My life was threatened....

Correct but probably a gross oversimplification.

Seattle has about 800000 residents and approximately 10000 homeless people. Best guess in the short term that interventions that would keep those 10000 people from lighting random things on fire and stop them pooping in the streets would be on the order of $100000 per person per year. That's a billion dollars for a modest sized city. Or to put it another way that's $1250 per resident in a city that is already perceived as expensive.

My own guess is that we are going to let the problem fester until it becomes truly intolerable and then pursue a much less humane but uglier "solution."
A sad but thoughtful analysis and likely true.
Yeah there isn't a resolution.

Guy goes crazy. I flip him off - not a smart move. I consider my options, and settle on simple avoidance. Done.

Yet here we are, debating mental health, introducing politics, exploring every tangent. I started this thread and am done reading it now, o well.
What did you expect? You started the tred off topic with the headline, "I was almost murdered today" or whatever it was and the off topic guys love that type of clickbait to get their fingers going on the keys. Hopefully the lesson you learned from your bike ride is to keep the bird in its coop...
Report it to police and stay away from there for a while. Return with some friends next time in case he is still lurking for you. If he really intends to follow through on his threat it probably won't matter if you are carrying.
As for flipping off I usually smile and wave and while it might also infuriate them it doesn't directly challenge their toxic and fragile masculinity.
I used to wave and pretend the "stoplight nanosecond goblins" were like a long-lost friend I just recognized.
A sad but thoughtful analysis and likely true.
Bring back the "county farms" yes they were a thing for the unattached and drifters.
Not sure if I fit the ego putz deal but I feel confident with my gun in my bedroom. Pretty hard to miss with a 16 gauge Winchester model 12...
Ah .if memory serves me correctly that was standard fare for the guards on the road gang.
.....NC is open carry and I have a hand cannon, but I'd prefer not to carry it (I do not have my CCW yet). I was thinking a real tear gas cannister might be worthwhile to carry; and I have quick access to my Foldylock which would do some real damage should I be ambushed. I'd prefer no violence, but I am going to do whatever is necessary to protect myself.
I'm in NC, too. Video is your friend. Firearms are not, unless you are going to out-stupid that other fool.
Life is weird sometimes, a good Captain always tries to keep his Ship well off the Rocks therefore I would approach the situation as follows. First off, no flipping the Bird, showing the Finger or hurtful words, don't aggravate a situation.
*Next few times you ride there try to get a picture of the Guy without him knowing you did.
*Talk to Law enforcement, tell them he threatened you with shooting you, this is serious , he may be a genuine Nutcase.
*Don't start packing a Gun yourself unless you have professional training and know the Law how to handle yourself. Myself I like Guns and use them professionally to protect myself from big dangerous Critters which could easily kill me but in more then 40 years in my profession almost always was able to talk myself out of a hairy situation with everyone going on there merry way with only there Ego slightly bruised. I fix my own Ego with a Drink or two afterwards at the Campfire, works for me.

Walk softly and carry a folding chair

Cant sleep, bit bored and read entire thread.
I'd call the high ground from England, but we've started on the slippery slope ourselves.
Theyve even discussed bringing back bears into Scotland and bear spray is illegal here.
Cant sleep, bit bored and read entire thread.
I'd call the high ground from England, but we've started on the slippery slope ourselves.
Theyve even discussed bringing back bears into Scotland and bear spray is illegal here.
yo dinah need bar' there!
Yeow, back from the dead. No guns, no other weapon of any kind, no more flipping people off, I have finally learned to just say whatever and continue on my way.

I did have a driver threaten to run me over. I blew him a kiss.
I will admit to giving the finger to endless Greek drivers, they are utterly indifferent to cyclist safety and have no clue how to overtake.
They just sit two inches off your rear tyre and then start blowing the horn and abusing you.
Luckily they are very french in conflict, they just mumble 'yyyuuhhhh' and wander off.
I had an interesting conversation with a fellow biker at a trailhead this week, that seems appropriate to post here.

He told me he was riding the same trail the previous week when he encountered a guy walking his dog. The dog was on a leash and the owner was letting it take a crap in the middle of the trail! When he made no attempt to clean up the waste, the biker stopped and confronted the belligerent dog owner! The dog was viscous and straining against the leash. The conversation got heated and at one point, the owner let go of the leash letting the dog attack! The biker, who is licensed to carry, quickly pulled his pistol and shot the dog dead before it could reach him!

The police were called and the owner told them the dog was harmless and was shot for no reason. Since there were no witnesses, and it was one word against another, the biker was charged with animal cruelty and faces a heavy fine. He told me his only mistake was not letting the dog bite him first. I told him I though his mistake was confronting the obnoxious dog owner in the first place.

I have no idea if this story happened the way it was described, or even if it's true at all. The fellow rider was quite convincing though and at one point, showed me the pistol. True or not, it raises an interesting scenario. I've encountered my share of viscous dogs on the trail but luckily, have never been attacked. On most occasions, I've been able to evade or outrun an aggressive dog. I do carry dog spray but there have been a couple of times when I wished I had my pistol. I do have my CCP, but for reasons I described in post #19, I no longer carry a gun.

Thankfully, most dogs I encounter would rather love you to death than cause harm. Still, I wonder if you could be charged with animal cruelty if you used spray on an aggressive animal.
I had an interesting conversation with a fellow biker at a trailhead this week, that seems appropriate to post here.

He told me he was riding the same trail the previous week when he encountered a guy walking his dog. The dog was on a leash and the owner was letting it take a crap in the middle of the trail! When he made no attempt to clean up the waste, the biker stopped and confronted the belligerent dog owner! The dog was viscous and straining against the leash. The conversation got heated and at one point, the owner let go of the leash letting the dog attack! The biker, who is licensed to carry, quickly pulled his pistol and shot the dog dead before it could reach him!

The police were called and the owner told them the dog was harmless and was shot for no reason. Since there were no witnesses, and it was one word against another, the biker was charged with animal cruelty and faces a heavy fine. He told me his only mistake was not letting the dog bite him first. I told him I though his mistake was confronting the obnoxious dog owner in the first place.

I have no idea if this story happened the way it was described, or even if it's true at all. The fellow rider was quite convincing though and at one point, showed me the pistol. True or not, it raises an interesting scenario. I've encountered my share of viscous dogs on the trail but luckily, have never been attacked. On most occasions, I've been able to evade or outrun an aggressive dog. I do carry dog spray but there have been a couple of times when I wished I had my pistol. I do have my CCP, but for reasons I described in post #19, I no longer carry a gun.

Thankfully, most dogs I encounter would rather love you to death than cause harm. Still, I wonder if you could be charged with animal cruelty if you used spray on an aggressive animal.

i’m not sure what the interesting scenario is lol. more of an “everyone sucks here” situation, if even true.

the idea that this vigilante could pull his gun and shoot a vicious dog on the leash of a person within conversation range (which is what, 5-10 feet meaning the dog is a lot closer) once released strains any kind of credibility. that dog would be on him in a split second and likely way inside range. and if the dog was already on him, well, then he’d have evidence of the attack.

in the unlikely event it is true, he’s a moron for antagonizing a human and animal for doing something which is, while totally obnoxious and rude, hardly life threatening. he escalated the situation to one which put him in harm’s way and then escalated further.

on a bad day i might have stopped and said, please pick that up. and if they didn’t, i’d take a picture and then ride off. the mere act of being recorded doing something wrong will often cause people to think twice the next time. if i saw the same guy doing it again, i might take another picture and put up a flyer 😂