Say Hello To Storm

@biknut, when you next talk to Storm can you remind him to get back to me promptly, in line with the Terms & Conditions of Indiegogo? It would clear up things far me and others... then I can post his answers on the www to allay the fears and worries of many contributors - with manufacturing all set up as he claimed, he should have time.

LOL, if I actually ever do get to talk to the man I'll probably be more interested in asking about my bike, than worrying about you.

Honestly I don't know what the best thing for you to do is. Have you thought about hiring a lawyer to help get your $1 back? Have you tried certified mail with you questions? You need to get on the stick pretty fast because the campaign is almost over.

I think what you options are at this point is, in a week when the campaign ends you'll have the option of paying up, or forfeiting your $1. Maybe you'll get lucky and Strom will provide you with answers to you questions.

Just our of curiosity, if you get the answers you want, are you planning to pony up the rest of the money? I guess that's kind of hard to answer isn't it?
Lets just stick to the point, I want an answer to my questions before I will contribute any more, but as you know so much about the bike industry you will be aware that there are many who are sceptical of his claims - Storm has changed his name from Ivars it seems, is Strom a different person? Check this out -

Then check out the natural listings on Google.

I am beginning to get bored myself now Philip, can we just ignore each other from now on in these debates, we are both settled in our respective views (until such time as I get an answer to my questions), take care and I hope things work out to your satisfaction with this Campaign - I am pretty sure whatever state if something arrives you will be satisfied whatever the spec.
I expended a lot of effort before I pledged $1 in an unsuccessful attempt to get Sondors to respond to my questions. You have stated that you have answered all my questions correctly previously, but then state "I mean you can't get answers" - and you call me mad?

Just keep trying to stifle me, again @@biknut can you do a check for me? Is my article now up to fourth in the natural listings on your web browser? storm e-bike or here sondors e-bike? I am every bit as passionate at getting answers to my questions as you seem to be in rebutting them without answering them it seems.

Believe me, I know you've spent a lot of effort and time on this trying to get a bike. I feel sorry for you really, because I don't think you're going to realize your dream of owning this bike. All I can tell you is if this doesn't work out for you, there's always going to be next time.
Thanks, this Campaign will either be brilliant for IGG and the bike industry, or may be a disaster, even if bikes are delivered if they are of poor quality and the batteries fail or are not up to reasonable usage when there will be tears before bedtime. I bid you good day Sir, what will be will be.
Look I am trying to draw a line under matters and give it a rest, are you intent on just dragging things on? I would have thought you would have been looking at the natural listings on Google! and seeing that my concerns are placed above any half-decent article. God I love the www.
Look I am trying to draw a line under matters and give it a rest, are you intent on just dragging things on? I would have thought you would have been looking at the natural listings on Google! and seeing that my concerns are placed above any half-decent article. God I love the www.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, I haven't been paying as close attention as I guess I should have. Now the campaign is almost over it's probably to late now. About all I can think for you to do is maybe start looking for another bike, of you could just decide to take a chance and pay your money for this one even without getting your answers, but I kind of assume you don't want to do that. I think you can find one close to this one for maybe about $1300 retail. Considering you won't have all this worry about getting ripped off it's probably worth it to you to do that. Either that or you could invest in a annual bus pass.
I'm sorry, I haven't been paying as close attention as I guess I should have. Now the campaign is almost over it's probably to late now. About all I can think for you to do is maybe start looking for another bike, of you could just decide to take a chance and pay your money for this one even without getting your answers, but I kind of assume you don't want to do that. I think you can find one close to this one for maybe about $1300 retail. Considering you won't have all this worry about getting ripped off it's probably worth it to you to do that. Either that or you could invest in a annual bus pass.

Please can you just let it go - you haven't bought anything and neither have I, and I can guarantee you won't get a bike worth $1300, that is for sure. Why should I take a chance? An educated chance I'm all up for, but not this one (although I am a Contributor just as you are, equal in status)
If you really want to get your "one Dollar" back, EULITTLB, might I suggest Storms most excellent $120 insurance :)
Which is a scam in itself since Sondors is legally obliged to supply a perk if you read the t's and c's - if Ivars (yet tbc) gets the bikes out and even has 90% satisfaction rate he'll have done well, that is if there are not financial encumbrances which he is not telling anyone about.

Biknut, our correspondence is done, stay well and good luck with the bike, I'll watch with interest and keep updating my google thread for the benefit of others
I expended a lot of effort before I pledged $1 in an unsuccessful attempt to get Sondors to respond to my questions. You have stated that you have answered all my questions correctly previously, but then state "I mean you can't get answers" - and you call me mad?

Just keep trying to stifle me, again @@biknut can you do a check for me? Is my article now up to fourth in the natural listings on your web browser? storm e-bike or here sondors e-bike? I am every bit as passionate at getting answers to my questions as you seem to be in rebutting them without answering them it seems.
Enough with the ranting... The rest of us are trying to decide is this an Alibaba bike simply being re-branded or creatively (or lack thereof) enhanced/packaged. There's no meaningful conversation when 2 or 3 of you dominate 25 pages of posts bickering.

