Not asking, just making a point.

Motobecane Grand Touring
I was wrong. I had a Grand Tour in the early '80's. That one was pearl and navy. This one is a Grand Record. It is leaning against a cargo bike that I staged on the sidewalk. It is the same bike that had puppies last Friday. Yes, bikes can have puppies. This is the book the bear is reading.



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After leaving bicycling for near 25 years, I got back into it. But still didn't know squat about the technological inroads made since my ride to Canada. Disc Brakes? Index Shifting? Fat Tires 4 plus inches wide? Ebikes?

This forum and Court's early reviews back in 2016 saved me from serious mistakes. So too did the advice I've read from the dozens of people participating in the forums then, as they do today.
Exactly my situation when I joined a year ago! Used to do 90% of my own maintainance and repairs way back then, but I've forgotten a lot, and over half if what I do remember is totally obsolete. Then there are all the interim advances in accessories, puncture protection, etc.

The helpful folks here have come through for me countless times already. My ebike's pretty dialed in now — thanks mostly to EBR.
No joke man
I'm buying knee protection.
I need a pixie or rabbit's foot. I have had bad luck riding this season several weeks ago I was pinch into a curb by a careless motorists..
I crashed due to an over friendly dog that got in my way with 10 ft leash. It's one of them blondie spaniels.
The last time I crashed I was going fast and a dog on a 12 foot leash jumped on me. It was not a friendly dog. It was a yearling boxer mix. One does not need to be stoned or drunk to be 'impaired.' The NTSB says that pot impairment associated crashes are most often found to be correlated in combination with other substances. It is rarely pot alone.
Is this concern for disrespect from others really about what bikes we ride?
Sure, there is always the one better than mine, and some writers may be short on tact, but try not to be too hasty writing off the whole forum. There are way more friendly, helpful and often humorous contributors than jerks. Often it takes a smile to get a smile.
No joke man
I'm buying knee protection.
I need a pixie or rabbit's foot. I have had bad luck riding this season several weeks ago I was pinch into a curb by a careless motorists..
I crashed due to an over friendly dog that got in my way with 10 ft leash. It's one of them blondie spaniels.
Just get a whole rabbit and wear it around your neck, can't beat the protection of 4 live rabbit feet.
The last time I crashed I was going fast and a dog on a 12 foot leash jumped on me. It was not a friendly dog. It was a yearling boxer mix. One does not need to be stoned or drunk to be 'impaired.' The NTSB says that pot impairment associated crashes are most often found to be correlated in combination with other substances. It is rarely pot alone.
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It is also reported that many pot related crashes are ass to couch. “No lie, I got took out for the whole day!”
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It is very funny how the world is interconnected. Just after I wrote that post yesterday I smoked a Vado. I was approaching a hospital campus when a Specialized Vado crossed the intersection ahead. I upped the power, down shifted, reved up the cadence, and up shifted through the gears, and then rang my bell as I blew past the guy. He was stuck doing 20. I was going about 30% faster. I used to work with him. He takes the commuter train up from a town called Novato. The sucker is saddled with an over priced, under performing, heavy piece of shite. When it fails he won't be able to fix it. A replacement battery is $1200.

I smoke two Vados in the morning, smoke two more at night. I smoke two Vados in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright.

I highly recommend that everyone smoke some Vados. It is fun.

The last time I crashed I was going fast and a dog on a 12 foot leash jumped on me. It was not a friendly dog. It was a yearling boxer mix. One does not need to be stoned or drunk to be 'impaired.' The NTSB says that pot impairment associated crashes are most often found to be correlated in combination with other substances. It is rarely pot alone.
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I gotta say, it "seems" like I ride better if I'm "slightly" stoned. At least, it "seems" as though I am more graceful. I haven't done it often, and it could be just an illusion. The music in my headphones is definitely better.
it "seems" like
If you ever make some art when stoned it is great, that is until you see it the next day!

Some bikes are predators that hunt mamils. A M.A.M.I.L is a middle aged man in Lycra. I built a bike called Creo Eater in 2019. That bike was fun, all chrome. Some how that term evolved to Creo Smoker, because you would leave them in your ashes. Then that morphed into Smoking Vados. I smoke two Vados before I smoke two Vados, and then I smoke two more.


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If you ever make some art when stoned it is great, that is until you see it the next day!
Carl Sagan was far more than a science popularizer. He was a towering pioneer in planetary science. And he smoked marijuana every night after work. Not to get stoned, but not microdosing, either.

Sagan was a deep and wide-ranging thinker, and he spent a lot of time thinking about science, philosophy, and the social issues of the times in that state. Novel ways of looking at these things would often pop into his head. Many seemed promising at the moment, but how would they look the next day?

Ever the consummate scientist, Sagan kept a log to find out. As I recall, about 80% of the ideas he thought worth writing down still looked pretty good the next day. And some led to significant advances in his work.

Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset once said, "Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes." I find microdosing with edibles to be a very effective eye-opener with no impairment.

And when better to have well-open eyes than out in the world on a bike?

Back to Sagan. Images of our planets and moons and asteroids and other solar system denizens are pretty trippy by themselves. And the more you dig into these objects scientifically, the trippier they get. So many phenomena far removed from anything experienced or even contemplated here on Earth! "Expect the Unexpected" and "Might as Well Just Stay Outside the Box" could be planetary science poster slogans.

Easy to see how well-open eyes might have helped Sagan with this subject matter.
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Carl Sagan was far more than a science popularizer. He was a towering pioneer in planetary science. And he smoked marijuana every night after work. Not to get stoned, but not microdosing, either.

