Karens on bikes

the issue here is really not that a parent would do anything they “had” to for a child that they believed was in a serious crisis of thirst or some other immediate danger …. but that they wouldn’t accept “outside water” as a perfectly acceptable solution. that’s what makes her a karen, not that she would do anything (including b+e) for her child.

if my kid was literally dying of thirst, i’d break into someone’s house to save their life. but that wouldn’t happen because i’m not an idiot and wouldn’t let my kid get to that point, and i’d also gladly accept/use outdoor water.

conversely, if someone knocked on our door with a thirsty child, i’d absolutely let them in for a cold drink and some electrolytes. but that’s just me. it would be a better world if kids learned that neighbors are neighborly. then again, i live in a big city where neighbors help each other whenever possible, at very little risk to themselves. might be different in a more isolated area.
It is a variation on this common ruse to case a house for burglary.

I was inside my house and a woman came from around the back of the house to the front door. I popped out and said in a no-nonsense manner, "Can I help you?" She said she needed some water for her radiator. Thinking this was possible and not wanting to be too mean, I filled up a bottle with water and gave it to her, keeping my eye on her and how she was looking at the contents of my house (which is not very juicy-looking, tbh). I gave her the water and watched her go back to her pick-up out on the road. I could see her talking with somebody there, but at no time did the hood of the truck go up, as one would expect if they truly needed it for the radiator. Moreover, no one would logically come around the back of the house to find the front door.
Some context:

I very much doubt that anyone involved in this bogus saga was dehydrated. It was a relatively cool day in the mid 50's and they couldn't have been out for more than 90 minutes. Neither person (mother or child) looked very sweaty or flushed, or for that matter like they had any visible symptoms of dehydration. Except perhaps behaving irrationally.

Within one mile of my home there are perhaps twenty houses, half of which are part time vacation homes. I know all of my neighbors, I know their kids, I know their dogs, I know their horses. If any of my neighbors came up to my door and wanted a glass of water of course I'd let them in.

To park on my property these people had to drive up a two mile access road past multiple Private Road - No Trespassing signs. Basic civilized behavior is that you either get permission or are explicitly invited before coming up here.

"Inside water" and "outside water" at my house comes from the same monster well. There is a pressure relief system for the interior plumbing but outside you are getting the full torrent. The well water is very safe and very clean and is tested periodically.

Because of this and other unpleasant events over the last couple of years (things started to go sideways in about April of 2020, go figure...) my neighbors and I are now discussing putting a gate on the road.
People used to have lines they didnt cross.. then social media came to be. Now they think they matter (in ever aspect). Same goes for some discussions.. They do the same things but in a different way. Social media has taken respect for one another and tossed it out the window to where people think they are the only ones in this would that matter.. Dont believe me... Re read half the threads.

You can call it bullying, Misinformation, misdirection or complete dismissal by "Hitting the Ignore button" its all the same. Just a deferent scenario

again just an observation, take it for what its worth.
Not to defend her actions.... But I get the feeling it was more a case of stupid + exhaustion = desperation. Her saying "inside water" makes me believe that she thinks the source/quality are different.
I've heard people say that they only drink water from the kitchen and not the bathroom for that reason.
Me personally... I would have brought her a glass of inside water.
Municipal water is better than bottled water. I see people bring 10-gallon jugs to big vending machines that are just hooked up to a hose. You can see it on the back side. Others have grocery carts filled with bottled water which is municipal water from another municipality and packed in plastic. I agree about the superstition. People who can't brush their teeth with bathroom water while watering their lawn with potable water. I bet Karen has a $114,000 Telsa Model X SUV with a bike rack.
In our house it IS different - tank water, we have a fine filter at the kitchen but not through the rest of the house. Many houses around here have external water that comes from dams / bores or even the waste water system.

I still struggle to understand how anyone would be stupid enough to break into a house in the US after being refused entry by the owner - especially somewhere the bodies can easily be hidden!
I too mostly drink the filtered water from my kitchen... But most because of taste (chlorine) as my area has very good water?
Some context:

I very much doubt that anyone involved in this bogus saga was dehydrated. It was a relatively cool day in the mid 50's and they couldn't have been out for more than 90 minutes. Neither person (mother or child) looked very sweaty or flushed, or for that matter like they had any visible symptoms of dehydration. Except perhaps behaving irrationally.

