So, you're over there also locked up, same as here. I wouldn't suggest you break the rules, rather stay home, stay healthy, the invisible enemy isn't to underestimate.
Just by looking at the picture it looks like there's space enough for OM with mudguard removed of course. It would be mounted on the front fork. Though even with mudguard I think shouldn't be a problem as brompton got it too but I'm not sure if also that long.
O, yes - the kickstand can be the solution
if it is a standard kickstand flange. The mount for it is a standard feature, easiest mounting procedure, just 1 bolt. The battery can go onto one of the water bottle studs pair, that's also standard. The Bluetooth signal is fine, I tested it on the distance of 6 m.
You'll have to find a suitable place to mount the hand controller, tiny unit usually mounted on the handlebar. There are several functions you set by this unit (assist level, motor to tyre pressure, retract modes, regional modes such as US, EU, Canada, NY ... one of the functions you're not allowed to use inside EU, though it's there: the throttle). You may opt not to have this controller altogether but to use your phone instead with large display, communicating with OM through simblee for mobile. Although I strongly would recommend the hand controller.

No, I never tried a recumbent bike and frankly I'm a bit concerned if one can easily get used to it or if at all 😡.

I thought already the GM supplier is a small company, but ones established they're usually the best people to deal with. Similar case is with Jeff. You can trust him, rely on him, you're in good hands.

Ha ha, no problem, I'm allowed to drop in at odd hours. I'm very old, so I really try to stay out of trouble. And I cycle there in my virus-proof velomobile! :)
One has to keep in mind that the distence to the frame decreases by 4cm or so when the front suspension is compressed. Good to hear that the signal from the PAS is so strong, then I will definitelly put the OM in the kickstand mount, this will be very tidy with the battery under the seat.
I will get the remote for the handlebar. I have a throttle on my recumbent trike, and I can't understand why it's not allowed in the EU. You can still program the assist to work only if you pedal at the same time. On my trike I have the PAS on a low level, and use the throttle to accelerate at traffic lights or if there is a really steep hill.
You will get the hang of the GM, it's fairly easy to balance! Mathias at is fantastic, my friend liked him a lot. Imagine cycling 1000km to deliver a bike!
Ha ha, no problem, I'm allowed to drop in at odd hours. I'm very old, so I really try to stay out of trouble. And I cycle there in my virus-proof velomobile! :)
One has to keep in mind that the distence to the frame decreases by 4cm or so when the front suspension is compressed. Good to hear that the signal from the PAS is so strong, then I will definitelly put the OM in the kickstand mount, this will be very tidy with the battery under the seat.
I will get the remote for the handlebar. I have a throttle on my recumbent trike, and I can't understand why it's not allowed in the EU. You can still program the assist to work only if you pedal at the same time. On my trike I have the PAS on a low level, and use the throttle to accelerate at traffic lights or if there is a really steep hill.
You will get the hang of the GM, it's fairly easy to balance! Mathias at is fantastic, my friend liked him a lot. Imagine cycling 1000km to deliver a bike!

Here are some of my odd bikes except the GM, mostly in Swedish.
I strongly recommend hand controller. Simblee is no longer being supported by the developer and any problems or issues cannot be corrected. Jeff is working on a stand alone app, but that's going to take time. I've found the redundancy of systems to be a marvelous feature with OM. If you're out riding and forgot to charge the hand controller so it dies, you can continue on with the PAS and your phone. If you have an iPhone (as I do) and you have to wipe and restore it (as I did) you will lose access to Simblee as it's no longer signed on the Apple store so having the hand controller becomes necessary anyway.

