NPR Radio E-Bike Story as heard on 'Here and Now'

The pathetic thing is hearing all the faux "concern" from current mtbikers. "Needs more study" They are using the exact same hysterical, uninformed arguments mtn bikers had to put up with when they were first arriving 30 years ago. Disgusting to hear the same hand wringing nonsense - when all-too-many of them are shuttlecocks and are too lazy to climb trails themselves - yet an ebike is "cheating" - give me a break! I live next to a very popular State Park that's been inundated by weekend warriors who ride to the top and then blast down trails with little regard to hikers or equestrians. It's not the bikes that are the problem, it's the jerks who ride them.
...too-many of them are shuttlecocks and are too lazy to climb trails themselves ...

I thought of that (before seeing this thread) a week or so ago when I watched this video. I was an avid mountain biker back in my 20s. I sure wish I had had the technology available back then to conquer those hills and do longer rides.

I think a different perspective is needed. Badly.

Where I live over the last 25 years approximately 80 percent of the trails in designated wilderness have been lost. Outside of designated wilderness the destruction rate is more like 95 percent. At the same time over that 25 year period the regional population has more than doubled.

So as a hiker, you are telling me that I have to not only contend with far fewer places to hike and more people on those trails -- now there is this whole new class of trail users?

Where I live isn't hardly unique. That same story has been repeated over and over again all over the American West.

The solution is that we need to beat up our elected officials and explain to them that we could purchase one fewer F-35 fighters and maintain literally thousands of miles of trails.
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By the way, I know you don't all agree with me, and I did not fully accomplish this with my purchase... but given the controversy coming our way, I still think stealth is the way to go. If they don't know you're riding an ebike, my guess is the issue largely disappears.
Check out Court's update of an older thread which may be appropriate to this thread. follow and step through this path:

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Regarding the video on uplift vs. Ebike. It reminds me of the time I wanted to do the bike down Haleakala in Maui. My GF at the time and I went to Maui to run the Maui Marathon.

Mid-week I suggest we do the tour and ride down Haleakala. She refused to do it and said if you don’t bike up you don’t deserve to bike down. She was a bit hard core :)