Karens on bikes

I was on my roof fixing a shingle and the gas meter reader went 'round back to read the meter. I spooked him good when I leaned over to say HI! He said he never looks up when reading meters. We both got a good laugh at that one!
I was on my roof fixing a shingle and the gas meter reader went 'round back to read the meter. I spooked him good when I leaned over to say HI! He said he never looks up when reading meters. We both got a good laugh at that one!
Heck, I don’t get on roofs anymore. I never know when Vertigo is going to occur. About a month ago, i couldn’t even ride my bike for about a week, let alone stand up without hanging on to something.

But, back to the intruder topic…Our mailboxes (12 homes) are outside the gate. We’ve discovered that USPS now allows them to be placed inside, due to theft and vandalism issues (Ironically, I’ve literally mailed ONE check in the 3 years I’ve been here, and that was the day someone broke into the outbound box). So, we’ve been asked if the boxes can be located next to our driveway, the most convenient location where they can’t be seen from outside the gate, and we agreed to it. It kinda feels like we’re giving up some privacy, with every neighbor looking down the side of the house to our back yard every day, but we won’t be doing anything they can’t see. We’ll just have to wave more often. 👋
'There can be a war all over the world
Only let the Polish countryside be quaint
Only let the Polish countryside be calm'.
/Stanisław Wyspiański/

I just want to say I'm surprised how low crime our country presently is, compared...
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I envision you pointing your finger west
First years after turning from the communist system to the market driven economy and democracy were indeed hard if we talk the crime level in Poland. The situation was gradually improving, and joining the EU made the country really peaceful. At least this is what I can see.

(The words of Wyspiański come from his drama "The Wedding", and these present the narrow-minded, egoistic and isolationist view of the drama hero who said it).
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Just thinking....In some areas, and where I grew up, we had House Water and Irrigation Water. House water was municipal, treated and ready to drink. Irrigation water came from The River or Creek and got to our area via an open ditch. It was not treated. There were usually house water spigots on the outside walls of houses. The irrigation spigots were stand alone pipes. We kids were well versed on which was which and my parents also drummed into us that house water was the expensive water, so don't be spraying it around for fun.

That might explain her fixation on inside water.
Just thinking....In some areas, and where I grew up, we had House Water and Irrigation Water. House water was municipal, treated and ready to drink. Irrigation water came from The River or Creek and got to our area via an open ditch. It was not treated. There were usually house water spigots on the outside walls of houses. The irrigation spigots were stand alone pipes. We kids were well versed on which was which and my parents also drummed into us that house water was the expensive water, so don't be spraying it around for fun.

That might explain her fixation on inside water.
Yeah, it might but that seems pretty unlikely. I'm going with the staking out the house theory. Having the kid along on a criminal venture is child abuse, as is letting it get dehydrated, which it probably wasn't, but the kid is pretty good insurance against getting shot. I'll bet there was a guy in the car just waiting for the all clear to pull in and start loading up.

Yeah, it might but that seems pretty unlikely. I'm going with the staking out the house theory. Having the kid along on a criminal venture is child abuse, as is letting it get dehydrated, which it probably wasn't, but the kid is pretty good insurance against getting shot. I'll bet there was a guy in the car just waiting for the all clear to pull in and start loading up.

Seems a bit odd for that part of the county. My part, no. Mr. Coffee lives in a more prosperous part where many have relocated from Seattle for an idyllic life in a mountain town. I suspect it was a pushy mom-- not a local, who has no manners. Also, a lot of people seem to think that No Trespassing is for everyone else.

I went Christmas shopping in that part of the county last year to support their commitment to Covid precautions. My part of the world has the opposite population type along with a much lower income and less urban escapists--which is not always bad.
I very much doubt this person was staking out the house, and when I saw her car earlier it was unlikely (from all of the stuff strewn all over the backseat) that there were more than two people in the car.
Sometimes looky-loos and actual criminals do cruise this neighborhood and snoop in houses, but their MO is quite different and they wouldn't even approach the house if they thought it occupied (e.g. my rig is parked outside or they hear the dogs barking). Most of the burglary and property theft here is focused on vacation homes. Although during the cold winter months a lot of people leave their cars running when they go to the grocery store, so more than a few cars get stolen from the grocery store parking lot.
Regardless if it was a bad mannered mom or a house staking visit, you have to be on the ball at all times. We live a bit out in the country (10 mins out of town). If someones shows up on our property uninvited, it's probably not a good thing.
This happened about two weeks ago now. I'm still processing it and can't really believe it happened.

Anyway, there are some pretty well-known mountain bike routes where I live, and one alternate to those routes passes through my property on the way to more interesting destinations. I don't really have a problem with that and most people riding here are extremely courteous. There are several well-established trailheads and most people park there. However, sometimes some fool gets the bright idea to ride up my road and save themselves a thousand feet of elevation gain.

Well, one sunny Saturday afternoon I found a car parked on the access road near my house, in close proximity to the trail. No big deal. Some time later there was a knock on my door, followed by considerable barking of dogs at this unexpected intrusion. So when I get to the door there is a self-important woman (probably in her late thirties) and a boy of about six or seven, both in biker garb. The following conversation ensures:

Lady: We need water.
Me: There is a faucet outside just to your right as you walk up the driveway.
Lady: No, we need inside water.
Me: This is my home and I don't know you. You are not welcome in my home.
Lady: My boy is extremely dehydrated and must have water.
Me: There is a faucet right outside just to your right...
Me: Please leave. Now.

