Planetary gear set with clutch for 1000watt rear hub BaFang and Hengtai/Shengyi motors..

Sic Puppy

Active Member
Planetary gear set with clutch for 1000watt rear hub BaFang and Hengtai/Shengyi motors..

Hi all,
For this posting here on the BaFang Forum to make complete sense to you, the reader, I strongly suggest first reading the following 2 postings of mine over on the ArielRider Forum:
[#10]X52.. My 2021 X52 has major rear hub motor “grindage” at mile16,383.
and then
[#11]X52.. The 1000watt rear hub motor “grindage” fiasco explained..FINALLY!!

You will then have an idea of how an “ebike goat-rope circus” finally plays out. And, guess what?? YOU WIN!!!

Here is a heads up for you readers:
The BaFang 1000watt (1.3 horsepower) rear hub motor power cord exits the motor/wheel on the LEFT side of the rear wheel unit. That is also the side where the disc brake plate is located.
The Hengtai/Shengyi 1000watt (1.3 horsepower) rear hub motor power cord exits the motor/wheel on the LEFT side of the rear wheel unit. That is also the side where the disc brake plate is located.

Pretty much every other rear hub motor, including the BaFang 750watt (1 horsepower) unit, the power cord exits the motor wheel on the RIGHT side of the rear wheel unit. That is the side where the derailleur/cog set is located. And therein lies the problem.

These motor companies have all these zillions of ebikes using the right side-exit power cord. Now, in their “rocket scientist” moment, they decide that, since the 1000watt motors are 1000watts, a power cord exit must be located on the left side. This is like having10,000 items of a certain assembly requirement and also having 2items of a “different” assembly. Total bull sheet. Such an attitude has an adverse affect on everyone. Ebike companies. Ebike parts suppliers. Ebike repair shops. Ebike owners(me/you). But, that is what we ebike owners are now forced to contend with. So, we do.

As explained in [#11] X52 posting, I went ahead and, in October of 2023, bought yet another ebike. This one would be number 7. Of my 7 ebikes,the 3 top notch steads in my corral were/are:
1). A 2018 M2S(company) KUSH(model) dual-suspension 26” fat tire ebike. Its rear hub motor is the BaFang 750watt(1 horsepower). This ebike currently has 26,000 completely problem-free miles. The motor is as quiet, and as powerful, today as it was seven years ago. It will flat git down the road. Oh, I use a 60volt/20ah(20 gallon gas tank) battery on it. A 48volt/16ah(16 gallon gas tank) battery was its original unit.
2). A 2019 M2S(company) R750(model) hardtail (front suspension only) 26” fat tire ebike. Its rear hub motor is also the BaFang 750watt(1horsepower). This ebike currently has 16,000 completely problem-free miles. The motor is as quiet, and as powerful ,today as it was six years ago. It, too, will flat git down the road. Oh, I use a 60volt/20ah(20 gallon gas tank) battery on it. A 48volt/16ah(16 gallon gas tank) battery was its original unit.
3). A 2023 M2S(company) AllCargo(model) cargo style 20”fat tire ebike. Its rear hub motor is also the BaFang 750watt (1 horsepower). This ebike currently has 7,000 completely problem-free miles. A 48volt/20ah (20 gallon fuel tank) was its original unit. However, it has never had a 48volt battery used as its power source. It, too, is now powered by a 60volt/20ah(20 gallon gas tank) battery.

I discovered that all 3 of the aforementioned ebikes just LOVE a 60voltpower source. And, since I own two brand spanking new 60volt/20ah(20gallon fuel tank) batteries, those are what I use. One day I got the 2019 R750 up to 36 mph (using thumb throttle only)- and it still had more to give. But, I chickened out because I was afraid I might fry the $175 controller box. A side benefit to the bump of extra power is that I get 40miles per battery nowadays-not bad for 7 and 6 year old ebikes.

Anyway, on with my tale of gear set frustration, and then, finally, VICTORY!!

I had completely given up on accomplishing anything within reason for the peas o' chit Hengtai/Shengyi geared hub 1000watt (1.3 horsepower) motor that came as standard equipment on my peas o' chit 2021 ArielRider (company) X52(model) fat tire moped-style ebike beast. It was relegated to the back corner of my condo where, alongside my also peas o' chit 2020 BikTrix(company) Swinger(model), it could just think about the error of its ways (and there are many).

So, as I was really enjoying my newest 2023 M2S cargo ebike, I was still very resentful of the X52. I never had liked it but, when life gives you a lemon, make lemonade. But how? Afterall, my goat-rope interactions with ArielRider(company) and Hengtai/Shengyi(corporation) had really left me disgusted. What to do?

