My Next Build

The hub arrived, the rim arrived and the spokes arrived. Here's the wheel building in process, should be done today. If only I had the bike, battery and drive!

Is this you? :D:D

Another bike.jpg
Is this you?

LOL....I'm beginning to wonder if it's permanent? Actually I've been interested in building a bike with the Rohloff and decided why not! Unfortunately I probably won't get the bike until May so it's a S*L*O*W* motion build. But the wheel's built and it came out quite well. Now I get to salivate!

Keep burning electrons!!!!

Court J.
Well, if I have any misgivings about my latest build I'll just say "Geez, look how many Court J. has." You must be taking the bullet for a lot of people. They still haven't found your wife's body? :):):):)

You must be taking the bullet for a lot of people darling wife is very understanding! But I've actually taken a step back in hobbies. I am a private pilot and had owned three different airplanes in the last 30 years. I sold my plane three years ago because I wasn't flying very much any more, so on balance I'm saving a small fortune, even though I have more bikes then I know what to do with......everyone needs a hobby! I just purchased the 750W BBs02 with the new display and a 52V shark pack from Luna. When the bike arrives sometime in May I'm all set.

Court J.
so on balance I'm saving a small fortune,


Wow! Been there, done that. I was flying when the 100LL on the field was $1.30. That didn't last so long. Had a little Cessna 150 with the 150 HP conversion. Guess I just like conversions. :D I won't ask what you had. My brother has a Cirrus down at Hanscom.

The deal is have fun with this stuff. You are, actually, a very inspirational guy in a really nice low key way. It is such a pleasant thing, to build this stuff.

It is such a pleasant thing, to build this stuff

Nice looking build George!

C172 with O-360-A4M, 180

Hanscom is a great field, as is Westfield. On several occasions flying into both I was bumped on final by military jets landing. I'd be willing to wager that your brother has had encounters with military aircraft at Hanscom. That can be a very busy field. darling wife is very understanding! But I've actually taken a step back in hobbies. I am a private pilot and had owned three different airplanes in the last 30 years. I sold my plane three years ago because I wasn't flying very much any more, so on balance I'm saving a small fortune, even though I have more bikes then I know what to do with......everyone needs a hobby! I just purchased the 750W BBs02 with the new display and a 52V shark pack from Luna. When the bike arrives sometime in May I'm all set.

Court J.
Hi Court - which 52V shark pack did you go with, the GA cells, NRCB or PF version?

Would you please make an install video of when you're getting everything assembled and what the bike looks like when you get it together? If it's too much hassle, then pictures and text would be fine, too.

I'd also be curious to see/hear some ride impressions over different kinds of terrain - how it handles bumpy roads, gravel, etc, and which tires you go with and what pressures. These are all questions that buzz through my head and it would be awesome to get your take on them if I try to do a similar build this fall. Cheers!
which 52V shark pack did you go

All the components are ready as pictured.....note the bike in the frame. This is my first conversion...a 36V BBS02 500W. I'm replacing the battery.

NCRB cells in the shark. I found out yesterday that BD has finally shipped the bike, it should be here by Monday or Tuesday. I will take pictures for you of the components and the bike in different stages of assembly. Is there anything specific that you are more concerned with? There are plenty of youtubes showing the BBS02 install. On this particular bike the only real challenge has been building the rear wheel with the Rohloff (which is done) and will be installing the gear shift for the Rohloff which I have never done. The rest of the conversion will be straight forward and fast. Since I'm riding a 48V BBs02 750W bike now I am expecting about the same level of performance out of the new build. The only foreseeable difference will be 52V versus 48V and the Titanium frame should be stiffer and a bit lighter, the shark is quite a bit lighter then the "bricks" I've been using so the final bike weight will probably be 8-10 pounds lighter.

Court J.
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Can't wait to hear how you like the Rohloff/BBS02 combination - still really like my alfine setup (but I bet the Rohloff will be a step up in shifting performance)...

Did you get a gear sensor with this setup? I purchased one from Luna, but haven't had time to get it installed...
Did you get a gear sensor with this setup

No. I've gotten so use to using the brake cut-off as a "clutch" on my other bikes that I don't even have to think to clutch when I shift now, it's 2nd nature. I just adjust the left hand brake so the mechanical braking occurs later in the brake pull allowing me to engage the electric cut-off switch momentarily without any mechanical braking. It's how I stared and now it's automatic.

Court J.
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All the components are ready as pictured.....note the bike in the frame. This is my first conversion...a 36V BBS02 500W. I'm replacing the battery.

