Re-Sell Value of RadRover ?

I can assure you there is no one pouncing. It's easy to miss read intent and tone.

Welcome to the kinder gentler forum.

Relax, this place is long on help and short on confrontational posts!

I am quite relaxed. I am actually quite gentle as well. Perhaps it is way too many years studying English throughout college for me.

I did not miss read intent or the tone. The writer wrote what the writer wrote. If the writer was not able to portray the tone or intent, that is not the readers fault. As an example, the writer did not have to use the word 'you' when he wrote it. If he was talking generically, there was no need to write using that. Heck, there was no need whatsover to perform forum necromancy and pull something out that is nearly 60 days old. So for me to interpret it as a 'pounce', I feel, was appropriate. And again, if that was not his intent and it probably was not, well, he should have worded it differently.

The respondant, as I stated, seemed to have a rant in his quiver that he wanted to just throw out as soon as it looked like it fit his narrative. Please, point out where I ever mentioned I was trying to avoid paying sales tax. I never stated that . . . anywhere. His crusade to save local jobs, support infrastructure, et al is quite noble and I completely agree with it. To paint me as a user of services that I do not pay for . . . that is a direct 'pounce' onto me. Regardles of whether or not it is true.

So instead of hurling insults back to the person, all I did was point out that they were not understanding how sales tax works. I don't think the person is stupid by any means. I just think they may be ignorant to how sales tax works. That is why I took the time to write out that Amazon never pays sales tax. No retailer ever pays sales tax. The retailers work as agents of the state as collectors of sales tax. They collect on the states behalf and then transmit what they collected to the state. I also pointed out how complex the sales tax collection is.

In regards to my purchases, the Rads were $1500 to my door. The E-Glide was $1800+tax+gas/time to go down to Santa Monica. So the delta was nearly $500. That gave me pause to think if the E-Glide was worth roughly $500 more. Now when I found out that Rad was collecting tax, the delta decreased. Now the difference was roughly 130 less. That made the value of the E-Glide greater to me. Pretty simple concept.

I hold no ill regard to the respondant.
Can't we all just get along?? HAHA
I probably am the contrarian here, but I don't mind paying sales tax in California at all. IMO, I live in the hands-down best place in the US to ride a bike...San Diego. It has so much to offer and the state has done a remarkable job in creating many things free of cost. Namely, an incredible amount of bike-friendly trails and roads. The money for all California has to offer has to come from somewhere! Who? The people who want to live here, that's who. Cal is bleeding red ink. Someone here said they live in Santa Barbara. For those of you who aren't familiar it is one of the most beautiful coastal communities on the entire west coast.
Ok, so let's think for a minute...abolish sales tax, abolish state tax, abolish traffic fines. How long before the entire state goes bankrupt?? OK, so now all the other states say "hey, that's not fair. we want it all free too!"
Now the government steps in and says "Ok, heck with it. Let's scrap it all and just become a socialist country." Guess what? Taxes WILL go through the roof. Our country was founded on capitalism. It's what has made America great. Let's keep it that way and pay our taxes...yeech!

Who is the person who says they do not mind paying sales tax? I don't see it ANYWHERE in this thead. That is the issue. I am the person who lives in Santa Barbara.

I strongly suggest that you actually spend the time and learn about the state and it's source of revenues. Out of the roughly 125 billion in revenue, sales tax constitutes about 20 billion. California is also running a surplus. It is not 'bleeding' red ink.

I'd also suggest that you actually spend the time and learn about how and why our country was founded. It was not founded on capitalism. I'd also suggest that you learn about interchanging political models with economic models. Socialism is an economic model. You are suggesting changing a political model with an economic model. That doesn't work.

And to add to your other post . . .

Just because I am correcting someone for their writing doesn't mean I don't get along with them. That is another assumption with no basis.
David, your posts, which all seem confrontational to say the least (challenging other's opinions), are becoming predictable....