Not asking, just making a point.


I have had it with this Forum!

The stuff that goes on here is ridiculous! If you don’t own a $2000 plus E-Bike then you automatically have a piece of junk. And that is no matter what your needs are or your money flow is. This is one of the reasons I left being a Professional Bicycle Mechanic back in 2009. When did having a FUN ride on a Bicycle necessitate the need to have a super expensive bike?

Then the folks that will call you out for reviving an old thread, when they did the same thing in the same thread? Take it off line and start a conversation with folks out of the Forum main pages.

I am on many forums and I like to HELP people out. Many years of riding from Road Racing in the 70’s to having kids and building their bikes. Tandems, Recumbents, home builds wheel building. So many things that I could say something on.

I do take pause with each post before I post. I consider if something needs to be said and if I can really relate to what is being said. I even did it with this post.

But I have decided I don’t need to be here. I have the technical experience to handle an e-bike on my own from troubleshooting and repair. I just thought I could bring something to these pages and posts. Just too many people who have no respect for others. Me, I’m going out to ride and enjoy life. I don’t need this abuse on a forum.
I bought a piece of crap, and I'm really liking it.

I did two weeks of educating myself here on this forum then bought my e-bike.

I've been accused of being a "poor man" because of what I bought, and how much I spent, but one thing that I learned here was to not try buy your last ebike first.

I knew enough to buy an e-bike with brand name components and to stay away from proprietary technology.

I voided my warranty the day I got my ebike by packing the wheel bearings with grease then added tire inserts which I'm not supposed to do either.
My battery failed and I fixed it myself.

I think that I enjoy working on my e-bike more than riding it?

My one year warranty will be over in two weeks and I've put over 4000 km on my e-bike. I've pedaled my e-bike for about 25 km of that because I have a throttle.
Apparently that means that I don't belong here on this forum because I have an e-moped.
I have a very pedalable e-bike.
I choose not to pedal.

My e-bike gives me something to do and gets me out of the house.
I don't get much exercise but it helps my state of mind.

Winter is starting to set in so my riding is almost over for the season, but I have lots of projects planned for the winter months.

I didn't see any of the posts that riled up Ang1sgt, but there are folks that are quite proud of their high price bucks, and they should be. The sad part is they might not know there's also great fun with low cost bikes.

Here's my ride today. Haven't been on Chicago's Lakefront since 2019. WInter's coming quick, so I threw a bike in the station wagon, paid the 14 bucks to park next to the fountain. Cool and damp, but I had a great day on my $500 ebike conversion..

FA160671.JPG FA160656.JPG
Cheap also means living within your means, and by no means is that a bad thing. I know so many co-workers who are owned by their possessions. They buy a big dollar car then have a panic attack when the big dollar repair or service bill comes. That's on them, I'm happy being frugal.

On this forum some ebike reviews look to be paid advertisements. Maybe that's how the OPs post come across? I have no problem learning about lower priced ebike brands I've never heard of before, as long as the content looks like its posted by a real life owner. I've done a few reviews of the ebikes I've owned and I try to do a complete review, warts included.
I’m new to this forum and this place is no different than any other dozen or so forums I belong to. We see people like the OP in all those forums I participate in…. For instance, I’ve been a BikeForum member for over 20 years and I’ve seen people like that come and go over the years…
I have had it with this Forum!

The stuff that goes on here is ridiculous! If you don’t own a $2000 plus E-Bike then you automatically have a piece of junk. And that is no matter what your needs are or your money flow is. This is one of the reasons I left being a Professional Bicycle Mechanic back in 2009. When did having a FUN ride on a Bicycle necessitate the need to have a super expensive bike?

Then the folks that will call you out for reviving an old thread, when they did the same thing in the same thread? Take it off line and start a conversation with folks out of the Forum main pages.

I am on many forums and I like to HELP people out. Many years of riding from Road Racing in the 70’s to having kids and building their bikes. Tandems, Recumbents, home builds wheel building. So many things that I could say something on.

I do take pause with each post before I post. I consider if something needs to be said and if I can really relate to what is being said. I even did it with this post.

But I have decided I don’t need to be here. I have the technical experience to handle an e-bike on my own from troubleshooting and repair. I just thought I could bring something to these pages and posts. Just too many people who have no respect for others. Me, I’m going out to ride and enjoy life. I don’t need this abuse on a forum.
The habitual elitists get under my skin, too, but I hope you'll reconsider. You've made positive contributions, there really is a lot to learn and enjoy here, and there are way more kind and respectful members than jerks.

Highly recommend using the Ignore function on the toxic members who consistently get you riled up. Ah, what a relief! Consider it a personal forum beautification program.

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The "ignore" button is a wonderful thing 😁. That said, no one here has ever insulted my $1600 (at the time - the price has since gone up, but it's on sale now for $1200!) Espin Flow, which I love love love!

Some people here are jerks, but most are not...
This place can get kind of edgy sometimes... though in my experience, not so much about eBikes, and not so much recently. The worst conflicts were about vaccines, politics, veiled references to religion and guns, etc. The "Ignore" function has worked really well for those-- except for one or two members who I've had to "Ignore" despite the fact that they've posted a few really trenchant, thoughtful, outside-the-box posts. (I do occasionally de-ignore them, but I wish there were a way to filter only the posts that drive me crazy.)

I was welcomed here when I rode a $550 throttle-only conversion with a tiny battery and a range of 17 miles (with 1,400 feet of vertical). No one turned up their nose at me, no one gave me a hard time. I encountered some strong feelings, and some of us do gnaw on, or fight over, the same old bones. But most of those folks have had some good advice, too, and had my back when I've made stupid mistakes or just had bad luck.

