Say Hello To Storm

There's a couple of good vids they made of the Storm from the domo day. I can't post them here because so far I've only seen them on fb, but the tires don't look like they're running low pressure in them. I know that's not easy to tell. What we do know is 100 to 120 people rode the bike on a single charge, and after the last rider they removed the battery and Storm pushed to charge indicator button on the battery, and it still had more than half charge.

I know no one changed the battery because of reports from group people that were attending the demo.
No one but then why waste power on fat tires? You use fat tires to gain wide footprint to roll over soft snowshoes. Low pressure allows the tire to spread wide.
No one but then why waste power on fat tires? You use fat tires to gain wide footprint to roll over soft snowshoes. Low pressure allows the tire to spread wide.

It's all about the looks Brambor. You should see the comments people make about this bikes looks on the fb group. No one talks about riding it on a stinkin beach lol. Most of these people don't know fat bike from fat Frank. What they know is they love the way this bike looks. I have no doubt the price was a huge factor for many people, but you should know me well enough by now to know that price plays very little role in bikes I buy.
I'm just going to wait until the end of the campaign and then post after my bike arrives, all this babble is getting nowhere. biknut, some people are just too stubborn to listen. Ian isn't going to change his perspective even if the bikes get delivered...that simple. He keeps asking the same questions over and over, even when answered. All his long winded post have proven nothing, except for the attention he desperately seeking.
Bruce, a lot of bad blood came about due to Bikenut calling Ian & Myself "Paid Shills". I didn't know Ian before this started, so can only comment on my observations.. and say that, like me, He appears to be nothing of the sort. BUT, like me, he probably doesn't react very well when somebody, in this case, Bikenut / Philip, questions his integrity.. or to put it more bluntly calls him. and Me, a liar.

Frankly I think this has more to do with Bikenut having an over active imagination, and a rather well developed persecution complex ....

Funny that EULITTLB and I are both new members and our views are different to Bikenuts, so we must be "shills", Bruce, you are also a new member with a fairly strong opinion, but it aligns with Bikenuts.. so you aren't...

Not sure I'd call what has occurred here as a "flame war'.. more a disagreement that got a little silly. EULITTLB offered to shake hands and call it quits with Bikenut, I havnt seen the reverse happen yet.

I think that EULITTLB has bought up some legitimate questions, but honestly, asking Bikenut, yourself or the owners group to address them is pointless, you cant know what the people running this campaign are thinking or planning to do. The specifications changing so close to production would surely raise concerns for most people, as does the persistent, though unproven rumours about somebody named "Ivars Sondors".. it would be nice if we could either prove or disprove those.

These groups on the internet are known as forums, because we all have an opinion and can express it here. The beauty of this place over the "Storm Owners" facebook group, is that comments and members aren't banished because their opinion differs to the site owners.. (thankyou Court, for being so patient with us naughty children). I mightn't agree with your opinion, but I respect your right to express it politely (that doesn't give you the right to call me a liar BTW).

My concerns with Bikenuts "enthusiasm" for the Storm, centre around his elevation of Mr Sondors to almost God Like Status (to paraphrase the Life of Brian) "he may not be the Saviour, he may just be a very naughty boy". Bikenuts' one eyed support for this idea (and that's all it is at the moment) could convince some people who cannot afford to lose 7-800 dollars to gamble their money.. This is a crowdfunding project, there are no garauntees that any product will eventuate.. I merely try to offer a counterpoint.. hopefully between "true believers" like Bikenut and Doubters like me, anybody who is thinking of contributing to this campaign can make a balanced / informed decision.

Bikenut seems to think I hate the bike.. not true, if I could have bought one at $499 plus p&h, on Ebay with the protection that purchasing something there offers, I'd already have one. I reckon the bike looks great.. its just the gamble that goes along with crowd funding that worries me.. If Bikenut wants to buy me one, I'll gladly pay him the day it arrives and send him a nice bottle of scotch for his trouble... of course, if the bike doesn't arrive, he gets the bill, and I drink the Scotch :)

That should be around 7 or 8 hundred words, thus reassuring Bikenut that I am being financed by "big oil", The reverse Vampires, The Rand Corporation or God knows who else..

Oh, and one last thing.... The number of posts you make or the amount of time you have been on any site does not make you right... or wrong.. nor is post count a reliable indicator of self worth.

Bruce, your post would have some merit if someone had actually answered the concerns/questions that have raised, concerns and questions that are shared by countless people who have been banned from forums for expressing them, even Dan Tynan has not got a response when posing questions directly.

