Karens on bikes

Mr. Coffee

Well-Known Member
A Demented Corner of the North Cascades
This happened about two weeks ago now. I'm still processing it and can't really believe it happened.

Anyway, there are some pretty well-known mountain bike routes where I live, and one alternate to those routes passes through my property on the way to more interesting destinations. I don't really have a problem with that and most people riding here are extremely courteous. There are several well-established trailheads and most people park there. However, sometimes some fool gets the bright idea to ride up my road and save themselves a thousand feet of elevation gain.

Well, one sunny Saturday afternoon I found a car parked on the access road near my house, in close proximity to the trail. No big deal. Some time later there was a knock on my door, followed by considerable barking of dogs at this unexpected intrusion. So when I get to the door there is a self-important woman (probably in her late thirties) and a boy of about six or seven, both in biker garb. The following conversation ensures:

Lady: We need water.
Me: There is a faucet outside just to your right as you walk up the driveway.
Lady: No, we need inside water.
Me: This is my home and I don't know you. You are not welcome in my home.
Lady: My boy is extremely dehydrated and must have water.
Me: There is a faucet right outside just to your right...
Me: Please leave. Now.

And I close the door. So she gives me a dirty look and stalks away with her kid. I think that is the end of it. But noooo. About five minutes later I hear a door slam downstairs and the dogs all start barking. I go downstairs to investigate and find these two people inside my home. I yell, "What the hell!" and they both freeze for a fraction of a second, and then the kids run out the door closely followed by his mother. A few minutes later I hear their car start up and head down the hill.

Some people.
Wow! That's actually kind of scary. Glad nothing worst happened.
This happened about two weeks ago now. I'm still processing it and can't really believe it happened.

Anyway, there are some pretty well-known mountain bike routes where I live, and one alternate to those routes passes through my property on the way to more interesting destinations. I don't really have a problem with that and most people riding here are extremely courteous. There are several well-established trailheads and most people park there. However, sometimes some fool gets the bright idea to ride up my road and save themselves a thousand feet of elevation gain.

Well, one sunny Saturday afternoon I found a car parked on the access road near my house, in close proximity to the trail. No big deal. Some time later there was a knock on my door, followed by considerable barking of dogs at this unexpected intrusion. So when I get to the door there is a self-important woman (probably in her late thirties) and a boy of about six or seven, both in biker garb. The following conversation ensures:

Lady: We need water.
Me: There is a faucet outside just to your right as you walk up the driveway.
Lady: No, we need inside water.
Me: This is my home and I don't know you. You are not welcome in my home.
Lady: My boy is extremely dehydrated and must have water.
Me: There is a faucet right outside just to your right...
Me: Please leave. Now.

And I close the door. So she gives me a dirty look and stalks away with her kid. I think that is the end of it. But noooo. About five minutes later I hear a door slam downstairs and the dogs all start barking. I go downstairs to investigate and find these two people inside my home. I yell, "What the hell!" and they both freeze for a fraction of a second, and then the kids run out the door closely followed by his mother. A few minutes later I hear their car start up and head down the hill.

Some people.
Sir, fire those dogs.
This happened about two weeks ago now. I'm still processing it and can't really believe it happened.

Anyway, there are some pretty well-known mountain bike routes where I live, and one alternate to those routes passes through my property on the way to more interesting destinations. I don't really have a problem with that and most people riding here are extremely courteous. There are several well-established trailheads and most people park there. However, sometimes some fool gets the bright idea to ride up my road and save themselves a thousand feet of elevation gain.

Well, one sunny Saturday afternoon I found a car parked on the access road near my house, in close proximity to the trail. No big deal. Some time later there was a knock on my door, followed by considerable barking of dogs at this unexpected intrusion. So when I get to the door there is a self-important woman (probably in her late thirties) and a boy of about six or seven, both in biker garb. The following conversation ensures:

Lady: We need water.
Me: There is a faucet outside just to your right as you walk up the driveway.
Lady: No, we need inside water.
Me: This is my home and I don't know you. You are not welcome in my home.
Lady: My boy is extremely dehydrated and must have water.
Me: There is a faucet right outside just to your right...
Me: Please leave. Now.

