New Juiced Hyper Fat: HF1100 40 mph, Sept 2018 $3,299 Pre-Order

I have a fatbike with the Bafang Ultra and I feel big heavy bikes need big power on a daily basis. It's not about going 40 but being able to accelerate across an intersection. I suppose, I'm technically breaking the law but no one cares in my town. Just don't ride like an ass.
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Should I??? It's tempting me. ?
I'd be concerned with the newness of it. Now, you can look at this and say its based off of the Hyperfat 1k, and as such it isn't a 'new' design, but we also know that the HF1k had numerous issues with its controller, which manifested itself as 'cogging' when you would start to speed up. Have they resolved it on the new 'Fat 1100 ?? I haven't heard much from owners of the original Hyperfats to determine whether this was ever rectified. The last thing you need is another bad experience with Juiced. Buuuuut, if you have the extra $$$ laying around, be my guest and go ahead !! I just want to ride one ... just once in my life.
I'd be concerned with the newness of it. Now, you can look at this and say its based off of the Hyperfat 1k, and as such it isn't a 'new' design, but we also know that the HF1k had numerous issues with its controller, which manifested itself as 'cogging' when you would start to speed up. Have they resolved it on the new 'Fat 1100 ?? I haven't heard much from owners of the original Hyperfats to determine whether this was ever rectified. The last thing you need is another bad experience with Juiced. Buuuuut, if you have the extra $$$ laying around, be my guest and go ahead !! I just want to ride one ... just once in my life.
It was never resolved on the HF1000. The hall sensors in the motor would commonly loose sync with the controller. It would also not resume until one pedaled backwards 3-4 times.

The other quirky behavior was the controller not providing the full power in Sport mode, for some reason the power level would get locked at 1080 watts. Power cycling the controller would reset it. This was a little annoying especially in city traffic. You’d assume that you had the full 1650 speed watts from standstill only to find out that you were stuck at Level 3.

If you’re thinking about buying this I’d suggest posing these questions to Juiced Bike.
I would hope the issues with V1 were addressed and resolved before releasing this version. It's definitely a good question to pose to the Juiced team.
I would hope the issues with V1 were addressed and resolved before releasing this version. It's definitely a good question to pose to the Juiced team.
Yeah that's the only thing holding me back, hurricane, I sure would like to know the answers but I don't think the juiced team would care too much to talk to me. A lot of money to be guessing. My birthday is next week and that would be a killer present but boy howdy would I be pissed if things weren't right. I think I'm gonna try and hold back, we shall see. I damn sure ain't paying $3800 for it.
High power alone is not a bad thing - it's when it's used to ride at unsafe speeds that it becomes a problem. But high power for going up hills faster (say, 20 mph instead of 12), going through snow and against the wind makes ebikes more useful.

Could something like that be done with software? To allow a bike to give more power when encountering resistance (an incline, wind, snow?)
Yeah that's the only thing holding me back, hurricane, I sure would like to know the answers but I don't think the juiced team would care too much to talk to me. A lot of money to be guessing. My birthday is next week and that would be a killer present but boy howdy would I be pissed if things weren't right. I think I'm gonna try and hold back, we shall see. I damn sure ain't paying $3800 for it.
Yeah I’m surprised other HF1000 users did not report the controller issues. Removing the Juiced controller and installing the CA3 and Phaserunner was a nice upgrade, but it required the ability to solder, do wiring, and crimp connectors.
Well I contacted juiced on the chat and asked if the problem with the controller had been fixed and they said it had been fixed. I didn't go no further, I did see that Tora started to get into the conversation but he must have seen it was me and didn't say anything ?. I don't know, this is a tough one. Decisions decisions.
All my maxi-scooter miles taught me that you have to be the best driver on the road to get the prize, which is being able to do it again tomorrow. It also taught me offensive're the fastest thing on the road, but the get out in front and stay there.

All of this is nonsense to the cyclist in traffic. As Forester says in Effective Cycling, we all survive together in traffic because we do what's expected of us.
The weaving biker, the 40 mph sprinter, the unexpected action are going to ruin someone else's day, not to mention yours, as you are wrapped around their two ton slow moving cage. Hitting the deck at, say, 30mph and mostly unprotected, is a whole different thing than at, say 15. Asphalt is sandpaper that goes through heavy protective clothing in an instant. Don't ask me how I know, but it involves a scooter and a deer. At 30, you may slide the width of a road.

