Lectric XP

I purchased the XP, using the coupon code of "Nomatic Finatic" and got the $49 pannier bags free. I ordered it on June 22nd. I STILL haven't received my bike yet. Since I'm nomadic I asked for a shipping date, they said it shipped on Monday August 12th but it's August 19th and it's still sitting with FedEx according to Lectric ebikes. It's so annoying to wait 2 months for something I was billed for the same day that I purchased it.

The company is great at responding when you call or email, email is best. But still, 2 months is crazy. I'm starting to be sorry that I didn't just buy one from Amazon. Summer is almost gone and I already moved since I gate them the shipping address.
Here is the latest response from lectric..
I believe they are doing what they can

Hi Darcy and Kari,

Due to the sheer volume of this delivery we needed to begin creating shipping labels days in advance. Unfortunately, the creation of these labels is not an automated process and it took several team members (myself included) many days to complete them all. Unfortunately, there is a glitch with FedEx that once a label is made it gives a projected delivery date even though it is still pending departure from FedEx. This provides an inaccurate delivery date on the tracking.

To be clear, all bikes have been in a FedEx warehouse (terminal) for several days. The recent delays have been around their inability to de-pallet them and scan each one. Again, this is a very large shipment and will take a large effort on their part. We have voiced our displeasure with them regarding the service they have provided our customers. FedEx has communicated they expect all remaining bikes to be scanned in by the end of the day today. So if you have not received an update on your tracking expect to see one this evening.

We are committed to constant improvement and growing pains can be painful. I apologize you have been impacted by them.

Thank you for your patience!

Still waiting for any indication that our bikes are moving....Nothing so far....No indication at all...Just shows that they have been scanned...
Anyone else had any movement???
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Still waiting for any indication that our bikes are moving....Nothing so far....No indication at all...Just shows that they have been scanned...
Anyone else had any movement???
No movement here either. I just sent another email to Lectric, which will be my last one. All of the stated shipping dates have come and gone by the end of today.
If they are actually here, in a warehouse somewhere, and backed up because of "overwhelming" numbers, they should be furiously shipping some quantity every day trying to relieve the backlog. I don't see that happening. I think there is some form of a delay and, instead of just telling us, they're printing labels and trying to show some movement. I'm starting to feel "shined on".
We all pre-ordered at a fair discount, and I believe that entitles Lectric to have some problems that might delay shipment. Similar to a new restaurant opening and offering free or discounted food so they can work out the bugs with the kitchen and servers. Kick-starters do this all the time. But those problems are communicated to the buyers so, while there may be disappointment, everyone knows what's going on.
It feels like Lectric has "gone dark". I still think (hope) the bikes are real and will be shipped soon, but 'sumthins up and Lectric's got some 'splainin to do.
If they are actually here, in a warehouse somewhere, and backed up because of "overwhelming" numbers, they should be furiously shipping some quantity every day trying to relieve the backlog. I don't see that happening. I think there is some form of a delay and, instead of just telling us, they're printing labels and trying to show some movement. I'm starting to feel "shined on".
We all pre-ordered at a fair discount, and I believe that entitles Lectric to have some problems that might delay shipment. Similar to a new restaurant opening and offering free or discounted food so they can work out the bugs with the kitchen and servers. Kick-starters do this all the time. But those problems are communicated to the buyers so, while there may be disappointment, everyone knows what's going on.
It feels like Lectric has "gone dark". I still think (hope) the bikes are real and will be shipped soon, but 'sumthins up and Lectric's got some 'splainin to do.

To be fair to Lectric ebikes they haven't gone dark. I've had numerous calls and emails about my shipment too. I was told, in an email, that they delivered 4 53' semi-trailers of ebikes to FedEx. Now I can see that, and I do think my bike is one of those, but really ... does anyone think that FedEx can't handle this shipment?? According to Lectric, my bike was delivered to FedEx, and probably everyone else in this shipment, last Tuesday night, very late, August 13th. I just find it hard to believe that FedEx can't handle this shipment. It's now a week and nothing has moved on my tracking number.

Frustrated and now in a different state!
Friends of Lectric!
So sorry we haven't communicated here previously. Just received approval to post today.

Couple of things:
First: Thank you for your overwhelming patience! We realize how frustrating this has been for you.

Second: Please accept our sincere apologies! We are in the process of shipping 1000 bikes over the course of a week. Lots of balls in the air - and we have dropped a few of them! I apologize to you for that.

Third: We are making progress! The vast majority of bikes have been shipped. Many customers have received their bikes already and LOVE them! Others are anxiously waiting. We work with a shipper to deliver our bikes to FedEx. The hand off hasn't gone well. There is a cost savings to do that - but we are looking at other options.

Fourth: We are doing a good job of keeping up on individual messages sent to us. We haven't done well interacting in broader forums like this. We'll improve once we get our feet underneath us.

Fifth: I really appreciated the comments you have shared here. Your feedback will improve our performance with the next large shipment that is set to begin next week!

We appreciate your overwhelming response to our Lectric XP bike! It's a fantastic value (p.s. price will increase to $999 on Sept 1).

I'll continue to comment periodically here... but just wanted to let you know we are real, you will receive your bike (albeit later than you may like), and you will enjoy it for many years to come. Hang in there with us. You'll be glad you did!

Lectric eBikes
Friends of Lectric!
So sorry we haven't communicated here previously. Just received approval to post today.

Couple of things:
First: Thank you for your overwhelming patience! We realize how frustrating this has been for you.

Second: Please accept our sincere apologies! We are in the process of shipping 1000 bikes over the course of a week. Lots of balls in the air - and we have dropped a few of them! I apologize to you for that.

