No throttle and no way home today... :(

Kind of funny that 6 out of the 8 bikes on this Google list have throttles if they aren't a popular option? RAD sells more ebikes in North America than anyone btw.
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F*** you, I am not lazy
I work 80 hours a week most weeks
don’t really want to hear that crap

I also tend to get better mileage out of my batteries than half the people on the forum
F*** you, I am not lazy
I work 80 hours a week most weeks
don’t really want to hear that crap

I also tend to get better mileage out of my batteries than half the people on the forum
who is calling you lazy? I said America tends to be lazy. so why do you feel attacked?
Let me ask you something. Do you think that you have contributed to knowledge of anyone on this thread?
Or is it just fun to argue??? have no concept of that mainly because I work a ton

I am big about trying to pass on knowledge or perspective on things I have personally experienced but I don’t get on here just to argue or say my brand of bike is the best

totally agree that specialized and some of the euro motors are very smooth, no smoother than the bafang m400 I have- that is getting a throttle added right now and will still be a low power smooth mid drive!
but I do LOVE the brose motor and really liked my 2 Yamaha bikes
Agree that if I was going to do single track those motors are great
But I don’t ride single track and never intend to

What I also realize is that a lot of people cannot afford those bikes and even though you guys fear monger everyone about buying cheaper online I personally have NOT had much trouble at all out of my cheap bikes- and have owned several, half of them used

1 comes to mind years ago and rad stepped right up and sent every part to swap out, my lbs swapped parts for me and it was ready to go

Every other problem I have has not been electrical

Also realize that people just getting into this often do better going the cheaper route until they are sure they love it
Cheaper bikes are great for friends to ride with you after you get a more expensive bike

You absolutely implied that lots of us are lazy because we have throttles, there are myriads of reasons to need or want a throttle on your bike and it is insulting and imo ZERO use to posts stuff like that
It does not add to anyones knowledge or education in this thread
I am going to add one more thing to the throttle/torque/cadence conversation

