Nyon Retrofit

I finally updated my Nyon and connected it to my bike. Everything works fine, but I too noticed the switch to kilometers only on my app. The Nyon and website display miles, but the app does not have any option to change it. WTF?

Please let me know if anyone finds something as it makes the app rather useless to me.

I setup and updated my nyon yesterday and I did not have the issue. It looks like the latest update took care of the problem. By the way, I ran into pairing issue after 2 hours of debugging, it turned out the issue has to do with the low battery on the nyon. You will need to charge the unit first if it is brand new. Another tip, you can use the PS4 control charger cable to charge the unit. Now, I need to figure out how to download the app into my iphone.

I was successfully downloaded the app (based on the hacked suggestion). However, I am not able to purchase the "custom riding mode" through the app. If you know the way, let me know, thanks.
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It’s been a couple of years since I did it but I remember that in addition to creating a UK Apple iTunes account I had to buy a UK iTunes gift card which I then used to purchase the custom modes. Couldn’t live without them!
It’s been a couple of years since I did it but I remember that in addition to creating a UK Apple iTunes account I had to buy a UK iTunes gift card which I then used to purchase the custom modes. Couldn’t live without them!

Thanks for the info Steve. Since I selected no credit card option for my UK hacked account, the purchasing option will be disabled. That is fine, I can live with it for now. Hopefully, in the near future if I happen to travel to Europe, I should be able to create a real account and purchase it while I am there.
You should be able to do it--I also chose the no credit card mode when I set up my account. Like I said I don't remember exactly what I did--but I do keep notes! Here's what I wrote down:

1) on iTunes account page tap silhouette icon in upper right--gave option of entering gift code voucher
2) entered code for £15 gift voucher I had purchased on Zeek website which it accepted
3) went into Bosch eBike program, selected "Shop" and it let me buy both Topo Range Indicator and Custom Riding Modes
4) Synch'ed with Nyon and they were there!

I hope this works for you. I know some people here don't think the custom ride modes are a big deal but for me they are what make the bike! So much so that when I cracked my second Haibike Race frame (clearly a design or manufacturing defect) and had to find a new bike I only considered ones that I could transfer and use my Nyon with (ended up with the Trek Domane + which is absolutely excellent!). Two things I love about the custom riding modes. First, as a longtime road biker I find the standard assist levels generally significantly higher than I want, so this way I program my own. Secondly, the ability to program variable assist versus speed curves is killer. Even though I have four custom curves built I largely (when I have the assist on which I usually don't on the flats) can ride my entire routes without ever changing the program. That means 25-35 miles with 3000-4000 feet of climbing and gradients up to 12-15% on one program. Really nice. My understanding is the newer Cobi can do this as well but I have never tried it.

Good luck!
You should be able to do it--I also chose the no credit card mode when I set up my account. Like I said I don't remember exactly what I did--but I do keep notes! Here's what I wrote down:

1) on iTunes account page tap silhouette icon in upper right--gave option of entering gift code voucher
2) entered code for £15 gift voucher I had purchased on Zeek website which it accepted
3) went into Bosch eBike program, selected "Shop" and it let me buy both Topo Range Indicator and Custom Riding Modes
4) Synch'ed with Nyon and they were there!

I hope this works for you. I know some people here don't think the custom ride modes are a big deal but for me they are what make the bike! So much so that when I cracked my second Haibike Race frame (clearly a design or manufacturing defect) and had to find a new bike I only considered ones that I could transfer and use my Nyon with (ended up with the Trek Domane + which is absolutely excellent!). Two things I love about the custom riding modes. First, as a longtime road biker I find the standard assist levels generally significantly higher than I want, so this way I program my own. Secondly, the ability to program variable assist versus speed curves is killer. Even though I have four custom curves built I largely (when I have the assist on which I usually don't on the flats) can ride my entire routes without ever changing the program. That means 25-35 miles with 3000-4000 feet of climbing and gradients up to 12-15% on one program. Really nice. My understanding is the newer Cobi can do this as well but I have never tried it.