Miro, I've tried a recumbent. There are a lot of different geometries out there with different sized wheels. It is very much different from riding an upright style bike. Aside from learning the new balance and turning (that's an adventure!), there is a real change in visibility - being seen as well as being able to see - that takes some time to adjust. You definitely want to get in some time riding one with geometry as close to the one you are considering as possible before ordering.
Recumbents are an aquired taste! And as you say some take more aquiring than others. But I have ridden some really tricky ones, with front wheel drives, and even a python which steers in the middle and has no handlebars!!! I often get comments about the visibility, but I think that is exaggerated. Sports cars are lower, but you never hear anybody say they should have a flag to be seen! Of course you have to think before you dart out from between parked cars, and you don't stop in front of a bus at a traffic light! The GM is also higher than many other recumbents, with a more upright riding position.
Recumbents are an aquired taste! And as you say some take more aquiring than others. But I have ridden some really tricky ones, with front wheel drives, and even a python which steers in the middle and has no handlebars!!! I often get comments about the visibility, but I think that is exaggerated. Sports cars are lower, but you never hear anybody say they should have a flag to be seen! Of course you have to think before you dart out from between parked cars, and you don't stop in front of a bus at a traffic light! The GM is also higher than many other recumbents, with a more upright riding position.
I think the ones I've seen I liked the best had 29'er rear wheels and 20" front wheels. Interesting geometry but actually pretty comfortable and the rear wheel height offsets the visibility issue a bit. It's just a different beast. Also, I think they tend to be heavier than a folding bike and, since I often carry mine up stairs @ 19lbs, not a great option for me. When I no longer can ride an "upright" bike, I will probably look at recumbent trikes, though. I do like the idea of having a seat when you stop =).
I think the ones I've seen I liked the best had 29'er rear wheels and 20" front wheels. Interesting geometry but actually pretty comfortable and the rear wheel height offsets the visibility issue a bit. It's just a different beast. Also, I think they tend to be heavier than a folding bike and, since I often carry mine up stairs @ 19lbs, not a great option for me. When I no longer can ride an "upright" bike, I will probably look at recumbent trikes, though. I do like the idea of having a seat when you stop =).
Yes, recumbents tend to be heavier, bigger and more cumbersome to carry. Yesterday I was taking a long daytrip in the lovely spring weather, and got a long call from my daughter. So I found a place away from the wind, turned the trike towards the sun, and a lovely hour in the sun. I had helped her with an application for a job, and she called to tell me she got it! :) 🥰
Wow, Impressive collection of bikes, probably the next addition will be your neighbour's Podbike, which I would target but haven't got a storage space for 2.3 m long, 65 KG heavy monster. If they would manage to decrease the mass down towards 40 kg I'd go seriously into consideration.
A Norwegian friend of mine has ordered a Podbike, and is in the queue to get one soon. He has tried a prototype and loved it. But I'm not convinced. Those big plastic screens tend to make the velo very hot in the sun, and hard to see through in the rain and dark.
Yes, recumbents tend to be heavier, bigger and more cumbersome to carry. Yesterday I was taking a long daytrip in the lovely spring weather, and got a long call from my daughter. So I found a place away from the wind, turned the trike towards the sun, and a lovely hour in the sun. I had helped her with an application for a job, and she called to tell me she got it! :) 🥰
As Lin already suggested to undertske the soonest approach OM, I also recommend to do so as it could be advantageous to do it now re the quicker delivery etc. Provided of course that you in Sweden are not subject to the total lockdown. OM hasn't shut down yet, at least the last week they were still expediting the parcels. Also make sure your kickstand mount is with the standard flange.
Does anyone know how to contact Mr JEFF GUIDA of shareoller/onemotor fame?

Mr JEFF GUIDA took $88,076 USD from 254 backers for his shareroller (since renamed 'onemotor') indiegogo campaign in 2015 and 2016, but has failed to deliver the onemotor devices to all his backers despite various promises to do so.

See the backer comments on this issue:

Does anyone know how to contact Mr JEFF GUIDA of shareoller/onemotor fame?

Mr JEFF GUIDA took $88,076 USD from 254 backers for his shareroller (since renamed 'onemotor') indiegogo campaign in 2015 and 2016, but has failed to deliver the onemotor devices to all his backers despite various promises to do so.

