for a full charge, Philips' explanation it it might take longer if the battery has less charge.... Stunning logic...... Just the same as the bike has a 50 mile range if you peddle the first 40 miles........ How can you keep a straight face, so the stated charge time of 90 minutes to full charge is only accurate if the battery has a 50% charge (for example?). This car does 40 miles per gallon only if you put an extra two litres in the tank at the beginning......
Th discussion this morning did not become heated or contentious on my part, it became pitiful and embarrassing for those trying to quash free speech and to claim the questions had been dealt with elsewhere but they did not have the time to point to specific links.... Managed to read Hugh that they had implored Sondors to join the Page and he had ignored it - things don't bode well unfortunstfly