Good luck!

Steve, thanks for the pointer. Apple setting does have the "giftcard" option. However, I am not able to get to Zeek website. The site is not reachable. It must been blocked or shut down.
Awesome—enjoy. FYI one of my favorite custom modes starts at 200% at 0 mph, goes to 75% at 10 mph, down to 30% at 15 mph and then stays there until cutoff at 28 mph. Makes it very easy to start from a stop (and thus encourages one to actually stop at stop signs and lights) as it only takes a handful of pedal strokes to get to 30% assist, which one can either leave on or turn off completely if on the flats. Then if one starts going up a grade, as your speed slows the assist increases, helping keep your power output and cadence constant. I have 4 curves like this and couldn’t live without them!
Awesome—enjoy. FYI one of my favorite custom modes starts at 200% at 0 mph, goes to 75% at 10 mph, down to 30% at 15 mph and then stays there until cutoff at 28 mph. Makes it very easy to start from a stop (and thus encourages one to actually stop at stop signs and lights) as it only takes a handful of pedal strokes to get to 30% assist, which one can either leave on or turn off completely if on the flats. Then if one starts going up a grade, as your speed slows the assist increases, helping keep your power output and cadence constant. I have 4 curves like this and couldn’t live without them!

I agree, it is a sweet spot setting for the bike. I finally testing it out and it actually save some battery juice when comparing to the "oem" mode.
Please note now that the iOS version of the app is now available in the US app store. No longer need to make a UK account or whatever.
Hmmm … that's interesting that they will allow iOS download in US, but not android. Go figure.

I do see on the Bosch App page (https://www.ebike-connect.com/en-gb/faq.html#E_01_03), it has this FAQ: "
For which countries is the eBike Connect app available?

The eBike Connect app is available for the EU 28, Switzerland, Norway, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand."

I am guessing this applies to Kiox and not Nyon, because when I try to access the app in Google Play Store, it says "This app is incompatible with all your devices". My smartphone is Android 8.0, so I am guessing it is the Nyon itself that is "incompatible".
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I can confirm that this is incorrect: Bosch eBike Connect is not available on the Australian iPhone App Store.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, Bosch's credibility should be rated at 'junk' level. Trust their products, but don't trust what they say about them.
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View attachment 33597
I can confirm that this is incorrect: Bosch eBike Connect is not available on the Australian iPhone App Store.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, Bosch's credibility should be rated at 'junk' level. Trust their products, but don't trust what they say about them.
I wish we could believe that this FAQ indicates that Bosch is in the process of changing their policy on app availability in USA and AUS, and that they just haven't yet gotten around to enabling the downloads in the IPhone and Android app stores. But sadly, I suspect you are correct and the FAQ is just plain wrong.
Even though the Google Play store lists this as incompatible with all my devices, I decided to take a chance and install it anyway using the link given by myke15. It installed without issue on my Moto 6G Android 8.0 smart phone, and appears to be working correctly. It does now indeed show MPH instead of KPH. Bosch should quit playing the silly games with this app and just let us download it directly from PlayStore. That way it could update automatically when a new version is available.
Even though the Google Play store lists this as incompatible with all my devices, I decided to take a chance and install it anyway using the link given by myke15. It installed without issue on my Moto 6G Android 8.0 smart phone, and appears to be working correctly. It does now indeed show MPH instead of KPH. Bosch should quit playing the silly games with this app and just let us download it directly from PlayStore. That way it could update automatically when a new version is available.

I'm glad it worked for you. Make sure you watch the app for updates as google play will not allow updates or notify you either. If an update is release just wait a few days and go back to the link I shared to download the APK.
I am a little surprised there hasn't been more discussion on this software update. I know there are not many Bosch users (at least in North America) that use Nyon, but the last software update generated considerable discussion in this thread. Do you suppose that you and I are the only forum members that installed the new app version? It appears the main purpose of this update was to enable the app and ebike-connect service for Kiox, so maybe there is not much substance there to talk about for the Nyon users.