See the backer comments on this issue:

[email protected]
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I haven't posted in a long time but that's because it's going great with OM. I really love having it now so I don't have to use public transit. I've finally gotten on a consistent charging schedule for the controllers and the motor so I don't find myself needing a charge when I want to go somewhere. It has been a year now, the battery charges to 97% instead of 100%. The PAS sensor may be due for a battery change soon, but it's a tiny battery so I'm not surprised. Jeff has them available. Controller battery seems to be holding okay; it's bigger than the one in the PAS unit. Belt does not seem to be showing very much wear. I have the same rear tire on since August of last year; no way to know how much tread has been used as it is a slick, but it seems fine atm. Even if I go through an extra tire every year, they are only $30, but I'm guessing I will get a full year out of it at least.
I haven't posted in a long time but that's because it's going great with OM. I really love having it now so I don't have to use public transit. I've finally gotten on a consistent charging schedule for the controllers and the motor so I don't find myself needing a charge when I want to go somewhere. It has been a year now, the battery charges to 97% instead of 100%. The PAS sensor may be due for a battery change soon, but it's a tiny battery so I'm not surprised. Jeff has them available. Controller battery seems to be holding okay; it's bigger than the one in the PAS unit. Belt does not seem to be showing very much wear. I have the same rear tire on since August of last year; no way to know how much tread has been used as it is a slick, but it seems fine atm. Even if I go through an extra tire every year, they are only $30, but I'm guessing I will get a full year out of it at least.
LinB, looks you're one of the lucky few who actually received their crowdfunding promise. Another year later for me, another disappointment. Coming up to 5 years now. Indiegogo campaign is saturated with folks who haven't gotten theirs. Looks like Jeff is shafting his original supporters. *crickets*
Lin B has been one of Jeff Guida's online boosters in this forum and on the Onemotor page on Facebook despite KNOWING that Jeff Guida has run off with his backer's money. Lin B intimated on this forum that Jeff Guida would follow thru on his indiegogo commitment to supply a product after raking in $88,000+ of backer's money.

FIVE! Yes FIVE years later, he has delivered nothing to his backers. You will have to pay again to get one!

Despite contacting him via email, Mr Jeff Guida refuses to respond to any of his indiegogo backers of Shareroller (product named on indiegigo, renamed Onemotor after), who after FIVE years of non-delivery and absolute silence should now be classed as victims of theft.

See this from ripped off shareroller/onemotor backers:

And also on Twitter:

Lin B now has lost credibility for backing, vouching for and boosting him in this forum and on facebook.

See Lin B's facebook post below, which seems to be her on the onemotor facebook page as its almost the same name. Apologies if its not the same person.

"Lin B(rand)
Having my OM right now is making all the difference! I'm able to find routes away from all the SIP exercisers who are using the flatter pathways. I can go ride the hills and not have to deal with the crowded paths or have to try to ride breathing thru a mask - my OM lets me go ride the empty uphill areas. Thanks, guys!!!! This is one use for OM I never anticipated."
Dude, I have no idea what your experience is with OM. I have written about MY experience, which has been very good. I don't really give a flying frack what you think as I don't know you. I've been shafted by crowdfunding myself (I bought into Urbanext and never got it). I have no idea if Jeff has completed his delivery to his backers, I just know what they communicated to me as their intention, and I know several people who DID receive them. I think it's a great product. If some people have not received theirs, that's a real bummer, but I'm not involved in that nor is it in any way my responsibility. And, btw, you're kind of a creepy stalker. Be very careful what you say with no evidence to back it up - I have no problem filing a libel lawsuit against you - so I'm waiting for your PROOF that I "knew Jeff Guida had run off with his backer's money". If you don't have proof then retract your statement or deal with the legal consequences.
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LinB, looks you're one of the lucky few who actually received their crowdfunding promise. Another year later for me, another disappointment. Coming up to 5 years now. Indiegogo campaign is saturated with folks who haven't gotten theirs. Looks like Jeff is shafting his original supporters. *crickets*
Ahh, Jur, I am so sorry to hear this. I was hoping you were out riding yours by now. I don't know how many he delivered (quite a few in NY) and I know several people who ordered post-IG and received them. It's unconscionable that he hasn't communicated with the backers - there really is no excuse for failing to communicate. Especially with Covid, I can understand issues with delivery, but lack of communication cannot be excused. I haven't been in touch with them in quite a while since I've not had problems, I'll try shooting an email to them and see if I can direct their attention to your post. Don't know if it will help.
Ahh, Jur, I am so sorry to hear this. I was hoping you were out riding yours by now. I don't know how many he delivered (quite a few in NY) and I know several people who ordered post-IG and received them. It's unconscionable that he hasn't communicated with the backers - there really is no excuse for failing to communicate. Especially with Covid, I can understand issues with delivery, but lack of communication cannot be excused. I haven't been in touch with them in quite a while since I've not had problems, I'll try shooting an email to them and see if I can direct their attention to your post. Don't know if it will help.
I'm simply shocked with incomprehensible expressions of some irresponsible characters trying to smear Jeff and his great product OM. Is this a competitors dirty campaign? Shame on you, silly creepers!