I wouldn't want to navigate traffic in or on any vehicle with such unexpected anomalies as a super fast bicycle...unregulated and uninsured.

I see cyclists weaving through the snow as I drive my plow Jeep and think...I just don't want to he the one that hits you. Just because you can doesn't mean that you should...and I have had someone fall in front of me, but luckily was able to stop.
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I chickened out and I damn sure ain't paying $3800 for it. I decided to wait and see how they turn out and I think the price will go down, it will have to IMO.
I see cyclists weaving through the snow as I drive my plow Jeep and think...I just don't want to he the one that hits you. Just because you can doesn't mean that you should...and I have had someone fall in front of me, but luckily was able to stop.

If you're concerned about hitting someone, you need to slow down. Thoughts and prayers only go so far.
In the snow this all happens in slow motion...but those of us with four wheel capability who make our living at getting everyone plowed on time do not have the luxury to creep along....(such a pain...gotta stop, hide the body in a snowdrift, wash the blood off...takes way too much time.) I just shake my head and hope I'm not the one to encounter them.
I don't think the price will go down. Look at the prices of ebikes 10 years ago, they're not much cheaper than current ebikes.
Instead, I think they improve performance and quality. No more messy wires exposed, smoother acceleration, more range, etc.

Just wait for HF1500.
I think the tariffs will change and things will go back to normal. Just being optimistic but there's no way I will pay $3800 for it . I would rather have a bafang ultra 1000w for that price. Biktrix or M2S, something like that.
There's room for prices to come down, but it will only happen through competition. And I don't see any on the horizon for the CCS, let alone the hyper fat. Bigger companies don't want the headaches of street but not street legal bikes. For now anyway the sales volume for this segment is too small to attract many manufacturers, and potential customers are often hobbyists who want to DIY.
There's room for prices to come down, but it will only happen through competition. And I don't see any on the horizon for the CCS, let alone the hyper fat. Bigger companies don't want the headaches of street but not street legal bikes. For now anyway the sales volume for this segment is too small to attract many manufacturers, and potential customers are often hobbyists who want to DIY.
A fat bike with the bafang ultra is hackable to get 40mph out of, probably more. They are coming out with a lot of cool upgrades for the ultra such as a controller upgrade from grin, the phase runner. Also there is one more thing, the fact that just because Tora can get 40 mph out of the hf1100 doesn't mean you or me or most normal Joe's can as Tora is probably in pretty good shape. Now don't go taking that wrong because I am being hypothetical, you may be in good enough shape but I'm 64 yrs. Old and consider myself in good shape but not that good as he looks like he's peddling his arse off in the video. J.S.
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I would rather have a bafang ultra 1000w for that price. Biktrix or M2S, something like that.
If I am buying a Bafang, I would seriously consider the Frey1000 at this point. They were ridiculously cheap to buy direct from Alibaba, but what quickly soured me was the very high shipping cost. We are talking a shade higher than the price of an Ancheer entry level bike on Amazon here... now if you REALLY want to get a deal, go in on a group buy and have 5 bikes shipped to a central location and the price drops to less than 1/3 of the original estimate.
If you are comfy with little to no tech support, a language barrier at some point and a messy return policy, you can drop a cool 1k off of the price of the HF1k or Biktrix 1k while getting matching performance.
If price is an issue to you (which totally is understandable, I'm a very budget conscious buyer), check out Luna Cycle?
I bet there are many Luna owners on this forum too, interestingly enough, although Luna Cycle is very well known, EBR does not have Luna Cycle specific forum.

Check out Luna Wolf.
1000W mid drive for $2,300. If you want to upgrade it to "Luna Ludicrous 2500W" motor, it will be extra $250.

Yes, Luna Cycle bikes tend to look a bit ugly with those add-on battery pack with some exposed wires.. it does look like weekend DIY project.
But I guess the bang for buck factor makes them popular.
Unless you value a warranty lol. 1 year for $500. Otherwise... GFY?