Last time I visited my LBS, which was to return a part several days ago, we talked about eBikes a bit more as they happen to have a bright red Specialized Turbo X sitting in front.
I told them the brilliant piece of info I learned here on this forum -- eBikes are a good substitute for cars, not to replace other bikes, and that anything that gets a human on 2 or 3 wheel transportation and out of their car is a very good thing, as most errands are conducted within a 5 mi radius of one's home. They totally agreed with that assessment and are now seeing exactly why eBikes are not the 'evil' usurpers they might have imagined and, in fact, are a really good thing for a few segments of the population. Plus ,I also pointed out to them that people who have injuries, old(er) people who weren't otherwise able to ride bikes now can get back on a bike for exercise, ride longer and further, and run errands. I told them if they believe bike riding is good, they should be applauding all of it, even bike riding that includes some pedal assist! :-D
They agreed 100%. Can't argue with the logic of more exercise and less driving of a car!