I happened to be at present in a distant country, a sort imprisoned by the lockdown covid 19. My OM is with me helping to give me some stimulus to get over the monotony and misery which this jail is imposing on everyone around, most deeply on those longing for the distant home. I needed some OM parts which Grace speedy sent to me (plastic parts, the charger which I left behind along with spare batteries, mounting brackets etc etc). And I'm still waiting for the invoice, I owe them money - their priority seems to be helping the customer. After that, and only after that the payment appears to be expected. Isn't that the proof of the honesty of the most decent supplier one can only dream about?
Anyone by trying to smear the name of Jeff Guida is an act of smearing his own name, an apology is expected from him.

As far as the product is concerned, OM has got the admirable features of the high qualities such as e.g. regenerating braking. At the moment I'm exploring the possibility of scheduling the riding way such that an average cyclist may avoid the need of the battery charger on long trips altogether whereby the access to the electricity grid anyway might be often not available. A wild idea, but I believe it's possible.
@scooterman lay off LinB. She is as genuine as they come. I know her from quite a way back and she is totally legit. Jeff is fortunate to have such a loyal supporter.
Dude, I have no idea what your experience is with OM. I have written about MY experience, which has been very good. I don't really give a flying frack what you think as I don't know you. I've been shafted by crowdfunding myself (I bought into Urbanext and never got it). I have no idea if Jeff has completed his delivery to his backers, I just know what they communicated to me as their intention, and I know several people who DID receive them. I think it's a great product. If some people have not received theirs, that's a real bummer, but I'm not involved in that nor is it in any way my responsibility. And, btw, you're kind of a creepy stalker. Be very careful what you say with no evidence to back it up - I have no problem filing a libel lawsuit against you - so I'm waiting for your PROOF that I "knew Jeff Guida had run off with his backer's money". If you don't have proof then retract your statement or deal with the legal consequences.

Lin B - The post has been deleted. Apologies for any inaccurate inferences made. I wish you all the very best.
@scooterman lay off LinB. She is as genuine as they come. I know her from quite a way back and she is totally legit. Jeff is fortunate to have such a loyal supporter.
Yes, Lin is loyal to the good supplier with the outstanding product. Aren't we all?
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Lin B - The post has been deleted. Apologies for any inaccurate inferences made. I wish you all the very best.
Thank you. If I am guilty of anything, it's being optimistic and hoping for the best for all the backers. There's a part of me that STILL hopes/thinks Jeff will eventually send them all out. I hope so, I really do. A little part of my remaining faith in humanity will disappear if he doesn't. It IS a good product and I hope the folks who paid up front all get to find that out for themselves. Grace/Jeff, if you read this, please respond to folks.