Just for fun...

It would have been funny, except, apparently they're all sold out already - $300 per pair😣

Goes well with the shoes and red hat ..
IDK and don't want to ... I stayed a couple nights in a Trump hotel/casino in Atlantic City once, similar taste but the gilt was chipping, and the carpet under the A/C/heater was wet and moldy .. a similar smell now that I think about it ...
IDK and don't want to ... I stayed a couple nights in a Trump hotel/casino in Atlantic City once, similar taste but the gilt was chipping, and the carpet under the A/C/heater was wet and moldy .. a similar smell now that I think about it ...
kinda sounds like trump himself. he spent so much on that monstrosity that the mortgage was 1 million dollars the first payment doe the day it opened and he could not pay it without his dad dumping a much of money into it.
He has a few other pressing financial issues, a $100,000 grand a day just in interest charges will do that, I expect.
The gofundme effort on his behalf isn't keeping up with the accumulating interest. The way it's going right now it will take almost 11 years to reach its goal and that doesn't touch E. Jane Carroll's settlement.
I am not getting into policy here but there is something funny about seeing someone self-aggrandizing with a pompous personality, and with a fake flaking gilt painted exterior going down. It started on inauguration day with the claims of "the biggest attendance ever" back in January, 2017. He had someone the next day use photoshop as 'evidence'. It doubled down with exaggerations and reality denials each day from there as the hole he dug himself in, to grow ever deeper.
"Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, or humiliation of another." I would add, particularly the self-inflicted pain of hollow braggarts, the pompous, or powerful. Laughter is good medicine.

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I am not getting into policy here but there is something funny about seeing someone self-aggrandizing with a pompous personality, and with a fake flaking gilt painted exterior going down. It started on inauguration day with the claims of "the biggest attendance ever" back in January, 2017. He had someone the next day use photoshop as 'evidence'. It doubled down with exaggerations and reality denials each day from there as the hole he dug himself into grew ever deeper.
"Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, or humiliation of another." I would add, particularly the self-inflicted pain of hollow braggarts, the pompous, or powerful. Laughter is good medicine.

View attachment 172094
I'm thinking that, unless a lot more voters in swing states wise up, he's not going down - we are 😱😟🤬.

All of the most important criminal trials are being slow-walked, so I don't expect any justice from the courts. It's all on the voters, which is a scary prospect right now.
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If Trump wins, I am emigrating. Chile Bolivia or Peru. I am not a white European.
I have had way too much trouble with thick straight brown head hair, eyebrows, and no beard or moustache.
When it comes to the white replacement mania, natives were here first!
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the most important criminal trials are being slow-walked
Yes, that is true, more delay tactics. I heard that the RNC 1) Refuses to pay for any candidate's legal bills, & 2) Will not declare a nominee until he or she passes the required 1,200 delegates. He has only nailed down a tenth of that. Anything could happen, like a debilitation, or huge gaff. He did forget his wife's name the other day, calling her the name of a car, then said, 'she has a son,' forgetting that the kid, Barron is his. Then there is still the Schadenfreude of those legal bills and a debt of over half a Billion plus with interest, plus the now higher, more risky debt on all that leveraged real estate. Selling fake gold shoes on pre-order is the best plan! What is scary is when cornered with reality he incites mob violence.

It is so true that natives were here first and the hate of 'Mexicans' is really about indigenous North Americans. Some families in New Mexico are mostly indigenous and have spoken Spanish here for almost 500 years. We are talking back farther in U.S. history than Plymouth Rock. They are culturally the same as their relatives across the border.

Trump's Weekend Gaffes: 'Mercedes' For Melania, Accidentally Endorses Biden, And More​

I'm thinking that, unless a lot more voters in swing states wise up, he's not going down - we are 😱😟🤬.

All of the most important criminal trials are being slow-walked, so I don't expect any justice from the courts. It's all on the voters, which is a scary prospect right now.
I still trust the voters over the courts ... every time. Much harder to buy off millions of voters than a mere handful of justices.
But unfortunately very easy to manipulate most people. Just bombard them with the same garbage-message over and over and they tend to start believing that garbage.
Too true, but it's very expensive; and since it's not real fun (or even funny) anymore I can't recommend just opening "FOX" in one window and "CNN" in another to compare the spin on the same story like I used to do. And all the network tech makes it much cheaper than buying SuperBowl ads or print (!) coverage. The early days of A.I. still provide a laugh or two ...
Maybe in this thread ...