No throttle and no way home today... :(

@Gionnirocket, and @tomjasz, I am floored. I just got my best review so far on Google Maps. Check it out. It is form a Teacher, Adam. For photos of the bike event today see 'Chili Verde' in EBR. Yes, I am stuck in the 50's for repairs in one day including trues and drive trains, with 6 walk-up free tune ups. A bunch of bikes had flats with rusted chains. What a blast. I was helped by moms and kids of all ages, in a beautiful location, on a perfect day.
I have a question: if you have a mid-drive, if your internally geared hub broke, how would a throttle help you, since there would be no drive connection from the motor to the rear wheel, yes? So the only situation in which a throttle would help you in case of serious indisposition of the IGH, is with a hub-drive bike, possibly, depending on the problem, yes?
I can't verify this from personal experience, but IGHs are reputed to be very durable and long lasting, especially when compared to deraileurs, which often break or get bent. But yes, the hub motor does save your bacon if a chain breaks (and you have no repair kit for it).
and just to badd to this silly argument people have managed without itrottle for 100 years. how is that possible??? :D remember cars have throttles and so they must always work.
Reminds me of one hot issue with sea kayaks--rudder, skeg, or no rudder? In my experience, and that of some very skilled and able paddlers, there will be times when you would use a rudder if you had one. Usually the people who insist they won't have one are utter novices (which is not to say that some very good paddlers don't have them).
Had another comment that makes it feel like this is a club instead of an open to everyone kind of thing..
Yep another comment that makes a newbie like me feel unwanted and unwelcome...
A long time ago when the earth was green (4 years ago when I joined) I didn't notice much of any negativity here.
All positive contributions are/were recognized as such.
Stay positive. You'll be fine.
A long time ago when the earth was green (4 years ago when I joined) I didn't notice much of any negativity here.
All positive contributions are/were recognized as such.
Stay positive. You'll be fine.
@Jpar ^^ What he said.
There will be people you will learn to just ignore, and there will be people who you put on your Ignore list when they go too far.

Civility on this forum has deteriorated quite a bit lately, but sometimes you just have to have a laugh about it. I find the more "specific/focused" forums to be alright, but the "Off Topic" area has become somewhat silly and I tend to avoid it. I will admit however, that I don't spend nearly as much time in here, and some of the fine folks I follow are the same.

Stay vertical!
Had another comment that makes it feel like this is a club instead of an open to everyone kind of thing..
Yep another comment that makes a newbie like me feel unwanted and unwelcome...
Anyone with a good attitude is welcome here, we were all newbies once. Welcome.

We all argue back and forth all the time as long as its mostly respectful
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It is unfortunate that this thread was successfully hijacked. It seemed to be a good topic of conversation. The best way to handle hostile and abusive behavior would probably be to simply ignore it because without a response, the hostile person has no power.

No throttle and no way home. An interesting topic. Can we please continue? I’ll begin by restating my comment:

“I think that it really comes down to preference, need and the type of riding that a person wants to do. Any argument regarding failure to downshift or getting you home when your bike’s manual drivetrain has failed is a bit foreign to me having ridden road and mountain bikes for many years and having never worried about either issue, (I always carry a multi tool, spare tube, replaceable link, patch kit and pump or CO2). Despite having broken two chains and having many flats over many years, I have never been stranded or failed to get home under my own power.

My feeling, for whatever that is worth, is that if you want to have or need to have a throttle, then you should have a throttle. For me, the mid drive assist Class 1 is a lot of fun and I am glad that I don’t have the temptation to throttle up, but as I get older, there may come a time when I can no longer ride, or don’t want to ride without the benefit of a throttle. Class 1, 2 or 3, it’s up to you which one fits your needs or desire.”
Good lord. What a lot of roosters strutting! The language and frequency of ad hominem attacks are really getting out of hand. This is an open forum. Is this really the kind of discourse/interaction you want to model for children or other whippersnappers? Is it not possible to talk about anything without all this foaming at the mouth, Tourettes stuff?
It is unfortunate that this thread was successfully hijacked. It seemed to be a good topic of conversation. The best way to handle hostile and abusive behavior would probably be to simply ignore it because without a response, the hostile person has no power.

No throttle and no way home. An interesting topic. Can we please continue? I’ll begin by restating my comment:

“I think that it really comes down to preference, need and the type of riding that a person wants to do. Any argument regarding failure to downshift or getting you home when your bike’s manual drivetrain has failed is a bit foreign to me having ridden road and mountain bikes for many years and having never worried about either issue, (I always carry a multi tool, spare tube, replaceable link, patch kit and pump or CO2). Despite having broken two chains and having many flats over many years, I have never been stranded or failed to get home under my own power.

My feeling, for whatever that is worth, is that if you want to have or need to have a throttle, then you should have a throttle. For me, the mid drive assist Class 1 is a lot of fun and I am glad that I don’t have the temptation to throttle up, but as I get older, there may come a time when I can no longer ride, or don’t want to ride without the benefit of a throttle. Class 1, 2 or 3, it’s up to you which one fits your needs or desire.”
What was your argument against having a throttle?.. or is there even one?..
What was your argument against having a throttle?.. or is there even one?..
I thought that I made my point clear in the part of my comment that I quoted from my previous comment.