I think you have a point and I'm glad you spoke up-- it's sometimes more adversarial or tribal here than it needs to be. We can do better. And it's interesting, and more than a little amusing, that a weapons forum I visit occasionally-- much less often than I come here-- is considerably less divisive, cantankerous, and adversarial. (When I told those guys about some of you guys, they found it pretty amusing, too-- the consensus was, 'It's not that surprising, bike people-- even acoustic bike people-- can be very tribal.')

But I think, or hope, at least, we're doing a little better than we were a year or two ago.

And I hope you stick around.
I hope you reconsider that decision, @Ang1sgt.

Waaay back in 1981, one day I decided "I'm going to pedal my bicycle to Canada and back." Actually, that decision started a year earlier. Using my 1975 Sears Free Spirit 10 speed. With rear rack mounted steel side baskets. Panniers? No. I had my camping gear, food, cooking gear and clothes along with a floorless Sears A-frame tent in garbage bags. Waterproof! :rolleyes: But that trip failed due to the equipment not being up to snuff. But I vowed to return the next year, with better gear and a better bike!

That bike was a 10 speed Huffy, metallic red. Bought it at the local toy store. LOL. Outfitted with two Kirtland Tour Pack panniers in the rear. The bike cost something like 250 dollars but it was a notch higher than the Free Spirit.

Yada. Yada. Yada. I made it to Canada and made it back home with just one flat on the entire trip. Learned some things along the way, like better weight distribution by buying a front rack and two panniers to go on it. A better tent came later after an overnight soaking in Sacketts Harbor, NY. One with a waterproof, bathtub floor. Based on the mountain grades climbed, I bought a Motobecane Grand Touring, with a front triple chain ring, including a granny gear!

The moral of that story is not the gear or bike you have, it's what's in your heart.

After leaving bicycling for near 25 years, I got back into it. But still didn't know squat about the technological inroads made since my ride to Canada. Disc Brakes? Index Shifting? Fat Tires 4 plus inches wide? Ebikes?

This forum and Court's early reviews back in 2016 saved me from serious mistakes. So too did the advice I've read from the dozens of people participating in the forums then, as they do today.

I suspect we are near the same age. You have alot of info to share? It'd be a shame to leave when your voice could help many today.....and later on when some other newby comes along for advice and stumbles upon this forum.
a Motobecane Grand Touring
Mike, I recently purchased one. It is all original Shimano 600 with hand scroll work. It still has the original grips. The only thing changed are the tires. That is a beautiful bike. I rode it 500 yards but I am now overly spoiled with comfortable bikes that are stable with a smooth and enhanced ride. That bike was the best when I was 20. Now I don't want something that twitch and tucked. But she sure is a looker. That French beauty is on display in a friend's bike shop now. We each have different needs and tastes and these will change over time.
Mike, I recently purchased one. It is all original Shimano 600 with hand scroll work. It still has the original grips. The only thing changed are the tires. That is a beautiful bike. I rode it 500 yards but I am now overly spoiled with comfortable bikes that are stable with a smooth and enhanced ride. That bike was the best when I was 20. Now I don't want something that twitch and tucked. But she sure is a looker. That French beauty is on display in a friend's bike shop now. We each have different needs and tastes and these will change over time.
For sure, Rick. I still have mine down the cellar though she hasn't been ridden in years. Decades, actually. Gray metallic with silver on the downtube. Chromed lower fork stays. Gold lettering. Vetus tubing. The bike today reflects my thinking in 1985 or so....... Aero handlebar. Avocet handbrakes that tucked in the brake cable liners for that 'aero effect" that was so popular back then. I replaced the original triple front chain ring for a Shimano Biopace triple front ring (I'm sure you remember that oval chain ring"! The Blackburn racks on the Huffy were transferred over to the Grand Touring. Went with a titanium Sachs Huret rear derailleur. I wound up putting thousands of miles on my beloved Grand Touring, including the time when I decided to keep the car home in NJ and take the bike to my duty station in DE. That was a one way trip of over 120 miles one way times 2, to get back home after my boat crew duty was over.

It matters not if a person rides his bike or ebike 10 miles away from home & back or 120 miles plus and back. There is a deep satisfaction and feeling of great personal pride that comes with completing a ride beyond the ordinary.

The thing that keeps me coming back to this forum is that spirit of comradery exists here. We're out there making it happen in our lives, whether it's a ride around the block or some tour dozens or a hundred miles away from home.

I'd love to see some picks our your Grand Touring, when you get the time.:)
As PatriciaK said the ignore feature is about the best way to exist on this forum anymore. Mine is pretty lengthy and I'm sure I'm on a few as well which bothers me not a bit. If you see a place where you think you can interject some knowledge then that is the time to do so. If others disagree then ignore them as they probably will just keep doing so. The thing that bothers me is that doing so doesn't always lead to the info getting used due to the overbearing nature of some here and those that are mostly opinionated based on little actual knowledge other than brand loyalty.

The pic of the day thread is worth the price of admission if nothing else is!
I' ve had it too! So many helpful friendly and fun people in one place is overwhelming.

I definitely have a prejudice regarding cheap BATTERIES!

Most cheap eBikes have fairly decent components. But battery fires are coming to your neighborhood. It's inevitable with cheap builds and premium builds are not inherently safer. It's all about due diligence. If more of us would RFD (Read Fooking Directions) failures would be greatly reduced. But $1000 battery in the hands of the casual know it all is just as capable of catastrophe.

NDA's mask the facts.

EDIT I read your good posts. Hang around and share your valued experience!
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