I got to wondering if the BaFang G060 planetary gear set with clutch assembly might work on the Hengtai/Shengyi motor. Since I already owned three BaFang 750w rear hub motor ebikes, each of them completely problem-free, I figured that it would just be a matter of time before this gear assembly item would come into play for one of them. So, I ordered this from Amazon:
Ifigured that $30 was a reasonable price to calm an inquiring mind.

The BaFang G060 750watt planetary gear set with clutch assembly, ordered through Amazon, arrives a week later. Now, for the 3rdtime, I remove the ArielRider X52's rear wheel, remove the 9 little screws, and remove the motor core. I then use the 6” gear puller(the 6” version is a requirement due to the length of the motor axle) to separate the gear set unit from the motor. I find the little rectangular “key” thingie and put it with the 9 screws. Now for the moment of truth.

I install the little “key” thingie against the axle slot, slide the BaFang G060 unit down the axle, and viola, the damn thing fits like a glove. Too friggin' cool. I win!! Yahoo!!

I grease up the gears/outer hub teeth grooves, use the LocTite BLUE(242) screw thread adhesive on the 9 little screws, and mount the rear wheel on to the X52. I install the battery and turn on the power. I press the thumb throttle. Nothing. The tire/wheel turns BUT it is in “freewheel” mode. If I motion the wheel backwards (which SHOULD be “freewheel” mode), the unit behaves as to-the-power should. So, forward is backward and backward(freewheel) is forward. ShitFire. Foiled again.

As a result of the above scenario, I at least had learned a few good lessons:
1). the Bafang gearset 36 teeth unit is indeed an exact fit for the Hengtai/Shengyi 1000watt (1.3 horsepower) rear hub motor.
2). I now had a ready replacement (the G060) for my three BaFang 750watt ebike beasts, should the need ever arise.

Now, all I had to do was track down a BaFang G062(model) gear set as used in the BaFang 1000watt RetroBlade motor. Should beeasy-peasy. Yeah, right.

A GOOGLE search leads me to this website:
This GRIN Technologies Bafang G062 item sells for $70 plus $15 shipping(from Canada). I had just purchased a BaFang G060 item from Amazon for $30 (free shipping). No way in hell am I going to pay a $55+upcharge for the same item just because it rotates different from the other one. The search continues.

Next, I find this website vendor:
Okay, finally. This gear set is what I have been looking for. At only $25 plus $20shipping. But first, I need to be absolutely positively assured that the item I order is indeed the BaFang G062 assembly, not the G060unit. I email GreenBike and, after 13 back-and-forth emails,and the initial arrival of a BaFangG060(incorrect gear set with clutch unit), I finally receive the correct BaFang G062 gear set with clutch assembly in the mail.

You see, neither GreenBikeKit website NOR the Bafang top dog headquarters folks, had the slightest inkling about “different clutch direction” meaning that the G062 unit, with its left side power cord exit, was not compatible with ANY BaFang motor which had a power cord exit located on the right side of the rear wheel. I gotta tell ya the series of 13 emails pretty near drove me bat-chit crazy. Basic job/product competence is something we Americans take for granted. Worldwide, it is apparently not so commonplace.

Continuing on:
As I await the final correct G062 item, I was also pursuing other outlets. I don't recall exactly how I came to discover this company: TopbikekitCo.,LTD but, out of frustration, I did send them this informational email:
You need to begin stocking the following item for the BaFang rear hub1000w motor: The G062 planetary gear set with clutch.
That particular 1000w motor is quickly becoming the hear hub motor of choice for ebike buyers, especially the buyers of the 20 inch tire" moped" style of ebikes. There doesn't seem to be a source for this item anywhere EXCEPT Sad to say that they are completely incompetent at providing this item/its peculiar specifics (on the 1000w motor the power cable exits motor on left side/disc brake side of the rear wheel).
Don't be a dunce like provide the item (G062 planetary gear set with clutch.) You will not regret it.
And, when you DO actually stock this item, notify me and I will probably buy it from you. ]]

Two weeks later, in reply to the above email, Topbikekit Co.,LTD, sent me an email with this link attached:
“Ebike Bafang Motor Gear Bafang BF RM-G062 750-1000W Fat Motor Gear 36T Set for Replacement Bafang G062 Motor Gear - AliExpress 18”...
Wow!!! Finally!! At least one AliXpress vendor was actually selling the G062.