And I close the door. So she gives me a dirty look and stalks away with her kid. I think that is the end of it. But noooo. About five minutes later I hear a door slam downstairs and the dogs all start barking. I go downstairs to investigate and find these two people inside my home. I yell, "What the hell!" and they both freeze for a fraction of a second, and then the kids run out the door closely followed by his mother. A few minutes later I hear their car start up and head down the hill.

Some people.
That's insane and unsettling. What a stupid/crappy thing to teach your kid.
Totally entitled. Only an entitled white woman would do this. One time FDR Jr. did not knock, he just walked in to the front hall of our house in his muddy horse boots. Also entitled. My mom was pissed. It was invasive and a blatant show of 'superiority.'
I would have hit the ignore button... just kidding.. Sad that happened to you, just crazy.. I would have had my back up in the form of smith and Wesson ... they would have left with no questions asked nor comments made..
Totally entitled. Only an entitled white woman would do this. One time FDR Jr. did not knock, he just walked in to the front hall of our house in his muddy horse boots. Also entitled. My mom was pissed. It was invasive and a blatant show of 'superiority.'
Ive seen them in every flavor. I was called a White N word today from a black guy that stood up and would just spin in place... Our homeless are out of control.
She’s lucky she didn’t choose the wrong home. It could have gone much worse had she walked in on someone as crazy as her.

After our recent meth-head neighborhood terrorization event, we’re pursuing a “Trespassing Agreement” with the sheriff’s department. Our neighborhood is fenced and gated, with signs posted. With this agreement in place, which they’ve indicated will be approved, the deputies will respond much faster and will be able to enter through the gate without first contacting anybody for permission. @Mr. Coffee , you may want to consider doing the same, as there are too many crazy people out there these days.
That unfortunate kid will likely never learn good manners or consideration for others...curious as to what she was driving. My guess would be an oversized gas guzzling SUV.
That unfortunate kid will likely never learn good manners or consideration for others...curious as to what she was driving. My guess would be an oversized gas guzzling SUV.
I’m thinking it was either an old Toyota with 250k miles on the odometer, and trash piled up in the back seat….or a Prius.
Not to defend her actions.... But I get the feeling it was more a case of stupid + exhaustion = desperation. Her saying "inside water" makes me believe that she thinks the source/quality are different.
I've heard people say that they only drink water from the kitchen and not the bathroom for that reason.
Me personally... I would have brought her a glass of inside water.
This happened about two weeks ago now. I'm still processing it and can't really believe it happened.

Anyway, there are some pretty well-known mountain bike routes where I live, and one alternate to those routes passes through my property on the way to more interesting destinations. I don't really have a problem with that and most people riding here are extremely courteous. There are several well-established trailheads and most people park there. However, sometimes some fool gets the bright idea to ride up my road and save themselves a thousand feet of elevation gain.

Well, one sunny Saturday afternoon I found a car parked on the access road near my house, in close proximity to the trail. No big deal. Some time later there was a knock on my door, followed by considerable barking of dogs at this unexpected intrusion. So when I get to the door there is a self-important woman (probably in her late thirties) and a boy of about six or seven, both in biker garb. The following conversation ensures:

Lady: We need water.
Me: There is a faucet outside just to your right as you walk up the driveway.
Lady: No, we need inside water.
Me: This is my home and I don't know you. You are not welcome in my home.
Lady: My boy is extremely dehydrated and must have water.
Me: There is a faucet right outside just to your right...
Me: Please leave. Now.

And I close the door. So she gives me a dirty look and stalks away with her kid. I think that is the end of it. But noooo. About five minutes later I hear a door slam downstairs and the dogs all start barking. I go downstairs to investigate and find these two people inside my home. I yell, "What the hell!" and they both freeze for a fraction of a second, and then the kids run out the door closely followed by his mother. A few minutes later I hear their car start up and head down the hill.

Some people.
good to know the info
Not to defend her actions.... But I get the feeling it was more a case of stupid + exhaustion = desperation. Her saying "inside water" makes me believe that she thinks the source/quality are different.
I've heard people say that they only drink water from the kitchen and not the bathroom for that reason.

In our house it IS different - tank water, we have a fine filter at the kitchen but not through the rest of the house. Many houses around here have external water that comes from dams / bores or even the waste water system.

I still struggle to understand how anyone would be stupid enough to break into a house in the US after being refused entry by the owner - especially somewhere the bodies can easily be hidden!