It is preference. I currently prefer pedal assist, Class 1 or my road bike that is not electric, but if at some time I feel that I need or want a throttle then that is what I will unapologetically have.

I am fairly new here as well and I am surprised by what is allowed in the way of abuse on this forum, but I really want to get back to discussing ebikes. I want to learn and share, not get into pissing contests, so now, for the third time I am trying to get this thread back on topic.
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I thought that I made my point clear in the part of my comment that I quoted from my previous comment.

It is preference. I currently prefer pedal assist, Class 1 or my road bike that is not electric, but if at some time I feel that I need or want a throttle then that is what I will unapologetically have.

I am fairly new here as well and I am surprised by what is allowed in the way of abuse on this forum, but I really want to get back to discussing ebikes. I want to learn and share, not get into pissing contests, so now, for the third time I am trying to get this thread back on topic.
Was I not talking about a throttle? I wasn't arguing that you need one or anything like that... My wife is yet to use hers except for just a little bounce on it once or twice to see what it feels like...
She hasn't even used the assist...
She has everything available but doesn't need to use it unless she wants to... I'm pretty sure I can get into the settings and get hers down to very very little assist in setting one...
I can very well see where I get all happy and use the throttle all the time on the long ride and then end up pedaling home and she gets tired after a long ride and ends up on the throttle the rest of the way home lol...
Also I thought we were kind of getting a restart to the good conversation here and what was said 13 pages ago might not be remembered by someone my age...
I think it safe to say this topic has been exhausted pretty much, for the time being anyhow. Is there anyone that can add to what's already been discussed, or has been left with unanswered questions?
I think it safe to say this topic has been exhausted pretty much, for the time being anyhow. Is there anyone that can add to what's already been discussed, or has been left with unanswered questions?
I still haven't figured out the argument against a throttle? It's not that you have to use it ever... I could see if your local laws would prohibit the use.. again so far the best real reason I could come up with from this thread is lack of self-control...?
I still haven't figured out the argument against a throttle? It's not that you have to use it ever... I could see if your local laws would prohibit the use.. again so far the best real reason I could come up with from this thread is lack of self-control...?
I posted this in another thread a while back. Last season, I had a lengthy conversation with a Pennsylvania DCNR park ranger. The e-bike riders she talks to are afraid class 2 throttled bikes will get ALL e-bikes banned because they are perceived as "motorbikes". She told me that almost all the e-bike related complaints the parks department receives involve class 2 riders riding trails using throttle only. She explained that a single reckless class 2 rider can generate a great number of complaints. She said it's the main reason class 2 bikes are now banned on most Pennsylvania state park trails.

I told her I find this strange since I ride a great number of Pennsylvania trails and personally have not seen this behavior. I see just as many reckless class 1 riders as I do class 2. For that matter, I see conventional bike riders riding recklessly as well. She admitted that there are also reckless class 1 riders but since they are pedaling, the public assumes they are plain bicycles. She said the DCNR realizes the complaints are unfairly targeting class 2 bikes because they are more recognizable. Banning them alone is a better choice than simply banning ALL e-bikes.

I'm not sure I fully understand the DCNR's position on class 2 bikes but it was an interesting conversation anyway.

I'm afraid this trend will continue until the public is better educated about e-bikes in general.
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I still haven't figured out the argument against a throttle? It's not that you have to use it ever... I could see if your local laws would prohibit the use.. again so far the best real reason I could come up with from this thread is lack of self-control...?
With the controllers I prefer when you plug in a HB throttle is sucks, has lag, and is class 2, topping out at 20 Mph which sucks. It is far better to have the throttle controlled by pedal pressure like a car. Ahh.
With the controllers I prefer when you plug in a HB throttle is sucks, has lag, and is class 2, topping out at 20 Mph which sucks. It is far better to have the throttle controlled by pedal pressure like a car. Ahh.

With the controllers I prefer when you plug in a HB throttle is sucks, has lag, and is class 2, topping out at 20 Mph which sucks. It is far better to have the throttle controlled by pedal pressure like a car. Ahh.
Sorry about the double replied? I don't know what happened there...
I guess my point goes back to my wife who has only once or twice just tapped her throttle to see what it's like but for the most part doesn't use it... Again though we've only had our bikes a week or two... Today we'll go on hopefully a much longer ride and see if she uses her assist or not or throttle or not... Again it leaves all options open for her... Me.. I'll probably be on the throttle most of the time as that's what I bought it for lol.. but when I see other bikers on the path I plan to slow down and go through the motions of peddling is not to terrorize and/or raise suspicion... But I may even use the pedals only with the heck... I could accidentally get some exercise when normally I wouldn't have...
I still haven't figured out the argument against a throttle? It's not that you have to use it ever... I could see if your local laws would prohibit the use.. again so far the best real reason I could come up with from this thread is lack of self-control...?
Other than it blows the class 1 and 3 rules that most people don't care about, there is very little downside that I can think of.

I have no idea of your/your wife's age or degree of fitness, but one very popular argument for having it among the 60+ crowd is that it can be used from a full stop to put the bike in motion - that first few feet while you're collecting your balance. Not that it's impossible to do that without a throttle, but it's darn sure a welcome feature here, especially when faced with an up hill launch or facing a heavily trafficked intersection you'd like to cross quickly.