And, you the reader, need to click the link and look at the picture showing the back side of the assembly. You will see “G062”. You will also see the RIGHT pointing arrow. That arrow verifies this unit as being the correct direction of rotation for that 1000watt motor. If you look at ANY website photos of BaFang gear set with clutch units, and if one of the photos shows an arrow, that arrow will be a LEFT pointing arrow. Not a 1000watt application. Maybe a 500watt or 750watt (like my three BaFang 750 watt motors use), but NOT a 1000watt item. SideNote: Also look at the other offerings by this particular vendor on their AliXpress website. Some really interesting options, fer sure.

So, as you can see, even AliExpress-affiliated vendors/companies are now coming around as to what the current BaFang top dog (at least for fat tire rear hub motor components) 1000 watt beast of a motor was requiring. The fact that its clutch/drive direction of rotation is180 degrees the reverse of all the other Bafang motors was finally being absorbed, understood, and acted upon. Such knowledge on their part means a huge win for every owner of an ebike equipped with a rear hub motor.

An added bonus, and a huge one at that, is the fact this BaFang rear hub planetary gear set with clutch is ALSO a direct replacement itemfor the 1,000w/2,000wPeak Output Hengtai/Shengyi Geared Hub Motor. By the way, the information stamped on the edge of my 1000watt Hengtai rear hub motor is:

The new G062 gear set unit dropped in just fine. I re-installed the rear wheel, turned on the power, and pressed the thumb throttle. That rear wheel sang like a little birdie. Finally, after 10 months, the X52 was operational. Now for a few weeks of “shake-down' runs.

By the way, during those recent “shake down” runs, I had to deal with a 49-month old 48volt/14.5ah (14.5 gallon gas tank) battery that blew an internal 40amp flat blade fuse (easily replaced when back at the condo). And then, the very next day, the thumb throttle went into “duh” mode. I'd press it and it would go ??? and eventually power up. Back at the condo, a new thumb throttle was hooked up. It worked perfectly—instant power. By the way, for some reason, I am replacing thumb throttle units on the X52 at the rate of 1 every 4,000 miles. None of my other 6 ebikes ever have this situation. Just goes to show ya that its always gonna be something.

So, you owners of the aforementioned high-power (at least to the general ebiking community) fat tire rear hub motor, be it Bafang or Hengtai/Shengyi, can rest assured that you will have at least a few reliable sources for the planetary gear set with clutch assembly.

By the way, it is all or nothing. The 3 gears used on the Hengtai/Shengyi—you know the “fabulous” metal/nylon gear combo-each have a 9mm or 10mm mounting hole. The BaFang gear set each uses an 8mm mounting hole. The good thing about that bit of information is that there are a million billion zillion varieties of separate gears with 8mm holes for sale on da internet. You can find solid nylon, solid metal, or nylon/metal combo's (like the Hengtai/Shengyi motor uses as standard equipment).

And, as for the Hengtai/Shengyi gears? You will not find a single vendor selling those items. Oh, by the way, the number of teeth on my purchased gear set gears is 36 teeth.

In perusing this EBR BaFang forum, I came across a few references to “nylon or metal- - which type gear is better?”. It seems that, though solid metal gears are awesome for transferring power from the motor to the axle shaft, they also tend to cause excessive wear on that same component (axle shaft). I believe that a bad axle shaft means spending $300+ for a new motor core. OR, you could just use the nylon gears and, if/when they do wear out, an entire replacement planetary gear set with clutch, will only cost $50 to$80, shipping included.

However, the “yang” to the aforementioned “yin” is that owners of these 1000watt rear hub motor (be it BaFang or Hengtai/Shengyi)equipped ebikes are definitely going to be making the most of that 1.3horsepower motor. After all, that is most likely their main reason for buying that much power. And who can blame them? I seldom use the full potential of my mighty beasts. But, when I do, I sure grin real big because they are a HOOT!! Fer sure.

So, if you do fry that gear set, at least you know, whether BaFang OR Hengtai/Shengyi, the same replacement unit (BaFang G062) will work just fine and dandy for either.

A good idea for any rear hub motor/gears upkeep:
The removal/installation of the motor core (to grease the 3 gears) really is a simple operation. The most tedious part, at least to me, is the removal/install of the little screws (9 of them on my Hengtai motor).

Do it when you already have the rear wheel removed from the ebike, like when you install new tires. It will only take about 30 minutes. Don't forget the LocTite 242 (BLUE} thread lock. Easy Greasy, Eazy Peaszy..

Your call, young grasshoppers.

As for the ArielRider X52: this fiasco began at mile #16,383.. Now, today, July 2, 2024 (11 months and much “down time” later,) it has just turned mile #17,000..
So, even though I truly despise it, I'm still gonna ride dat sucka..
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