Novel Coronavirus discussions

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My bug-out plan... YMMV

They're not sure if the dog is actually infected or just sniffed it up
CNBC said:
A dog in Hong Kong has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus that’s killed at least 2,859 humans across the world over the last two months, World Health Organization officials said Friday.

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the technical lead of WHO’s emergencies program, said the canine tested “weakly positive,” meaning low levels of the virus were found.

Hong Kong scientists aren’t sure if the dog is actually infected or if it picked up the virus from a contaminated surface, she said.

“We’re working with them to understand the results, to understand what further testing they are doing and to understand how they are going to care for these animals,”
Pay attention, Canadians...our free healthcare system is on the brink of utter disaster.
We have so few hospital beds and doctors...we're about finished before it starts. And it's starting, because the authorities have taken virtually no precautions.
e.g. 500,000 population... just 1 ER doctor on duty.

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CDC sez 60,000 Americans die of flu every year. This seem to be a more extraordinary version, but I don't see it
as bad as the influenza epidemic of 1919 simply because we know more now in terms of treatment. I suppose,
due to my age I am at greater risk. If I die, I die; there's always something to cull the herd, but I refuse to submit
to mass hysteria. I caught the flu 3 years ago while in hospital for an injury. If I can survive a racking cough with
pneumonia along with 3 broken ribs & a herniated kidney I might just get thru this too. That was the first time
I've sought medical attention in 25 years & it will be the last. Hospitals & doctors offices are where one goes
to get sick. Disease arrives in the mail. I have an herb garden with treatments for whatever arises.
Maybe i'll get me one of dem bird beak plague masks just for jolly.
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My own guess is that this is going to be "worse" than seasonal flu. For a couple of reasons:

(1) Since there is no equivalent of a flu shot and containment efforts in the States are failing or have failed, we are likely to get a very large number of very critical cases very quickly. And a lot of health care workers will be infected as well and won't be able to work. Any health care system has a limited capacity to care for very sick patients (one example, there are about 75000 ventilators in the United States, and you can't just order up a bunch more on Amazon) and if we get a huge number of very sick people at the same time things will be a mess.

(2) The economic effects of this are likely to be severe and unprecedented. We are just starting to see the supply chain problems. And people aren't likely to go out to restaurants, stay in hotels, and in general travel when something like this is going around. My own suspicion is that we will see maddening and seemingly random shortages of common consumer products and that won't get completely worked out until late in the year.

The fact that everyone is freaking out and things like surgical masks and hand sanitizer are already selling out are really just outriders of the invading horde.

The U.S. Federal Government screwed up big here. In two ways: the first is that they needed to start aggressive testing and surveillance for this disease a month ago. Right now we are playing catch-up and there is no chance that any containment efforts are going to make any difference. The second is that we are going to very quickly run out of protective gear for first responders and medical professionals -- we should have started stockpiling them two months ago.
The second is that we are going to very quickly run out of protective gear for first responders and medical professionals -- we should have started stockpiling them two months ago.
People need to be fired. What is unreasonable is that there isn't ALWAYS stockpiles. What is unreasonable is taking in huge populations without first building hospitals and stockpiling medical supplies.
I've heard that Canada sent our supplies to China and now we have none. People need to be fired.
Two guys who've spent a lot of time in China point out basic facts that point to the WHO toadies and western governments doing backflips to cover up for the communist party lies and total failure.
More media lies. They cannot be trusted. As that vid says, you're on your own here - nobody is going to come rescue you. If you get sick you may or may not die.

I'm glad I got my flu shot, and my new ebike. Got a keg of beer tonight - we're set for at least a couple'a weeks. 😁
and LOTS OF VIT. C - around 20grams if you are 0-30yo. 30grams 30-45yo, and 40grams if over 45yo.
and LOTS OF VIT. C - around 20grams if you are 0-30yo. 30grams 30-45yo, and 40grams if over 45yo.
If you watch the video above your post, it says credible medical studies have established that Vitamin D supplementation definitely improved outcomes of respiratory infections, while Vitamin C supplementation had NO effect on outcomes.

Yes, I take both Vitamin C and Vitamin D supplements daily, but Vitamin D is much more important in viral respiratory infection immune response.
As of today even the WHO admits 3.4% fatality rate. 3400% worse rate than flu. And it's much worse than what is admitted. The dead on the streets are not being tested.

Frank Vaughan brings lots of facts and good reasoning to the table in every video
Seems to be now spreading to more people in the US. (or more people are being tested due to severe symptoms, but how many more have it that have not been tested ?)
Travel abroad to places like Italy, not just China, has brought more infections back here. Since those who are infected can spread it without knowing they have it, and not showing symptoms, how does the US slow that down ? You cant quarantine for that without severely impacting the US economy, similar to what has occurred in China, and then other countries with high numbers like South Korea.

Will we suddenly see entire US cities decide to declare large quarantine zones, or encourage more voluntary self quarantine ? Large companies like Amazon are encouraging more 'stay at home' work days. How do they Decide when to do that, and for how long, and with how many ? Wuhan is still under quarantine since 3rd week of January.

Bond markets are signaling the impact of a large scale slowdown in economic activity. .9 % yield on 10 year.
Seems to be now spreading to more people in the US. (or more people are being tested due to severe symptoms, but how many more have it that have not been tested ?)
Travel abroad to places like Italy, not just China, has brought more infections back here. Since those who are infected can spread it without knowing they have it, and not showing symptoms, how does the US slow that down ? You cant quarantine for that without severely impacting the US economy, similar to what has occurred in China, and then other countries with high numbers like South Korea.

Will we suddenly see entire US cities decide to declare large quarantine zones, or encourage more voluntary self quarantine ? Large companies like Amazon are encouraging more 'stay at home' work days. How do they Decide when to do that, and for how long, and with how many ? Wuhan is still under quarantine since 3rd week of January.

Bond markets are signaling the impact of a large scale slowdown in economic activity. .9 % yield on 10 year.
NOW they've made it a tougher call, because they let it go and didn't stop all non-essential traffic/movement between countries. On our side they been waving people in and now there have been multiple unrelated people check in for testing roughly 9 days to 2 weeks after returning home or arriving from hotspot nations. The rest are declared as self isolated at home.
They declared they had lots, 700 or so, of hospital beds that could be made available in case of outbreak. But since then all they say is that keeping the 1 or 2 or 10 is way too taxing on the hospitals system because the hospital can do so much more work if the sick stay at !?!
It's late to start taking it a little bit seriously. On the other end of the scale, some afflicted nations are emptying their prisons due to concerns of quick total contagion. Probably releasing the less serious offenders or those close to release date ? That could make it more interesting no doubt. The inmates are probably glad already, that they weren't on a holiday cruise.
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Will we suddenly see entire US cities decide to declare large quarantine zones, or encourage more voluntary self quarantine ? Large companies like Amazon are encouraging more 'stay at home' work days. How do they Decide when to do that, and for how long, and with how many ? Wuhan is still under quarantine since 3rd week of January.


Well, in Washington State officials are recommending people stay at home and avoid large crowds. They are also emphasizing at this point that that is a recommendation but they might make it an order if the situation worsens.

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