I am not interested in "bike arriving" either or people knowing that Sondors exaggerated performance specs etc and we'll get what we are ultimately given attitude. My area of concern is that a bike is taken to market after 12 months development and marketed by a flash agency with ridiculous performance figures and inaccurate spec to generate $millions revenue and then that spec is wildly changed and the performance figures still ridiculous but modified somewhat. Sondors is silent and unreachable.

I can live with your silly claim that I desperately seek attention, I have posted the same questions everywhere in the hope that someone from Team Sondors could address them, and nobody has. I am sorry for seeking clarity and instead just swallowing the drivel that everyone else seems to - we have educated people discussing the practical range and battery charge times which bear no relation to he stated claims in the IGG site, but the excuse is "Storm did mention a different figure on the demo day." Along wih Trev and myself, put Chris Davies down as a liar too (not that you have called anyone such just to be clear.) So Bruce, in conclusion you state that my long-winded posts prove nothing. Well done for that observation, they were never meant to prove anything, I ask questions to learn from the answers and came on this forum to discuss and share perspectives. Biknut has claimed to have answered all of my questions correctly, what does that prove?

Let's just get one thing straight, nobody has bought a bike however much they have pledged to the campaign - they may expect one for sure. However it is the gap between expectations and reality which remains to be seen, due to the non-action of Sondors it is just a guessing game, I am doing my best to eliminate the guessing or assuming aspect. I apologise if this troubles you or anyone else. Let's be frank, the demo day at Santa Monica was welcome, but hardly a demo day of any worth - when is the next one btw?
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When EULITTLB said he is a "contributor" to the campaign, I believe he contributed at the lowest level ($1?). Therefore EULITTLB did not fund the amount equal to receive a Sonders bike at the introductory level advertised. However, contributing at all means one is therefore a "contributor to the campaign."

Thank you Powerme, this was openly stated on one of these threads and just like everyone else who has funded the campaign, I have bought nothing but the chance to ask Sondors questions.
I'm sure everyone by now is asking the same question. Why would you buy this bike when you don't believe one single thing about it? Is a 350w bike even legal in your country?

I got some good news for you though. Storm said that at the end of the campaign they'll consider refunding your money on a case by case basis. He said he knows, sometimes life happens.

Your assumptions are a little wayward. Please can you identify anyone in the world who has bought a Sondors ebike? Quite simple, nobody has. And no, in the EU speed is limited to 15mph, and the motor capacity to 250w - but you knew that and have already answered this question "correctly" according to you since I posed his question previously, I'll refrain from calling you a liar though.
Here is what I LIKE about the storm: The hardshell case where the battery is. I would even like to see a holder there to hold a spare battery. And I like the yellow color.

Here is what I DISLIKE about the storm: everything else.

Here is what I LIKE about the storm: The hardshell case where the battery is. I would even like to see a holder there to hold a spare battery. And I like the yellow color.

Here is what I DISLIKE about the storm: everything else.


I agree but I hate the case. That case screams "hey look at me I am riding an eBike with fat tires on dry asphault doing about 12mph." Plus having to answer all the "Do you carry your lunch in there?" questions would be too time consuming.
I personally like the design, and would hope that the lock is strong enough to withstand attack, since if this project is ever realised there might be those who get amusement out of stealing the battery/controller (I understand they are integrated in a single unit from another post) and watching the owner struggle home.
Imaginary friend in a (so far) imaginary bike ...
Trev, one exists for sure, my hopes were raised when we were informed there would be two at the generously termed "Demo Day" - but then the excuses began, that one had been sent off for "manufacturing" so 1 bike for 100 people to ride. When is the next "Demo Day"? I am sure Ivars, I mean Storm, can answer some pressing questions on the second occasion surely?
BTW, as a fan of vocabulary and such, I feel compelled to provide the proper definition of "shill," which is not correct how it was being used in this and other similar threads to describe the people doubting the Storm bike and troubled by the changing specs.

A person engaged in covert advertising. The shill attempts to spread buzz by personally endorsing the product in public forums with the pretense of sincerity, when in fact he is being paid for his services

Since none of the doubters are endorsing this eBike, they are not "shills." Shills are those who are push a product to others, talking positively about the product, with the goal of increasing more adoption/usage/sales of a product, for some gain.
..but the doubters/guilters/haters/naysayers such as me calling Biknut a shill are using the term correctly - phew!!! In fairness Biknut accused me and one other of being paid trolls mostly, if only I had the looks still.... and the hair!