Just got a Shred

Towelie, Great job on the pics. I also had a screw fall down into the bottom of the down tube, and ended up flipping the bike over to get it out. No water in there, but we haven't had rain in weeks, so no surprise. For anyone doing the mod, I suggest maybe wadding up a piece of paper and stuffing the hole before removing the screws. Funny thing is when I flipped the bike to get the screw out, it almost slid into a similar hole in the top of the down tube when it was upside down, but I caught it first, with one hand, while holding the 50 lb bike with the other. There were some swearing going on for sure. LOL.

GARN, if you want to know the details, pick up the phone and talk to S604. They were very helpful explaining it to me. I'm hesitant to try to explain the problem because you might have questions I didn't think to ask, but in the mean time, I'll tell you what I know.

The problem isn't a phantom current problem because the display shows decreasing battery level (for me 1 bar each day) while the voltage of the pack (measured at the output port) remains steady. So the pack is not draining, either on the bike or off. This battery is pretty advanced. It has 5 pins where most low to mid priced bikes have 2. Besides the 2 big power pins, there are three smaller pins which carry other information back and forth across the battery interface. I believe this to be an e-bus interface, but this is just conjecture on my part, so I'll stop there. Anyway, for whatever reason, S604 thinks the bike is constantly sending a configure signal across that green wire to the pack when it really should just do that once. This gives the appearance that the pack is draining (annoying to us users), but not only that, the controller and display may actually act differently if it thinks the pack is low. This is all chronicled in this giant thread somewhere, but this is the readers digest version.

Incidentally, I don't know if others have discovered an annoying little bug. It's so small I never mentioned it, but I'm sure you have seen it too since I suspect it's related. For a few hours after I got the bike, I struggled to turn it off. The directions say just hold the the power button for 2 seconds and it will turn off. Mine didn't. After much trial and error I figured out the correct sequence of turning it off was a quick tap of the power button and then a two second hold. After this fix, it no longer requires the tap and then hold. Just hold it and it will turn off like the instructions say. Whew, much better! Bonus fix.

Today my pack is still showing yesterdays reading, and has not dropped it's erroneous 10 percent, so I am cautiously optimistic that this fix works. Will report again tomorrow.
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Very Detailed report and that makes sense to me. Thanks!

I will perform the modifacation on one of my batteries tonight. BTW, I did speak with Surface 604 however the answers still didn’t offer a 100% clarity on the fix. I get that we can snip the green wire and go on with our day(and that might be what happens) but I still want to know what the configuration signal attempts to do and what harm,( if any ) its causing without it.

Yes, its an advanced battery and thats one of the reasons I went with this bike. If I am losing something by clipping a wire that was installed purposefully, I feel I have the right to know. Not sharing the BMS model seems a little shifty and makes my search all the more difficult. It might mean absolutely nothing to me but we won’t know until we can read read the BMS specs.

Either way, I am glad a possible fix is out there and thank you for your explanation.
Those are good questions, and I would appreciate the answers also, so if you find out more, do let us know.

The fix is not to the battery, but to the bike. So if you make the mod it will apply to both batteries. This brings up an interesting question though... What happens if the two batteries are different configurations, and you snip the config signal wire? Not a problem for those of us with one battery, but you could see how this might be a problem with two different types of batteries. That might be something to ask about if you call back for more details.
Oh snap..Thats right..lol..I will make the mod today as well..

That's exactly why I want to know the purpose of the config signal. What in the world is it doing?


Looks like it worked, no change.

Question. So i was thinking about buying another battery on the side but one of the 19ah ones juiced sells or buying one from someone that fixes them. Are you saying that it might not be an accurate reading.

I guess I’m confused on what the actual wire does in the first place and why it was needed to begin with.


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Hope the fix works. I just snipped the green wire on mine and will install a quick connect on that wire if it is needed again.

Thanks for everyone that made the calls to S604!

Also thanks for the tip about covering the hole. Those non ferrous screws were easy to drop.
Sad you have to do these work arounds to make your bikes work properly. Guess I'll add Surface to my do not buy list
Jazz. Every company has its issues with newly released products. The shred just came out and we bought the first batch. The problems have more to do with bafang and not really surface.