Ever since I hurt my knee in November if I ride the torque bike my knee hurts for 2 days after, even a quick easy 15-20 mile ride…
I don’t get that with the cadence bikes
So imo if you have knee problems that is something to consider
You absolutely implied that lots of us are lazy because we have throttles, there are myriads of reasons to need or want a throttle on your bike and it is insulting and imo ZERO use to posts stuff like that
It does not add to anyones knowledge or education in this thread
Cheaper bikes are always going to outsell expensive bikes thats just normal. I did not call everyone lazy. but why do you think e bikes got so popular? do you think it was regular cyclists buying them or that they can take less effort to ride? Hell thats why I bought mine because I did not have the energy. You Assumed I was talking about you. I was just calling generally.
I am not going to get into to virtues of having or not having a throttle. Being a lifelong cyclist, I have learned that good maintenance, good knowledge of bicycle maintenance and carrying what you need for on the road repairs is the best way to insure that you can get home. At the very least all cyclists should carry a good multi tool, a spare tube, a patch kit and a way to inflate that tube. A chain breaker and link is a good thing to have as well. A flat tire or loose part should never ruin a ride or leave you stranded. IMHO, every cyclist should know how to fix a flat. No judgment, just advise.
Pay no attention to the douche'bag known as Stefanie Mikes... He TROLLS through every single thread looking for any opportunity to post his Strava stats.
What a preDICKtable troll
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I have three bikes. One is a carbon road bike (no motor, no throttle), the second is an e-gravel bike (motor, but no throttle) and the third is a WW UC Pro (motor and throttle).
On my heavy UC Pro I'm glad I have a throttle. I don't use it very often, but when I do it's nice to have.
My big complaint about the throttle on my WW UC Pro is the Bafang throttle is crap. It's either on or off. Trying to riding, using the throttle, at a constant speed is very difficult.
I also had a throttle on my Pedego Ridge Rider and it was awesome. It was very useable and it got me through some icy pathways (think feet down acting like skis for stability and using the throttle ) and going through a long, puddle.
For those of you that don't like throttle, fine, don't use them, but DON'T, for a second, tell me or anyone else what they should or shouldn't buy/ride.
This is an open forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion. You've stated your opinion, which is fine, now move on. Don't keep on coming back with your snide remarks.
Time to move on.
You're kinda out there aren't ya ?
What kind of music do you think you play with a bike?
My first bikes were heavy, had HB throttles, no feel because you could ghost pedal, and were a mess of wires. At the time I thought they were cool. Taste change. As said before, a torque sensor bike still has one type of throttle. One that is just easier to moderate and more responsive and in a different location. Instead of measuring thump pressure it measures foot pressure. I am not opposed to HB throttles, they are jus not a fun to ride.
I have three bikes. One is a carbon road bike (no motor, no throttle), the second is an e-gravel bike (motor, but no throttle) and the third is a WW UC Pro (motor and throttle).
On my heavy UC Pro I'm glad I have a throttle. I don't use it very often, but when I do it's nice to have.
My big complaint about the throttle on my WW UC Pro is the Bafang throttle is crap. It's either on or off. Trying to riding, using the throttle, at a constant speed is very difficult.
I also had a throttle on my Pedego Ridge Rider and it was awesome. It was very useable and it got me through some icy pathways (think feet down acting like skis for stability and using the throttle ) and going through a long, puddle.
For those of you that don't like throttle, fine, don't use them, but DON'T, for a second, tell me or anyone else what they should or shouldn't buy/ride.
This is an open forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion. You've stated your opinion, which is fine, now move on. Don't keep on coming back with your snide remarks.
Time to move on.
Oh man, fresh powder snow at 6am on the side roads.
Feet down, throttle on. it's like skiing. What a rush!
Oh man, fresh powder snow at 6am on the side roads.
Feet down, throttle on. it's like skiing. What a rush!
I have never thought of feet down for stability. Interesting. I tried once to ride over a icy board was an instant no go ! Not sure I would have got traction with my feet, but in snow AND fat tires (maybe knobby s), could be fun.
My first bikes were heavy, had HB throttles, no feel because you could ghost pedal, and were a mess of wires. At the time I thought they were cool. Taste change. As said before, a torque sensor bike still has one type of throttle. One that is just easier to moderate and more responsive and in a different location. Instead of measuring thump pressure it measures foot pressure. I am not opposed to HB throttles, they are jus not a fun to ride.
Aha, and what kind of music do you make with a bike???
That issue you describe is directly related to the quality/tuning of your bike's controller. This issue is the number 1 complaint from folks riding hub driven bikes.

The industry is still very young, and bike manf's are able to get away with total junk for a controller. It IS getting better. Some, Ride 1 Up for example, are starting to offer a little more quality, quality that allows the rider to make some adjustments in the amount of assist offered, especially in PAS 1. Riders will have this issue fresh in mind when it comes time to pick out the next bike, which will hopefully result in better controllers being available...
Let me make sure you know that I am extremely happy with my bike and the way it operates... It does have five levels of assist... Fast is in the name of the bike and that's what I was expecting. Anything less would have been a disappointment... Well normal operating components come with a year to year and a half warranty the frame of forks is lifetime.. it may have been cheap to bicycle people standards but to none bicycle people it was substantial to me...
Aha, and what kind of music do you make with a bike???
I'm not getting the whole comparison to music? Riding a bike is like the saying it's easy as riding a bike... Anyone who learns how to play the guitar as quick as they learned how to ride a bike needs to come over and give me some lessons on the guitar!...
Let me make sure you know that I am extremely happy with my bike and the way it operates... It does have five levels of assist... Fast is in the name of the bike and that's what I was expecting. Anything less would have been a disappointment... Well normal operating components come with a year to year and a half warranty the frame of forks is lifetime.. it may have been cheap to bicycle people standards but to none bicycle people it was substantial to me...
Oh geez, didn't mean for that to be offensive. I took what you were saying to mean you weren't happy with how your controller worked.