Just for fun...

Just noting: Cheez Whiz spray came along along about 50 years ago with Bugles so they could be filled with the Whiz, and also with Tab diet soda, so you didn't get fat while doing it. It didn't go as planned.

A neighbor kid insisted that the lyric in Jimi's song was 'Cuze me while I kiss this guy.' Twenty years later he came out.
Purple haze all in my brain
Lately things just don't seem the same
Actin' funny but I don't know why
'Scuse me while I kiss this guy.
"Dear Lord," the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. "Without you, we are but dust...."

He would have continued, but at that moment a little girl who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four year old girl voice, "Ma'am, what is butt dust?"
The preacher was delivering his yearly sermon, "No Man Is Perfect in the Eyes of the Lord". At the most dramatic point, he paused, swept his arm slowly over the congregation, and bellowed, as he had for 20 years, "Let the perfect among you rise!"

Dead silence. And then, to the preacher's utter astonishment, a man in the back pew rose. No one had ever done that.

"Surely, sir," he sputtered, "why, surely you don't think yourself perfect??"

"Oh no, not me, pastor. I'm just standing in proxy for my wife's first husband."
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