But as much as I would like to defend surface it’s too early to say if anything else will go wrong, but like I said that would be more bafang and less surface 604.
Well, I'm going to call the mod a success. Just got back from a long ride and clocked 35 miles over the course of several days. No dropping power or display issues. The display had just flipped from 2 bars to 1 when I finished. It actually crept back up to 2 after I cleaned off the bike and put it away, which is expected since the pack will sag under load, and then rise back up a few tenths of a volt once the load is removed. I measured 47.5v which is still quite a bit of energy left, so I'm not worried about making it home even when it shows close to empty.

The throttle worked to the full 20 mph the whole time, and I had good power up until the end. Awesome bike, awesome ride!

I'll be gone for the next week so unable to follow the progress here. I'm going to take the Shred on a nice biking vacation to Oregon. I'm really looking forward to it since it's now running like a well oiled machine. Hope everyone gets their Shred running smooth. I'll check back with pictures when I get back.
Thanks to everyone for working on this issue. I haven’t had these issue since I’ve been using mine as a commuter and riding/charging daily. Plus rides at lunch and after work. I can’t stay off the thing LOL. I’m not sure if I should make this mod or not. Probably will just for the heck of it.

I wonder if S604 will issue any official statement on this.
Thanks to everyone for working on this issue. I haven’t had these issue since I’ve been using mine as a commuter and riding/charging daily. Plus rides at lunch and after work. I can’t stay off the thing LOL. I’m not sure if I should make this mod or not. Probably will just for the heck of it.

I wonder if S604 will issue any official statement on this.

Probably not. They want to keep it under the carpet I would assume. But they did notify all their dealers to perform the mod on all the bikes. So chances are that if someone’s buying a bike its going to be done for them regardless until they fix the actual issue.
Probably not. They want to keep it under the carpet I would assume. But they did notify all their dealers to perform the mod on all the bikes. So chances are that if someone’s buying a bike its going to be done for them regardless until they fix the actual issue.
It would be nice to have something official so we know we’re not voiding our warranty.

And maybe they could send us some S604 stickers for performing surgery for them.
Well, I completed the “fix” and I can’t really say yet.
Well, I'm going to call the mod a success. Just got back from a long ride and clocked 35 miles over the course of several days. No dropping power or display issues. The display had just flipped from 2 bars to 1 when I finished. It actually crept back up to 2 after I cleaned off the bike and put it away, which is expected since the pack will sag under load, and then rise back up a few tenths of a volt once the load is removed. I measured 47.5v which is still quite a bit of energy left, so I'm not worried about making it home even when it shows close to empty.

The throttle worked to the full 20 mph the whole time, and I had good power up until the end. Awesome bike, awesome ride!

I'll be gone for the next week so unable to follow the progress here. I'm going to take the Shred on a nice biking vacation to Oregon. I'm really looking forward to it since it's now running like a well oiled machine. Hope everyone gets their Shred running smooth. I'll check back with pictures when I get back.

That’s awesome and the ticking down of the battery meter seems to be fixed. I am wondering about your mileage though. I just slapped in a fully charged battery and went on the attached ride.

I left with 9/10 and returned with 3. You must have some flat surroundings! I dont think I am getting that out of my 48volt 14ah.


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Update...I can say with 100% confidence that the battery meter issue is fixed with this modification. I agree that manufacturers have issues upon release sometimes and that’s not a deal breaker for me at all. However, we deserve to know what the issue actually is (from the company) so we can decide if it’s something we need to worry about. Just saying it’s sending a config file over and over sounds strange. I’m sure they will tell us once they know for sure.

I love this Bike and this issue is not going to make me think less of Surface 604 by any means. If someone out there is considering passing on this bike due to a small production issue, they will be making a mistake. Suface 604 has be very responsive and I wouldn’t give my shred up over this. Not even close. Great Bike. Here is another pic of the shred while out on my 13.1 mile ride the other day.


The bag is a Bontrager Interchange Deluxe Plus Rear Trunk Bag and the rack is the same brand. Not sure what the model of the rack is but the guys at my local shop just slapped it right on. Perfect fit and super strong yet light. The phone holder is cool because it mounts into the neck but I forget the brand. I will look for you.


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Yep..Been there buddy...I finally traced the issue to the motor cutoff sensor on the right brake lever. One of the screws on the attached picture will move the little magnetic sensor just enough to make it work. DO NOT move it to much! Hope that helps. Mine has worked fine since I did that.

The real issue with the shred is not the bike. It’s a nice bike and I am loving mine. It’s the lack of dealer prep if you buy direct. It seems that surface 604 just ships you whatever is on the shelf. Typically, a bike would be delivered to a dealer and they would prep the bike for you. That would have made my life a lot easier. Still loving mine though.


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