Novel Coronavirus discussions

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Um, you know zoonotic diseases don't work that way? I hope that you don't.

You've already ruled out lab involvement, so of course you cannot see any signs of their possible involvement. Perhaps you believe that because the communist party releases SOME information, information which would INEVITABLY become public, then THAT is meaningful...maybe even that it means they have a clean slate?
Reports of being infected twice, could be interpreted differently...not reinfection, but infection from another strain of the same virus. That could explain neatly how you could be "reinfected" in such a short time after developing resistance.
They were blaming it on the pangolins meat and the bats. But they were eating those for decades and no covid ! There should be an investigation into this.

Curse of the pangolins- a good artcile a few days ago in Ny times.
Unfortunately there no local populations of “edible” bats; the nearest that are consumed by Chinese are 600 miles away, and there is no eating of bats in Wuhan, despite that cover story by the CCP.

The whole “bats and snakes as food from the Wuhan wet market” was created out of whole cloth by the CCP as a cover story for this coronavirus outbreak. (Even though snakes aren’t carriers of coronavirus.)

One must ask themselves, why?
Unfortunately there no local populations of “edible” bats; the nearest that are consumed by Chinese are 600 miles away, and there is no eating of bats in Wuhan, despite that cover story by the CCP.

The whole “bats and snakes as food from the Wuhan wet market” was created out of whole cloth by the CCP as a cover story for this coronavirus outbreak. (Even though snakes aren’t carriers of coronavirus.)

One must ask themselves, why?

The % nr. is advertised in such a way not to create panic.
b/c there are completely # % for 0-15 and 45-60 or 60-90+.
0-15 - 0.1% or very, very low

60-90+ - maybe 35- 50% or worse, esp. if other health issues are present.

They just combined the % to come up with a good %.

This is definitely not a flu.
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Unfortunately there no local populations of “edible” bats; the nearest that are consumed by Chinese are 600 miles away, and there is no eating of bats in Wuhan, despite that cover story by the CCP.

The whole “bats and snakes as food from the Wuhan wet market” was created out of whole cloth by the CCP as a cover story for this coronavirus outbreak. (Even though snakes aren’t carriers of coronavirus.)

One must ask themselves, why?
And why the chief scientist involved in gain of function research on the virus at the Wuhan lab declared that it is Nature's punishment for uncivilized living.
That just reeks of knowledge of the real guilt.
This doctor now catches on...Vit D protection
This is what the governments should be doing for their Vit D out.
Mainstream media appears to finally be catching on, that this is nothing like the flu, and not to be readily dismissed as such:

Worldwide, there were 111,363 COVID-19 cases and 3,892 deaths as of midday Monday, and 62,392 people worldwide have recovered, according to data published by the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering. In the U.S., 22 people have died, and there are approximately 565 confirmed cases, Johns Hopkins added.

While estimates of coronavirus fatality rates vary, they remain far higher than those for the flu. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, recently said that COVID-19 has a fatality rate of 3.4%. (thats 34 times higher than flu which is at 0.1% fatality)

Coronavirus appears to be transmitted with ease to about 2.3 people by each person infected in the community and those who are asymptomatic, said Antigone Barton, editor of ScienceSpeaks. “Because there’s no proven therapy or vaccine; as coronavirus spreads, it threatens to put a much greater burden on health systems than flu does, and greater than most or many are prepared for.” (this is the real problem with this - the critical COVID 19 patients, will easily overwhelm ICU's, and those patients keep on infecting medical workers, who as of right now would easily run out of PPE by early may, based on estimates of counts doubling every 6 days, like they have in Italy where we are getting more transparency about real cases versus what China was willing to divulge). The respiratory system is extremely compromised, and can lead to organ failures, so the critical patients will really over burden the system, and also require isolation which most of our health system is not built for in extreme quantities like we could face here due to the rapid and wide spread of the virus.

“There are four other strains of the coronavirus, but the attack rate of this virus is relatively high as there is no immunity to it.” (the flu has been around forever, and humans have not only built up immunity for multiple strains, but there are vaccines for it.)
Mainstream media appears to finally be catching on, that this is nothing like the flu, and not to be readily dismissed as such:

Worldwide, there were 111,363 COVID-19 cases and 3,892 deaths as of midday Monday, and 62,392 people worldwide have recovered, according to data published by the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering. In the U.S., 22 people have died, and there are approximately 565 confirmed cases, Johns Hopkins added.