If you went to the demo day: Was there enough bike, cycle mojo, and get-up-and-go to motivate you to buy the bike? Yes or No.

I would like to know and please limit your post to one sentence.
Hi David my first entry was at page 19 after active discussion by multiple members and as you haven't taken the time to read and learn about the various issues and which of the forum members are highly sceptical (or mildly sceptical at the very least) and view Sondors (potentially) as a very naughty boy and one which views Sondors as the Messiah (to quote the Life of Brian which is a favourite for some) and you have limited your scope to answers from only those who went to a demo day (150 "rides" on a single bike in 3 hours on a heavily congested pedestrian area but you were not to go on the sand because it was the wrong type) then you should only get your one sentence response from two members, both of whom have pledged (like me) and as you will know nobody in this world has bought a Sondors bike but if you want a simple answer you will have to look elsewhere because there are no simple answers to this certainly that can be limited to one sentence (well there would be if Sondors would answer basic questions but he won't).
@Court, thanks for the review on the SSR Sand Viper - it will be interesting to read your review of the Sondors bike (when proven there is more than one bike in existence) costing almost 65% less and with exaggerated claims of far better range and battery charging time when you get an opportunity to test it. Great site, and if anything the Sondors Campaign has thrust you into the limelight even more which is a good thing IMHO.
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David Moody,Have a look at the post EULITTLB put up about this bike, its about the closest thing to a Storm.. differences include:
The Sand Viper bike having gears.. so will be easier to pedal or pedal assist when needed.
The SV engine is on the front wheel, there may be occasions when the Storm puts its power to the ground more effectively.. though, truthfully, neither bike is in much danger of losing traction'
SV has a slightly larger battery from memory, though probably not enough to make much of a difference in range or speed.

In terms of how they work, probably take the sand viper test and take away 25 to 33 percent. and you have the Storm.

IF it ever eventuates that is.

Honestly asking for a one sentence verdict on this bike (or any other ) is a little naïve. more so when you add the issues bought on by crowd funding..

if you wish to read this thread without My, EULITTLB, and Bikenuts' rantings, you can ignore all three of us, there is a way to do it from your home page I believe..

You wouldn't be an English Author by chance?
Trev, the pertinent thing for me was Courts review of a bike at $1399 - when the Sondors has been pledged at (sorry how else can i say it) at $499, almost a third of the sale price of the SS Viper - we are led to believe that the Sondors bike really has an MSRP of $1299 - but the performance claims and battery charging times are claimed to be much better but widely acknowledged as ridiculous - if anything it will be a $400 bike "rewarded as a perk" for whatever they can get for it - and the more bikes they "reward as a perk" the more potential headaches and complaints - even with a 1-2% complaint or issue rate that is going to be a lot of people to deal with and as my bloody questions haven't been answered yet there will be trouble ahead for sure!!!
What's going on here for beyond a little exaggerated claims. This is all out corporate war. You have trolls showing up on almost every forum dealing with eBikes on the internet wherever people are talking about the Storm. They sign up on forums, usually by twos, and then start writing 800 word essays about why Storm is, take you pick, crooks, liars, bike can't be produced at the price point, 2.0 are crooks, ect. The same users keep writing the same posts over and over drowning out all other discussion, except for others the agree.

Just did a bit of a count of posts on this thread Bikenut, they are very interesting given your views above...
Wa 5. (me) 30 posts
EULITTLB. 65 posts
Bikenut 200 posts.

I came in at page 14, EULITTLB at 19. if you count your posts from page 19, you and EULITTLB are about on par, obviously I am a long way behind. just on sheer numbers, reposting information again and again, posting over the top of others that you don't agree with .. congratulations Bikenut, you win.

If anyone has diarrhea of the keyboard, its you.

They make no, or almost no other posts on the forum, and their signup date is since Strom BTW mate, its "Storm" came out, or close to it.
This isn't the first time this has happened. Whenever it does it means someone is threatening to upset the apple cart big time.

Look at this thread. We have 2 trolls now, even though this forum is very small. What that means is Strom is winning.

We might or might not have two trolls, we definitely have one Shill.
Can the person who already paid the $500 for the bike get their money back or is the payment binding and nonrefundable?
Biknut is just making things up as he goes along trying to deliberately mislead people. He is trying to sway people to believe his blatant lies. I am a pretty independent guy, I have some twat called Bruce Choate saying that I copied the questions I posed to Sondors from another site and I am a competitor!!! I've got a decent bike, a Scott Spark 29 but other than that I have no connection with bikes or the bike industry.

I saw a picture of BIKNUT the other day, it was two boots hanging from Sondors backside (yes he was so far up it).

I have never called Storm Sondors a crook, liar or any such thing - I certainly do not think the bike can be produced at the price point, but I am entitled to express that view if I wish.

@Brambor - interesting question, I believe it is non-refundable however Sondors is bound by IGG T's and C's to provide the perk, how this is different to a sale I do not know.
However, if Sondors does not provide said perk, Indiegogo will not be held responsible..... so not really confidence inspiring.