Since I'm fairly new here, has @Stefan Mikes owned a hub drive?
Indeed. There are good points about geared hub-drive motor (GHDM) e-bikes. These are ideal for cruising, especially on the flat. The characteristics of my PAS GHDM 250 W Lovelec is when I get onto the cruising speed, the bike helps me to maintain that speed for hours. Very good thing for commuting, these GHDM e-bikes. Or, for long recreation rides. However, I would not ride that e-bike in a hilly area (that would require far more power than legal EU limit is). Also, confronted with gusts of headwind, the ride on my Lovelec becomes jerky; while my MDM e-bikes cut through strong adverse wind like a knife cutting butter.
Motor Power: Both Mission Control and BLEvo can only measure the battery power draw. Brose declares the maximum efficiency of the TF motor at 85%. I have determined the actual efficiency of that motor run at the 100% Turbo mode and cadence 80-85 would be closer to 78%.
Regarding the comment of derestricting one of my e-bikes, my illegal actions are
my illegal actions. The main reason for that action has been the fact I need the cruising speed of 27-28 km/h (the legal limit is 25 km/h) while on road with no "wall-effect) at 25 km/h. For off-road rides (for which the e-MTB is actually designed), the average speed of this e-bike is around 17 km/h (10.6 mph) even if I rode as fast as 59.4 km/h downhill (only by gravity).
Revisiting the Stromer, any e-bike with assistance over 28 mph is illegal in the United States as well. It is different in Switzerland, of course. Even putting the legal debate aside, Direct Drive motor is not the GHDM and cannot be discussed when we compare GHDM to MDMs.
(Pretty heavy on the rear axle, aye?)
Congratulations Link for your rides! Unfortunately, I'm working and cannot devote as much time for riding as you do. Still, 5000 miles in a year means I'm riding, too,
and am the Forum post leader as well, true