And I close the door. So she gives me a dirty look and stalks away with her kid. I think that is the end of it. But noooo. About five minutes later I hear a door slam downstairs and the dogs all start barking. I go downstairs to investigate and find these two people inside my home. I yell, "What the hell!" and they both freeze for a fraction of a second, and then the kids run out the door closely followed by his mother. A few minutes later I hear their car start up and head down the hill.

Some people.
Well, we had something similar at the Community Church, We had bikers drinking the nasty cistern water (BioHazard Alert-do not even wash your hands in that water! )So the Church Lady made a sign directing the Bikers to the unlocked shed at the back of the Church where there is some bottled water for them, I sincerely hope they didn't get Montezumas "revenge" from that water we had pumped the cistern out and "shocked" the water. Once upon a time there was a 'filter box between the cistern and downspout, the screens rusted out in it and it would get full of dirt, fishing worms and all sorts of nasty stuff. So I removed that thing and hooked the drain from the downspout direct, we had gutter screens installed, now about the only thing that gets in there is pollen and bird droppings. And the verdict is" do not drink that water!" We just use it for utility.
Regardless if it was a bad mannered mom or a house staking visit, you have to be on the ball at all times. We live a bit out in the country (10 mins out of town). If someones shows up on our property uninvited, it's probably not a good thing.
She has a bad case of N.U.T.S. ! …..Poor kid.
I think it is important as a reminder what a KAREN is. It is someone who feels entitled. Here is the original story. Her real name was Amy. A bird watcher mentioned the leash law in Central Park so she lied because she wanted the cops to stomp on his neck for nine minutes.
I think it is important as a reminder what a KAREN is. It is someone who feels entitled. Here is the original story. Her real name was Amy. A bird watcher mentioned the leash law in Central Park so she lied because she wanted the cops to stomp on his neck for nine minutes.
My wife is named Karen and she is very entitled, She and a few neighbors have "broken" me of the woman habit, if I ever get out of this one I will never be shackled again.
I read a couple of paragraphs in the thick book I am reading regarding patriarchy. Interesting stuff. What happens is that it turns men into big needy, emotionally dependent, babies. My wife had a hair stylist tell her that she can have it all: The house, custody, retirement accounts, art from my family. So that is exactly what she did. My three older sisters all ways put me down for my past historic wrongs from 500 years ago for being male, but, would never do dirty things like change the oil on a lawnmower. Or have reasonable explanations for why guys die young, are more likely to be incrassated, be exposed to on the job hazards, and are required to register for Selective Service at 18. When my dad died everything was split. When my mom died the sisters got the gold and silver, because it is ladies stuff. Just saying.
I read a couple of paragraphs in the thick book I am reading regarding patriarchy. Interesting stuff. What happens is that it turns men into big needy, emotionally dependent, babies. My wife had a hair stylist tell her that she can have it all: The house, custody, retirement accounts, art from my family. So that is exactly what she did. My three older sisters all ways put me down for my past historic wrongs from 500 years ago for being male, but, would never do dirty things like change the oil on a lawnmower. Or have reasonable explanations for why guys die young, are more likely to be incrassated, be exposed to on the job hazards, and are required to register for Selective Service at 18. When my dad died everything was split. When my mom died the sisters got the gold and silver, because it is ladies stuff. Just saying.
Reading a book that reinforces your feelings of victimization doesn’t seem like a good idea. That crap is what’s wrong with the world.
I read a couple of paragraphs in the thick book I am reading regarding patriarchy. Interesting stuff. What happens is that it turns men into big needy, emotionally dependent, babies. My wife had a hair stylist tell her that she can have it all: The house, custody, retirement accounts, art from my family. So that is exactly what she did. My three older sisters all ways put me down for my past historic wrongs from 500 years ago for being male, but, would never do dirty things like change the oil on a lawnmower. Or have reasonable explanations for why guys die young, are more likely to be incrassated, be exposed to on the job hazards, and are required to register for Selective Service at 18. When my dad died everything was split. When my mom died the sisters got the gold and silver, because it is ladies stuff. Just saying.
Eff that sh!t...
My ex decided she wanted a divorce. Wanted to hose me out of the house, 70/30 custody, massive amounts of spousal support etc.
I tried my best to be reasonable and fair. Nope... so I went through 4 lawyers before I found one that wouldn't tell me "You're screwed, just put up with it".
Ended up 50/50 custody and zero spousal support. Got half of what the house was worth, bought a house 2 blocks away on the same street so my kid didn't have any issues with school etc.
It was a precedent setting result at the time.
My ex worked for a family lawyer... she was NOT happy... 🤣🤣🤣
Reading a book that reinforces your feelings of victimization doesn’t seem like a good idea. That crap is what’s wrong with the world.
Actually that book is very empowering. Healthy. That topic was just mentioned in a couple of paragraphs. The thing is, when you are deeply into a situation you can't even see it. Like something living on the bottom of the sea does not know what water is. We need to admit and face up to things to take our inner power back. I was so wrapped up in that relationship for 31 years that I didn't have an outside social life or creative outlets. Now I do. Everyday.