Hi mtiberio,
Congrats on the wedding. Sorry to hear about your health. Good luck with the treatments.
You know, most five year old batteries are kinda tired. Consider that battery a goner.They're not designed to be repaired if a cell fails. Sometimes a connection breaks, or the protection circuits go bad, and that's about all you fix. Going to a new battery is your best move here, While an exact replacement is nice, you can buy any similar downtube battery with a mounting cradle. Use the new cradle, as you don;t need to put the old Radmini on it.
By the way, a 48V battery normally operates between 54.6V (full charge) and 40V. That's all you will measure om the outputs. A protection circuit in the battery isolates the internal cells if it detects any cell voltage problems. If you see 22V, that's just residual charge or leakage across the protection circuit. It does indicate a problem with a cell inside, That's never worth fixing, something I've learned from experience.