Metro + ERD

Planning Monkey

New Member
I cracked the rear rim and the wheels are on backorder. Can anyone who has a Metro + measure the ERD and let me know? I called Magnum directly and they don't know. My LBS is weary about doing it themselves because they're telling the spokes are custom, so the diameter needs to be precise. Thanks in advance.
Why can't the shop get the ERD off the cracked rim? ERD is taken from the tops of the spoke nipples in the wheel, so someone will have to pull the tire to do it accurately. That extra distance adds between 3-5mm, as opposed to just measuring it from the inner surface of the rim. That's not easy to measure either, if there's a hub motor on the wheel, but a shop can figure it out.

Is the intent to spoke a new rim to the motor, and not wait for the Metro part? Then the ERD will likely be different unless you get the same Metro rim.
The thought would be to spoke a new rim. The Metro is on 2+ months backorder. I don't know why the shop can't get it off the cracked rim. The whole thing is beginning to get a little frustrating. It's been three weeks and Magnum hasn't called me back (they were seeing if they could figure something out) and the shop isn't helping.
Looks like a typical double wall 26" rim, A replacement is $30-40. Measure the ERD. Buy 36 new spokes/nipples. About $50. Add labor. The tradeoff is appearance. WOn't look quite the same.

Ebike wheels are usually 12G or 13G, but some people think the thicker spokes contribute to breakage. I've been using Saphim double butted spokes which are 13G at the motor end and taper to 14G on the rim, This allows the use of regular bike rims with their smaller holes and works with the standard spoke cutter, if the shop has one. I dunno. Some bike experts think this makes for a better wheel.

Maybe the shop is waiting on hearing from Metro about covering the costs? The labor isn't rocket science. You just have to be careful with the motor cable.