While estimates of coronavirus fatality rates vary, they remain far higher than those for the flu. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, recently said that COVID-19 has a fatality rate of 3.4%. (thats 34 times higher than flu which is at 0.1% fatality)

Coronavirus appears to be transmitted with ease to about 2.3 people by each person infected in the community and those who are asymptomatic, said Antigone Barton, editor of ScienceSpeaks. “Because there’s no proven therapy or vaccine; as coronavirus spreads, it threatens to put a much greater burden on health systems than flu does, and greater than most or many are prepared for.” (this is the real problem with this - the critical COVID 19 patients, will easily overwhelm ICU's, and those patients keep on infecting medical workers, who as of right now would easily run out of PPE by early may, based on estimates of counts doubling every 6 days, like they have in Italy where we are getting more transparency about real cases versus what China was willing to divulge). The respiratory system is extremely compromised, and can lead to organ failures, so the critical patients will really over burden the system, and also require isolation which most of our health system is not built for in extreme quantities like we could face here due to the rapid and wide spread of the virus.

“There are four other strains of the coronavirus, but the attack rate of this virus is relatively high as there is no immunity to it.” (the flu has been around forever, and humans have not only built up immunity for multiple strains, but there are vaccines for it.)
And this is why Ralph Baric, a main hand in creating viral gain of function in coordination with Chinese lab researchers, and had already demonstrated how infectious such a virus would be, sounds less than credible.

March 4 2020
In 2015, Baric and his colleagues were able to show that SARS-like viruses in Chinese horseshoe bats posed a particular threat to cause a new outbreak. The virus spike in the bat coronavirus was unusually adaptable, allowing it to recognize receptors in multiple species, including human lung cells.

But Jan 5 2020...
“I would say that … given the dates that they have mentioned there and the fact that no health care workers have been infected would suggest it’s not transmitting efficiently in humans,” said Ralph Baric, who studies emerging viruses at the University of North Carolina.

March 4 2020, continued
That work was fortuitous. In early January, Baric got an urgent call from an infectious-disease colleague to send his unpublished data on remdesivir to colleagues in China who were dealing with a then-mysterious outbreak. Baric says he “was shocked” to see how fast the coronavirus was spreading.
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Inefficient transmission ? Really ?

Well Italy just locked down their entire country, as cases soared from 1797 to 9172 between Mar 1 and today. That's doubling faster than every 6 days as numerous experts were claiming. And deaths went from 100 to 463 between March 4th and today.
Inefficient transmission ? Really ?

Well Italy just locked down their entire country, as cases soared from 1797 to 9172 between Mar 1 and today. That's doubling faster than every 6 days as numerous experts were claiming. And deaths went from 100 to 463 between March 4th and today.

That's an 8x rate. If that's the pattern then what were the numbers in China , we can double check where they should have been ?
And here in Us now 03/9/2020, 8pm they are
around 624 cases officially announced.

8x rate means in 8days 5.000cases .

Assuming 624 is WRONG and using 1k, 8k on Match 17th ??

Then 60.000 around March 25th ? IF the cases are not contained or quarantined .

Looks like the quarantine is the most imp. factor. And who gets the paycheck if people need to stay 2 weeks @home ? Not wveryone works @Facebook or JP Morgan to be able to work remotely...

500k April 3-5th IF is not contained like in China.

That's when all schools /public events should close and hospitals will get busy.
We should start building hospitals, make masks , kits , protective gear , FREELY DISTRIBUTE TONS OF VITAMIN D and other immune system helpful vit./minerals.

I sincerely hope that it does not reach those numbers, but very strongly emergency actions should have be taken awhile ago and continue . Kits, technology monitoring for infected cases spread.

What China did and is doing represents an amazing Technology and human efforts BREAKTHROUGH , We should ask them for some guidance and have , i mean ask some of their Doctors to help out.

This needs really a coordinated international effort. They had the money to bail out the banks , it should be fairly easy to print out unlimited funds to fight off this virus spread.
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(the flu has been around forever, and humans have not only built
Remember when around March 1st Potus said - Coronaflu ?? Such an incompetence. In some cases people lives end within a few hours (eldery with previous cond.) . Flu doesn't do that.

There's no way out with lies in this case.
Inefficient transmission ? Really ?

Well Italy just locked down their entire country, as cases soared from 1797 to 9172 between Mar 1 and today. That's doubling faster than every 6 days as numerous experts were claiming. And deaths went from 100 to 463 between March 4th and today.

in Iran is very bad as well , much worse b/c off lack of coordination. Around 500-2mil. cases !!
It def. has a factor spread of at least 8-10x .
I am buying As much as Vit . D and take as much natural light as i can ... Lot of work to fend off this one.
That's an 8x rate. If that's the pattern then what were the numbers in China , we can double check where they should have been ?
And here in Us now 03/9/2020, 8pm they are
around 624 cases officially announced.

8x rate means in 8days 5.000cases .

Assuming 624 is WRONG and using 1k, 8k on Match 17th ??

