No throttle and no way home today... :(

I get it and I agree with PedalUma. A guitar is a piece of equipment. A fine piece of equipment has greater possibilities than a poorly designed of poorly made piece of equipment. Trying to explain the attributes of a fine musical instrument or a fine bicycle would be lost on anyone that does not appreciate such things. Quality and design have a great deal to do with the enjoyment and performance that you derive from your equipment. Not everyone will reach the potential of their equipment, but it is a shame to be held back by inferior equipment.

My guitars are acoustic, three being Custom Shop Martins. The price of these fine instruments would be a waste if I couldn’t appreciate the difference, but fortunately, I can. My “acoustic” bike is a Wilier GT-R road bike with Shimano Dura Ace C24 wheels. The handling and efficiency is outstanding and it is a pleasure to ride. Like a fine guitar, it touches more than one of my senses and I feel that I work in harmony with it, just like my Custom Shop Martins.
Okay brainiac, you obviously haven't kept up with the conversation.
The zombie thinks putting a cruise control on a bike is like putting one on a jazz bass!
How the f*ck do you agree with that stupidity?
Waiting your reply.
OK, I take it back.
In order to be fun at parties you need to be invited, and THAT ain't happening any time soon!
LOL yourself! I wouldn't be found anywhere in any neighborhood ,where your kind would party !
I don't party with neanderthals !
First, the post that I quoted and agreed with said nothing about a jazz bass.

Second, I am here to share an exchange of ideas, not to get into silly disputes with angry people.

Third, I don’t understand or care what your issue is or why you are so upset about an analogy.
First, the post that I quoted and agreed with said nothing about a jazz base.

Second, I am here to share an exchange of ideas, not to get into silly disputes with angry people.

Third, I don’t understand or care what your issue is or why you are so upset about an analogy.
Good for you dufus POOF !
First, the post that I quoted and agreed with said nothing about a jazz base.

Second, I am here to share an exchange of ideas, not to get into silly disputes with angry people.

Third, I don’t understand or care what your issue is or why you are so upset about an analogy
You said you get it , and agree with the zombie, now you say you don't know what the issue is. Make up your mind !
I don’t know what your issue is.
Maybe you have never met someone who doesn't get bent by mob mentality?
I'm not afraid to say there's poision in the Kool Aid while the mob says "come on drink it" !

It's a new world , the lemmings will soon be gone !
Alrighty then. Good to know.🙄
Okay Captain Obvious, if that's what makes your week !
You seem confused quite often, clearly this is the post of someone who is confused (or perhaps just drunk).

Confused and argumentative as can be seen from all your posts. You tick all the boxes

Please elaborate Captain Clueless
You seem confused quite often, clearly this is the post of someone who is confused (or perhaps just drunk).

Confused and argumentative as can be seen from all your posts. You tick all the boxes
View attachment 126242
Please elaborate Captain Clueless
Mama says stupid is as stupid does .
It's a joke moron.
You were obviously just trying to brag .
that would be like me saying I enjoy my airplane, Lexus. TR8 and Kawasaki.
<haters>you kids get off my lawn! Waah.</haters>

oh and ps: cracked ribs after this meant throttling home. Note the rearward facing direction of the camera at the end of the somersault. Sound is godawful cuz the dashcam is sealed in a waterproof scuba box. wait for the muffled comment at the end.

I didn't even tear or blemish my sweatshirt in any way. Thats what happens when you slam yourself straight down onto pavement.

and in addition to the bent fork... one of the TWO throttles was smashed, disabling one of the two motors. I can hear the freshly created bricks hitting the carpet from here.
<haters>you kids get off my lawn! Waah.</haters>

oh and ps: cracked ribs after this meant throttling home. Note the rearward facing direction of the camera at the end of the somersault. Sound is godawful cuz the dashcam is sealed in a waterproof scuba box. wait for the muffled comment at the end.

I didn't even tear or blemish my sweatshirt in any way. Thats what happens when you slam yourself straight down onto pavement.

and in addition to the bent fork... one of the TWO throttles was smashed, disabling one of the two motors. I can hear the freshly created bricks hitting the carpet from here.
"Well THAT hurt!"
No schlitz!
I didn't see what brought you down. That was nasty mate.
I didn't see what brought you down. That was nasty mate.
The idiot holding the handlebars. It was a commute home and I thought I saw something flop off the back rack. I have panniers on so stuff gets set on them or the rack during preflight. So, the Ace Cyclist with the keen sense of balance stands up on the pedals and looks back to see what fell off. When I saw something of mine on the ground, I knew I needed to stop and gently squeezed the brake...

Don't ever do that. I mean... yes gently squeeze the brakes. Not while standing up and looking backwards. Its not as easy to manage as you might think.

Also, I've had a rear freewheel self-destruct and seize the drivetrain. Needed throttle on the front wheel to get home.

And riding a cargo bike with a full load of Costco shopping cart, only a masochist doesn't use throttle to get up to speed so the bike balances before you start pedaling. This pic shows a bike that weighed 560 lbs once I got it loaded and me on it. And no I don't weigh 400 lbs :D

I almost always pedal. But I'm not a barbarian. I use the tools in my toolbox to get the job done.

A throttle totally makes sense on a working cargo bike. I just took this one out to get a smoothie. It is so much fun. 85Nm on a torque sensor with three speeds and a coaster brake. The rear cog is 16-t so it is fast with a Chromagnan lugged frame. I love how uncomplicated it is and with so much responsiveness and feel. The smoothie was pineapple/strawberry with banana. Neanderthals had larger brains than we do. They were smart, caring, spiritual, and had musical instruments. They could make a weapon sharper than a modern razor blade in 30 seconds out of a rock. How many of us could make a perfectly calibrated flute out of a swan's femur?

Neanderthals had larger brains than we do. They were smart, caring, spiritual,
Yeah, sure, Oh and these smart caring animals ate children....but hey what's a baby meal between civilized humans?

It's the neanderthal DNA in you that makes you depressed, hyper aggressive, tribal and lonely !
But go ahead , try to rewrite your ancestors history of copulation with animals!
Ignorance is bless!
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