Within one mile of my home there are perhaps twenty houses, half of which are part time vacation homes. I know all of my neighbors, I know their kids, I know their dogs, I know their horses. If any of my neighbors came up to my door and wanted a glass of water of course I'd let them in.

To park on my property these people had to drive up a two mile access road past multiple Private Road - No Trespassing signs. Basic civilized behavior is that you either get permission or are explicitly invited before coming up here.

"Inside water" and "outside water" at my house comes from the same monster well. There is a pressure relief system for the interior plumbing but outside you are getting the full torrent. The well water is very safe and very clean and is tested periodically.

Because of this and other unpleasant events over the last couple of years (things started to go sideways in about April of 2020, go figure...) my neighbors and I are now discussing putting a gate on the road.
A little context goes a long way. Physical appearance should be a key indicator of their true condition and intent.
I get that all water on your property is equal as far as quality but again ignorance is hard to persuade in a situation as this... Maybe her experience is more like Pdoz's
That said it's easy to comment when your experiences are different. Living with a situation on a daily basis more than likely changes your reaction and tolerance level.

On a side note... The fact that you put I know their horses in bold when referencing your neighbors gives me quite a bit of pause and I for sure would be afraid to enter your property... I can hear the dueling banjos from here 🤣🙃
On a side note... The fact that you put I know their horses in bold when referencing your neighbors gives me quite a bit of pause and I for sure would be afraid to enter your property... I can hear the dueling banjos from here 🤣🙃
I can see that. But given that it is more like a bunch of retired hippies it isn't exactly accurate. A lot of the people in the neighborhood are refugees from the very liberal Puget Sound region. And yes, we do have a bunch of people with Trump flags who probably sleep with their AR-15s around here too.

And while my house is on the Edge of the World, it is also an easy 25-minute drive to a town with multiple stores and restaurants that will gladly sell you a cold drink. And there is an Urgent Care Clinic that's about 40 minutes away and open seven days a week (though not 24 hours most of the time). So if you do have a medical emergency here and can self-evacuate that is your best bet to get to a doctor as quickly as possible.
I can see that. But given that it is more like a bunch of retired hippies it isn't exactly accurate. A lot of the people in the neighborhood are refugees from the very liberal Puget Sound region. And yes, we do have a bunch of people with Trump flags who probably sleep with their AR-15s around here too.

And while my house is on the Edge of the World, it is also an easy 25-minute drive to a town with multiple stores and restaurants that will gladly sell you a cold drink. And there is an Urgent Care Clinic that's about 40 minutes away and open seven days a week (though not 24 hours most of the time). So if you do have a medical emergency here and can self-evacuate that is your best bet to get to a doctor as quickly as possible.
I’m of the opinion that you were paid a visit be a mentally unstable individual, and you were right to refuse further intentional interaction. The only thing you did wrong was leaving your door unlocked, but I bet you’ve thought about that.
Very disturbing, is what that was. On many fronts. I cannot ever imagine, after denying a person, that they would do an end-around and enter your home, again. Uninvited.

@Mr. Coffee: I forsee in the very near future that gate getting put up. It will be for the safety of you and your neighbors. You may live On The Edge Of The World, but with the way things are regressing, that world has a way of finding you, when they smell an opportunity.

My homebase is East Coast, I live 10 miles south of Trenton, NJ; 25 miles north of Camden, NJ and across Camden on the Delaware River, is Philadelphia, which is giving Chicago a run for it's money in the annual murder count. These are three of the most dangerous cities, per capita, in the US. And that danger has a way of filtering to places like my small town and the towns around it.

@Mr. Coffee and @ChezCheese:): You both said it without coming out and directly saying it, respectively in your posts #23 & 22: In the case of post 22, there is a total certainty that you were being targeted & sized up for either a home invasion and/or, later theft at their convenience......and in post 23, you likely were, as well.