NCRB cells in the shark. I found out yesterday that BD has finally shipped the bike, it should be here by Monday or Tuesday. I will take pictures for you of the components and the bike in different stages of assembly. Is there anything specific that you are more concerned with? There are plenty of youtubes showing the BBS02 install. On this particular bike the only real challenge has been building the rear wheel with the Rohloff (which is done) and will be installing the gear shift for the Rohloff which I have never done. The rest of the conversion will be straight forward and fast. Since I'm riding a 48V BBs02 750W bike now I am expecting about the same level of performance out of the new build. The only foreseeable difference will be 52V versus 48V and the Titanium frame should be stiffer and a bit lighter, the shark is quite a bit lighter then the "bricks" I've been using so the final bike weight will probably be 8-10 pounds lighter.

Court J.

I have that white bike, the Elite Adventure, from BD. Lots of miles with a front Mac Motor. I've adjusted the bars a couple of times, now on more of a cruiser bar. I guess you could buy a shark for the Elite, or maybe you have, and get 50v on it, at least if you change the firmware. That would be interesting, to compare the very basic BD bike to the more expensive one. It's all subjective. Actually, I just bought a second cradle for my shark from Luna, so easy to just swap the batteries around. Not much money. I've had my Lifepo pack close to a year. No loss of capacity that I can see.

I think the fairly basic bikes work, the $500 stuff. I'd aim for hydraulic brakes, I guess. I don't ride that fast. I'd want something pretty heavy with full suspension to go 30, but serious road bikers go fast. They can get hurt pretty bad.
I'm interested in the BBS02 750W LunaCycles 3077 kit as I have a commuter with the Gates/Rohloff setup but what I'm hearing from LunaCycles is that Internal drive do not resist the power output of middrive kits in most case. Curious if you've researched this?
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Is there anything specific that you are more concerned with?

Court J.
I think that I'd be interested in:
  • how you manage the wiring,
  • if there are any bottom bracket issues during installation,
  • what your speeds end up being on flats (with the various PAS levels) with how much pedal effort,
  • energy consumption per mile on flats (I'm expecting around 20WH/mile?)/real world range
  • ride quality with the added weight with no front suspension on less than perfect roads,
  • what tire size and pressure you went with and how comfortable are the results
  • how the new display works, if there are any unexpected quirks
  • total weight of the bike setup
  • Are you going to go with the Gates drive after all? If so, I'm very interested in how you'd make this frame work with it. I know you gave an explanation in a previous post but the terminology was way over my head :)
That's what I can think of right now!
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I'm not sure what you mean? I've read many reviews of ebikes bicycles with IGH's. I'm pretty sure the Rohloff can easily handle the output. The only issue is shifting under load which can be properly managed.

Court J.
It's just what LunaBike support telling me but my research gave me the same results you just verified. And the load is manageable and actually is something you have to be aware of even without assist. Thanks for your reply and look forward to seeing your final build.
I think that I'd be interested in:

OK...the bike arrived yesterday and I basically stripped it. I checked the fit of the BBS02 on the BB and it slipped in without any problems. That would have been the only "snag" in the installation. Since it fits without any issues installing the BBS02 and all the components of the BBS02 will be a snap and go quickly. The Rohloff wheel installation on the frame went well. I took the brake mount off and used the vertical milling machine in my shop to mill the clearances for the OEM2 torque adapter. After some trial and error I have a nice tight fit with no play on the torque arm and I can pull the rear wheel without having to remove any fasteners...check that off the list. Unless you have access to a machine shop, buy the Monkey Bone. I'll be adding the components I purchased and completing the installation of the Rohloff shifter next. The BBS02 will be the last part of the install.

Court J.
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I was looking at Motobecane fatbikes and frames for a build. It got overwhelming pretty quickly. I think bikes direct offers tremendous value for awesome gear sets.
There have been reports of problems with some BD bikes

No doubt. All I can comment on are the 4 bikes I've purchased. The combined mileage on the 3 first bikes is just shy of 10,000 miles. I can also say that they are pretty hard miles. Even the paved roads in SW New Hampshire have significant problems with cracks, uneven pavement, frost heaves. Combine those crappy road surfaces with the gravel roads I also ride on and I'm torturing the frames mercilessly. To frame issues....knock on wood. I have no real idea, but I'd wager that BikesDirect sells a very large number of bikes. Put a very large number of bikes into the hands of a large number of people and you're bound to find problems. I can honestly say this about the Titanium frame I just received; the welding is about as good as I've ever seen.

Court J.

More Pixs........sorry about the clutter! :p
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