New "autosupport" mode for Giant ebikes?


New Member
Hey there -

I was at my LBS today talking about ebikes and the person there mentioned that the new Giant Explore E+ 4 (for 2020) has a new "autosupport" mode. Apparently, it uses six different sensors (including FINALLY slope detection and accelerometer sensing) to determine how much power to provide. Sounds like it's like the "auto" mode on cameras, where it decides settings for you rather than you having to select them yourself. Unfortunately, the shop didn't have a model in stock for me to try out.

I've been waiting for someone to come up with something like this and when I came home I tried to do some research online. Surprisingly, there's very little information available online about this -- which surprises me since it seems to be a pretty significant feature/capability. The only thing I could find was this page on Giant's website talking about it:

Has anybody heard about this, maybe have experience with it, etc?