Third: We are making progress! The vast majority of bikes have been shipped. Many customers have received their bikes already and LOVE them! Others are anxiously waiting. We work with a shipper to deliver our bikes to FedEx. The hand off hasn't gone well. There is a cost savings to do that - but we are looking at other options.

Fourth: We are doing a good job of keeping up on individual messages sent to us. We haven't done well interacting in broader forums like this. We'll improve once we get our feet underneath us.

Fifth: I really appreciated the comments you have shared here. Your feedback will improve our performance with the next large shipment that is set to begin next week!

We appreciate your overwhelming response to our Lectric XP bike! It's a fantastic value (p.s. price will increase to $999 on Sept 1).

I'll continue to comment periodically here... but just wanted to let you know we are real, you will receive your bike (albeit later than you may like), and you will enjoy it for many years to come. Hang in there with us. You'll be glad you did!

Lectric eBikes

Thank you for the update Brent. I am excited to get my XP, and I appreciate the communication here and the hard work! Can't wait!
Friends of Lectric!
So sorry we haven't communicated here previously. Just received approval to post today.


We appreciate your overwhelming response to our Lectric XP bike! It's a fantastic value (p.s. price will increase to $999 on Sept 1).

I'll continue to comment periodically here... but just wanted to let you know we are real, you will receive your bike (albeit later than you may like), and you will enjoy it for many years to come. Hang in there with us. You'll be glad you did!

Lectric eBikes

Hi Brent,

I have an early September shipment. Can you say how this current delay may or may not affect that shipment? Thanks! And thanks for posting.
Brent, really appreciate you going public. You have been great with individual communications, thank you. Just wish FedEx would get onboard with the same communications. First I was aware that a third party was involved to handle the shipments off to FedEx. No wonder FedEx did not have a clue. The explanations now makes a LOT more sense why shipping labels were created but no products delivered to FedEx.. I have only seen 1 post go public that they had received their bikes, but 101 upset they have not. If batches are going out, I hope someone will come forward and let US know, it will stop a lot of the aggravation on the part of the consumers. BTW, mine have still not been scanned in 😁
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Thanx Brent, Thanx for 'splainin

I hope I didnt come across as harsh in my earlier post. That wasnt my intention. I believe you guys are trying hard to get us our bikes. I just thought there should be more unsolicited communication.

Friends of Lectric!
So sorry we haven't communicated here previously. Just received approval to post today.

Couple of things:
First: Thank you for your overwhelming patience! We realize how frustrating this has been for you.

Second: Please accept our sincere apologies! We are in the process of shipping 1000 bikes over the course of a week. Lots of balls in the air - and we have dropped a few of them! I apologize to you for that.

Third: We are making progress! The vast majority of bikes have been shipped. Many customers have received their bikes already and LOVE them! Others are anxiously waiting. We work with a shipper to deliver our bikes to FedEx. The hand off hasn't gone well. There is a cost savings to do that - but we are looking at other options.

Fourth: We are doing a good job of keeping up on individual messages sent to us. We haven't done well interacting in broader forums like this. We'll improve once we get our feet underneath us.

Fifth: I really appreciated the comments you have shared here. Your feedback will improve our performance with the next large shipment that is set to begin next week!

We appreciate your overwhelming response to our Lectric XP bike! It's a fantastic value (p.s. price will increase to $999 on Sept 1).

I'll continue to comment periodically here... but just wanted to let you know we are real, you will receive your bike (albeit later than you may like), and you will enjoy it for many years to come. Hang in there with us. You'll be glad you did!

Lectric eBikes
Thanks for the update Brent..
Mine is shipping the 27th..
Hang in there...
Hey, you all have been very gracious with your posts! Super helpful!

Here's a note from a customer who received his bike today (Thomas M; CA). Thought you'd like to read this.
"Works great, and this bike is loads of fun!! Guess I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. LOL. Thanks again, love this bike."

Note: When you receive your bike make sure you turn the key to the 'On' position before powering up your bike using the digital display. That's a new feature (fheft prevention) and not explained in the instruction manual. We are updating the manual to include that.
Hey, you all have been very gracious with your posts! Super helpful!

Here's a note from a customer who received his bike today (Thomas M; CA). Thought you'd like to read this.
"Works great, and this bike is loads of fun!! Guess I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. LOL. Thanks again, love this bike."

Note: When you receive your bike make sure you turn the key to the 'On' position before powering up your bike using the digital display. That's a new feature (fheft prevention) and not explained in the instruction manual. We are updating the manual to include that.
Well my girlfriend got her shipping info that shows her bikes moving and on it's way...mine shows no movement yet..
I received tracking info on both bikes, one last night, one this morning. Both show 8/26 delivery date. The bikes sat in a processing center one week to the day before being handed over to FedEx. Six days travel time to FL so my delivery becomes a late Aug delivery. Thankfully they are finally on the way. Hopefully all the others due to ship went on trucks last night as well.
I received tracking info on both bikes, one last night, one this morning. Both show 8/26 delivery date. The bikes sat in a processing center one week to the day before being handed over to FedEx. Six days travel time to FL so my delivery becomes a late Aug delivery. Thankfully they are finally on the way. Hopefully all the others due to ship went on trucks last night as well.
Do you get shipment info via email?
I received tracking info on both bikes, one last night, one this morning. Both show 8/26 delivery date. The bikes sat in a processing center one week to the day before being handed over to FedEx. Six days travel time to FL so my delivery becomes a late Aug delivery. Thankfully they are finally on the way. Hopefully all the others due to ship went on trucks last night as well.
Good to hear!