Scary stuff. Please, be safe, folks.
Where I live is kind of odd, as about half of the homes in the area (say within a dozen miles) are part time and vacation homes. Historically burglaries were very common here, but 99 percent of them were focused on unoccupied vacation homes, and often the owners did not even know they had been a victim of a crime for many weeks and sometimes months. If a full-timer has something stolen, they can usually ask around and find out who did it and possibly recover their stolen items. It is actually rare for full-timers to be victims of burglaries because it is well known that most homeowners here are armed and won't have a problem shooting and killing an unidentified person entering their home in the middle of the night.

Actually, the first house I lived in here had no locks on the external doors and no keys. While my home does have locks I rarely lock the house. Given that the doors all have glass in them and there is no shortage of accessible windows locking the house would just lead to more property damage. And in Washington State the legal term for coming uninvited into a house, whether you use forcible means like breaking a window or not, is burglary.
That was crazy! I usually have bottled water in my fridge and will hand it out if the need arises. We cyclist carry those little multi-faucet wrenches so we can get water from the outside of an office building if needed. Guess that lady will never buy one of those wrenches!

I bet if you offered her bottled water she'd complain about the brand!

We had a lady catch a guy in her house taking a poo! He let himself in (summer, just screen door) because he apparently had to go-BAD. He took off when confronted but I never found out if he flushed before leaving.
That was crazy! I usually have bottled water in my fridge and will hand it out if the need arises. We cyclist carry those little multi-faucet wrenches so we can get water from the outside of an office building if needed. Guess that lady will never buy one of those wrenches!

I bet if you offered her bottled water she'd complain about the brand!

We had a lady catch a guy in her house taking a poo! He let himself in (summer, just screen door) because he apparently had to go-BAD. He took off when confronted but I never found out if he flushed before leaving.
Holy crap!
We had a street preacher awhile back. He'd stop in front of homes and preach the good word for those who were sinning. Drinking beer, smoking dirt weed and other offences. The guy stops at the house 2 doors down and starts preaching to the sinners. The street preacher was out there for over an hour! I went out and gave him a bag of chips and some cold bottled waters, so he can keep the preaching up! The people 2 doors down needed to hear it. Haven't seen the street preacher in awhile but he was actually a nice guy.

I have 2 churches 4 doors down, across the street from each other. I know both pastors because I'd rent out the parking lots for gatherings for my Lowrider car club at the time. I was fixing a friends bicycle one morning and he says he used to go to one of the churches when he lived in the area. So we're in my backyard and the pastor from his old church comes walking up the driveway. I tell my friend "Hide the drugs!' And the pastor walks up and starts frisking him! It was pretty funny. No drugs, just messing with my friend. Pastor was making sure he was still attending a church.
We had a street preacher awhile back. He'd stop in front of homes and preach the good word for those who were sinning. Drinking beer, smoking dirt weed and other offences. The guy stops at the house 2 doors down and starts preaching to the sinners. The street preacher was out there for over an hour! I went out and gave him a bag of chips and some cold bottled waters, so he can keep the preaching up! The people 2 doors down needed to hear it. Haven't seen the street preacher in awhile but he was actually a nice guy.

I have 2 churches 4 doors down, across the street from each other. I know both pastors because I'd rent out the parking lots for gatherings for my Lowrider car club at the time. I was fixing a friends bicycle one morning and he says he used to go to one of the churches when he lived in the area. So we're in my backyard and the pastor from his old church comes walking up the driveway. I tell my friend "Hide the drugs!' And the pastor walks up and starts frisking him! It was pretty funny. No drugs, just messing with my friend. Pastor was making sure he was still attending a church.
Where I am it's usually just the occasional Jehovah Witless but not for the past couple of years. At least covid was good for something.
I just spotted a guy walking through my property on my cameras, and I’m so jumpy after our recent meth-head incidents that I went out and confronted him. Turns out he was marking utilities for some upcoming work next door, and was trying to find ours to be certain he hadn’t missed them if they first crossed the neighbor’s property.

I was polite, smiled, and told him we’re cool, because he seemed nervous. I did advise him to knock on doors if entering someone’s property. I suppose he didn’t expect anyone to be home in the middle of the day, but I’m a retired old fart.
Nope, no AR. He was frightened that the old guy might be due for a heart attack or something, and he’d have to deal with it.