Then 60.000 around March 25th ? IF the cases are not contained or quarantined .

Looks like the quarantine is the most imp. factor. And who gets the paycheck if people need to stay 2 weeks @home ? Not wveryone works @Facebook or JP Morgan to be able to work remotely...
Trump admin just announced help to those paycheck workers who will be affected by staying home if they have the virus.
Lots of test kits now being rolled out. They've been busy as Trump tried to steady the ship.
They closed off travel from bad areas.
Canada invited it in.
Now refused entry to 100 people trying to get in from Canada with travel history from bad areas. Good for USA.

What China did and is doing represents an amazing Technology and human efforts BREAKTHROUGH
They most likely are responsible for the production of the virus and how it got out.

We should ask them for some guidance
On detaining/ threatening and throwing into the sick holding bays those who were warning or showing what was going on?

i mean ask some of their Doctors to help out.
They haven't got anything...just good luck if they escaped victimization by the communist party.
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I think the real important question at this point is, what are you doing personally to deal with this crisis?

For myself, I am not particularly worried about any health risk, but I am concerned about exposing others to this virus inadvertently and also am concerned about financial and business risks, which are large and ugly. I also don't really find the idea of being stuck in a quarantine somewhere other than my comfortable home appealing.

I had extensive plans for business and personal travel this spring (well really starting last week). All of those plans are on hold and will reevaluate in about a month -- I do not have high expectations that the situation will improve during that time.

There were several public events in the area in the next several weeks that I am choosing to miss.

I am well-situated with respect to supplies and could survive reasonably well without resupply for 3-4 weeks, or for twice as long if I could stand to eat couscous for breakfast every day. My own personal suspicion is that even though I live at the end of a long and vulnerable supply line, staple foodstuffs and consumer products such as dish soap and toothpaste will be reasonably available, although selections may be limited and quality might not be that great.
I think the real important question at this point is, what are you doing personally to deal with this crisis?


Craft beer, whisky, and more ebikes. 👍 Oh, and we got some TP packs. LOL
Going out with a bang!! 🤣

I work for a commercial business products distributor and we've been out of stock on sanitizers, masks, and cleaning products for some time. More stocks coming in. Today we got gallon hand-sanitizers that sell for $50 each whoohoo!!

My 401k is miserable. Now i'll have to work till 70. o_O
Canadian health officials refused to track plane passengers not within very close seating. Chinese preventative medicine information says it has infected passengers at much further away and virus can linger for 30 minutes in the air.
Canada has mismanaged from the get-go, been seemingly purposefully obtuse, obstinately insisting that people should not wear masks, even instructing the quarantined people from Wuhan to REMOVE their MASKS they chose to wear when leaving quarantine, refusing to quarantine even a few travellers from China reporting themselves as sick, letting infected people travel in crowded subways and buses, going to doctors offices, movie theatres, and university campuses.

...meanwhile they were quietly drawing up draconian mass quarantine law.

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ey most likely are responsible for the production of the virus and how it got out.
Yes , although i knew , failed to take that in consideration. Very Good points, as long as we keep the outsiders out and work on that vaccine , can buy some time. We do lack greatly on the hospital side/manpower and physical assets(beds).

Going on cruise ship should be out of anyone plans, buy an ebike or a 2nd ebike is a good idea Helps to reduce contact travel if using mass transport.
Yes , although i knew , failed to take that in consideration. Very Good points, as long as we keep the outsiders out and work on that vaccine , can buy some time. We do lack greatly on the hospital side/manpower and physical assets(beds).

Going on cruise ship should be out of anyone plans, buy an ebike or a 2nd ebike is a good idea Helps to reduce contact travel if using mass transport.
Anyone going on a cruise ship or to any hot spot should be considered a no-return traveller until further notice.

Russia has it under the best containment policy. They closed the border to China and China's citizens quickly and will do other sensible blocking. They aren't in bad shape. THEY won't need to imprison whole cities in April. They must be xenophobic. Baaaaaaad. They should have forced their population to become disease-ridden and then constructed emergency morgues like respectful and decent governments do!
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The governments are being wilfully obtuse and deceptive; they advise not to wear masks because it doesn't save you (which is a deception - the right kind of mask prevents most infections), that the SURGICAL masks you see used in hospitals are to prevent nurses and doctors from spreading disease.
That is an admission that people wearing even surgical type masks prevents SPREAD OF DISEASE in the population even if not effective at all in preventing infection of the wearer (which is also untrue - those masks are simply not as effective as ones for personal protection).

If they distributed any kind of mask, and insisted on the population wearing them, they wouldn't need to be implementing quarantine of cities like Italy is doing and the rest will be doing soon enough!

The evidence is clear already from countries where people are wearing masks and the disease is under very much better control.
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