Sagan was a deep and wide-ranging thinker, and he spent a lot of time thinking about science, philosophy, and the social issues of the times in that state. Novel ways of looking at these things would often pop into his head. Many seemed promising at the moment, but how would they look the day?

Ever the consummate scientist, Sagan kept a log to find out. As I recall, about 80% of the ideas he thought worth writing down still looked pretty good the next day. And some led to significant advances in his work.

Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset once said, "Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes." I find microdosing with edibles to be a very effective eye-opener with no impairment.

And when better to have well-open eyes than out in the world on a bike?

Back to Sagan. Images of our planets and moons and asteroids and other solar system denizens are pretty trippy by themselves. And the more you dig into these objects scientifically, the trippier they get. So many phenomena far removed from anything experienced or even contemplated here on Earth! "Expect the Unexpected" and "Might as Well Just Stay Outside the Box" could be planetary science poster slogans.

Easy to see how well-open eyes might have helped Sagan with this subject matter.

I thought Einstein was a physicist, now you're telling me " what goes up must come down" was him getting the munchies and he was a chemist ?
Carl Sagan was far more than a science popularizer. He was a towering pioneer in planetary science. And he smoked marijuana every night after work. Not to get stoned, but not microdosing, either.

Sagan was a deep and wide-ranging thinker, and he spent a lot of time thinking about science, philosophy, and the social issues of the times in that state. Novel ways of looking at these things would often pop into his head. Many seemed promising at the moment, but how would they look the day?

Ever the consummate scientist, Sagan kept a log to find out. As I recall, about 80% of the ideas he thought worth writing down still looked pretty good the next day. And some led to significant advances in his work.

Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset once said, "Everything in the world is strange and marvelous to well-open eyes." I find microdosing with edibles to be a very effective eye-opener with no impairment.

And when better to have well-open eyes than out in the world on a bike?

Back to Sagan. Images of our planets and moons and asteroids and other solar system denizens are pretty trippy by themselves. And the more you dig into these objects scientifically, the trippier they get. So many phenomena far removed from anything experienced or even contemplated here on Earth! "Expect the Unexpected" and "Might as Well Just Stay Outside the Box" could be planetary science poster slogans.

Easy to see how well-open eyes might have helped Sagan with this subject matter.
We are wandering so far off topic we'll need GPS to get back, but...

Informal, anecdotal accounts from my caseload suggest that small doses of thoroughly tested, commercial products, particularly those intended for medical use do appear to cause far fewer unwanted effects, and much less intrusive perceptual distortions. Which makes sense: If you are ingesting five to seven chemicals instead of 250-500 chemicals, you will probably have a milder, more predictable experience. There is less of a 'head rush,' and the 'paranoia' experienced by smokers generally does not escalate beyond some transient agitation-- might be distracting and unpleasant, and my clients have said that if they can avoid stressful situations or trying to multi-task during that 10 to 40 minute window of time, it's pretty manageable in the 5-to-10 milligram range.

I just get fewer complaints from folks who use it that way-- fewer people bombing their exams, being late to work, getting 'crossed' w/ alcohol or other substances, making bad decisions, persistent underemployment or underachievement-- which are more prevalent in those who smoke. Completely unscientific, of course, not giving medical advice, consult your doctor, lawyer, shaman, or whatever, etc.

The main risks seem to be that the effect can be unpredictable in that range as well, though whether this is due to variability in the product (despite rigorous testing) or something about the bioavailability and erratic pharmacokinetics remains unknown. What I do hear is people saying, "I don't get it, I have 8mg every night at the same time of day, have the same diet, and most nights it's barely psychoactive-- maybe just some out-of-the-box thoughts, as Jeremy describes, and music sounds a little different-- but one night out of 20, it will be more like a mild acid trip: Not unpleasant, but more than I bargained for on a work night."

For biking, as a health care professional, I'd still always recommend nothing at all when operating any vehicle. That said, for biking or driving, the biggest risk is what I call the 'left turn problem,' or an increase in indecision, self-consciousness, and nervousness. "Can I make it or not? " is not a good feeling to have in any vehicle, and it's likely to be at its worst in that 10-40 minute window of agitation.

Should anyone have that happen to them? Get off the road and wait it out, even if it means missing the start of a movie or showing up to dinner late or not at all. Not worth the risk.
I thought Einstein was a physicist, now you're telling me " what goes up must come down" was him getting the munchies and he was a chemist ?
I think Einstein was just naturally WAY outside the box. Had to have been to come up with his famous trilogy of ground-shattering papers in 1905 and then publish general relativity in 1915.

The 1905 paper on Brownian motion proved the existence of atoms — which was by no means settled science then. The 1905 paper on the photoelectric effect put fledgling quantum theory on firm ground for the first time. And the 1905 paper introducing special relativity blew everyone's mind. Then he did it again in 1915.

No scientist before or since has had a year like Einstein's 1905. Today, quantum and relativity theory stand confirmed to at least 9 significant digits.
Aldous Huxley was brilliant with a rich inner life and outer social life. He would micro-dose, mostly in Pasadena. Later an LA rock band named themselves for one of his books, Doors of Perception. He also knew and worked with a guy named Bill who co-founded a popular 12-step program. My personal favorite of his books is Island. The premise is that the solitary existence of paradise anywhere, would be a threat to world power based on divide and conquer and exploitation. There is a big push by powers these days to divide people. In Rwanda the Dutch made up Tutsi & Hutu. Then the Dutch then let them kill each other and took their land.