Novel Coronavirus discussions

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This is the government of Ontario official page It is also the wording used by Dr David Williams, the top spokesperson/official.

"Given the individual's clinical assessment and history, there is a low risk that she was infectious. The individual followed all protocols and wore a mask throughout her travels back to Toronto and, since landing, the woman has had very limited exposure to other individuals."

Clearly the word is being used in a way that ordinary people wouldn't expect. Here they use "infectious" to mean "actually infected someone else". So here it means that there is a low "risk" that she actually infected someone else.
They use the word "risk" instead of "likelihood"
So the scripted language used by the top dog and by the agency itself attaches a meaning to "infectious" that is related to circumstances rather than to illness-spreading potential. That is, under their way of talking about it, if she had stayed in an atmosphere-controlled sealed room she would be considered to not have had an infectious disease.

If a person in that situation stepped out she still would be considered to not have had an infectious disease. If she coughed down a 90 year old's throat she wouldn't have had an infectious disease, until he developed it, but even then, supposing the 90 yr old went straight to quarantine to be sick and die, simply because HE never spread the disease ... he did not die of an infectious disease and therefore she didn't spread an infectious disease to him.

...or could it be that she lived and had an infectious disease and the person she transmitted it to died and didn't have an infectious disease ...

it comes down to if you don't infect anyone else, you're simply not infectious - and that's not a good official wording.

Then there's "risk" instead of "likelihood."
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Toronto's latest confirmed case is a 60 yr old woman back from travel to Iran. She went about her business in Toronto for 9 days as Eileen de Villa's advisory instructs, before checking at the hospital. The fantastic and talented Eileen says that woman is now self isolating along with her 2 family members and that they are trying to trace her movements and contacts for the 9 days...

...but that...

...the virus is not circulating in Toronto.

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Leaked documents reveal Coronavirus infections up to 52 times higher than reported figures in China's Shandong province on a daily basis. Daily new numbers ranged from being 1.36 times to 52 times greater than officially published data by the Shandong health commission and China's National Health commission between Feb 9 to 23rd. They reported 755 infections but actually had 1775 infections.

The reason they apparently under reported was so that they would meet criteria (incentives) to re open plants and factories. But many are only operating with 1/3rd of people coming to work. Thus risking a lot of new infection spread.

While the 52 times is a headline grabber, it's more about the risks being taken to get factories going again, and incurring an even greater spread of the virus.

More about it from Dr. Chris martenson here in this video from today.

...while the WHO and in-the-pocket Tedroes sing the praises.


  • WHO puppet.jpg
    WHO puppet.jpg
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And in other news today, Junior on Fox & Friends accused the democrats of wanting the Corona Virus to kill millions.
The plop does not fall far from the bull!:oops:
My guess is that All Hell Is About To Break Loose.

This is speculation, but it is informed speculation. My suspicion is that the reason some countries (Iran, Italy, &c) are seeing far more cases than the States are is that (1) they got "lucky", and (2) they were actually looking for cases. My understanding is that as of this week there are only 500 Covid-19 test kits available in the USA (as opposed to over 40k in South Korea). So the low case count here (15 according to he CDC) is probably largely a function of our not actively looking for the infected people, not the absence of the virus here.

So when people realize that the actual number of people infected is higher, and possibly much higher, the freakout is going to be very large. As for myself, I am stocking up on critical supplies (hand sanitizer, whiskey, canned food, ammunition) and hoping for the best.
It's pretty obvious that many so called liberals are praying for disaster in many ways including pandemic viral contagion.

Here's another one - Prince Phillip - who fervently desires a deadly viral pandemic:
And in other news today, Junior on Fox & Friends accused the democrats of wanting the Corona Virus to kill millions.
The plop does not fall far from the bull!:oops:
House Democrats have been protesting the investigations into university staff who have been secretly working for Chinese labs. So yeah, Democrats are actively working to hide discovery of the traitorous activity of CCP operatives in important positions within academia as they long for destruction of American society.
Democrats, as usual, paint the investigative effort as ... rrrrracist.
Another one, this one just in:
From our Obsession
Because China
Even small changes in China have global effects.

An engineering professor at the University of Tennessee was arrested today after allegedly concealing his relationship with a Chinese university while working on projects for US government agencies, including NASA.
Anming Hu has been on the faculty of UT Knoxville’s Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering since 2013. But, prosecutors said in an indictment unsealed today, he was also a faculty member at the Beijing University of Technology’s (BJUT) Institute of Laser Engineering, pursuing research sponsored by the Chinese government, and actively hid the affiliation from UT officials.
While NASA is often promoted as a diplomatic tool, capable of bridging geopolitical controversies with its focus on research and exploration, the US space agency is restricted from funding any activity that that cooperates or collaborates with the Chinese government or Chinese companies, including Chinese universities.
According to court documents, prosecutors say NASA would not have given any funding to UT Knoxville and Hu had the space agency been aware of Hu’s affiliations in China. Hu’s research was supported by $110,000 in federal contracts.
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You can buy Filtrete 3M 1900 to 2200 the higher the number the more protection category of pleated air filters and make better fitting masks for yourself or kids

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My guess is that All Hell Is About To Break Loose.

This is speculation, but it is informed speculation. My suspicion is that the reason some countries (Iran, Italy, &c) are seeing far more cases than the States are is that (1) they got "lucky", and (2) they were actually looking for cases. My understanding is that as of this week there are only 500 Covid-19 test kits available in the USA (as opposed to over 40k in South Korea). So the low case count here (15 according to he CDC) is probably largely a function of our not actively looking for the infected people, not the absence of the virus here.

So when people realize that the actual number of people infected is higher, and possibly much higher, the freakout is going to be very large. As for myself, I am stocking up on critical supplies (hand sanitizer, whiskey, canned food, ammunition) and hoping for the best.

Uh Oh! Glad I haven't been in Seattle in ages. We're good for six months here before we need to eat tree bark. probably more. There's plenty of
wild food around. I have to chase the deer outa the yard regular like. I've got three bugout bikes, 2 r gas. The CCS is now officially
a parts bike, 7500 ml., RIP. What ammo I have has been settin' in the hall closet with my gun for 30 years, but I'm very good with a bow.
Quit drinkin' 20 years ago, But I could really go for a dbl. Scotch right now, maybe even two or three. I've not got far to head for the hills,
and that has long since been plan B.
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Sh*t, meet fan:

I noticed today that my local stores are sold out of hand sanitizer...
Then go to your electronics supply store and buy pure isopropyl, cheaper. Add 25 % water because like that it's more effective at killing than pure alcohol is. If you read and learn then, you're welcome.
John Peck said: "I've got three bugout bikes "..............

Well, I just finished Mine (although the paint is still drying),
It's my backyard project ;)
Live Long and Prosper 🖖

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