Juiced Bikes sent me a new display (a demo of ergonomic killassist, throttle button, horn)


Well-Known Member
The original display quit working for cause unknown, a failure unrelated to my months-ago cable modifications.

Thanks to Juiced Bikes for the replacement display seen here. They did not owe me, my experiments anull warranty rights,
but Juiced took care of me anyway. Thanks for that, Juiced Bikes!

Ha ha. Love that horn above!

The one I have is much smaller than it is loud. Three tone choices, of which the police whistle imitation is the only truly loud sound.

So, I disabled the tone selector button with superglue. It remains always a police whistle now.

In moderate traffic the cars certainly do hear it and react.

The opening post was made a couple hours ago, just before the first ride.

Now, having just ridden the bike I can say, ahhhhhh. It is just about perfect today in every way I care for: easy to pedal, soft riding, quick to go from assist to manual, etc. The natural reach for the vital controls is about perfect. This bike never drops its chain anymore (and I will wager, neither does a RCS, with those chainguards flanking each side of the chainring).

Thank you Juiced Bikes for getting me up and running again. I pay my way with referrals to your firm.

There is never a comment from the public other than this one, first, "What a beautiful bike."

I crest a small bridge just after dawn. A woman happens to be gazing at the Gables Waterway, "Good morning," I chirp as she looks at and responds with..."What a beautiful bike."

The bike is beautiful because its form follows function. And Tora does not make functional but ugly bikes.

I tell everyone who approaches me with a bike compliment to go online and look at the value of a Juiced Bike.

And if they get one I will help with the very simple maintenance gratis.

There is so much personal pleasure and public-good done in putting an ebike in these early days before the public, showing how much more fun and healthy it is to shop (for instance) using a bike instead of a car. "I'd need two trips." Well, have two fun and health providing runs in short order, I say!

Am a sort of broken record, I guess, : ). But, hey, a bike made to serve your exact likes is truly a superbike.

My CCS is now perfected by the switch repositionings for my very specific wants and needs, and even more importantly to myself, it has the easiest to pedal tires in the world. It is like an Olympic specialty contender, my Juiced Bike.

Yet your Juiced bike and my Juiced bike can always be further retouched, further customized. It's the American way to customize any conveyance of importance to the individual.

Machines must always serve the user foremost, right?

But, damn, this a fine bike, right out of the box, Tora.

It owes no bows to any other brand or any other person in the world except you.


edit: Admitted fanboy here is happy, too, because the CCS is a bike he had to wait about ten years to buy because it did not exist before. And it still doesn't exist in other brand-price-availability options. I wonder how long that will remain true? Look at all the near misses above. Still, First Place at the finish.
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I enjoy customizing my CCS also, Reid. Not to the extent you do, but still... New front fender, Wald baskets, front pack, additional rear light, ringy-dingy, etc., etc.

I'm thinking about one of those adjustable-angle headsets; I'd like just a bit more upright ride. The 3 inch headset extender that you showed me is definitely a step in the right direction, but I want a little more.

My wife has been envious of the Wald baskets, even though we got her the Pedego-branded panniers for her bike the day we purchased it. Not that she hasn't used and liked the panniers; the baskets just give a whole 'nother level of practicality for those (like us) who are using their ebike as a car replacement. (Six months and counting since we stopped using our 2nd car, 2 months since we sold it to our daughter.)

So I bought her a set of baskets, which arrived yesterday. The supplied hardware didn't work because the Pedego rear rack has very thick rails. We just zip-tied it on and this works fine. She can still use the panniers if she wants, or the baskets for larger items. Wald makes a white version of the baskets which are very handsome with her white City Commuter. She's tickled pink with the added functionality. Next time we make a grocery run, we'll be able to bring home double the supplies. Of course the canvas totes I bought for mine fit hers perfectly also; thank goodness I bought 4 of them!
Kudos to JB. I think the only way to top that train horn setup would be with a Federal Thunderbolt 1000T civil defense siren, which is my personal fav. Get to hear them monthly in Hawaii and now for the occasional North Korea "This is not a drill" nuclear launch. I keep a screenshot of the message on my phone from that day.
2018-01-13 08.57.04.jpg
Kudos to JB. I think the only way to top that train horn setup would be with a Federal Thunderbolt 1000T civil defense siren, which is my personal fav. Get to hear them monthly in Hawaii and now for the occasional North Korea "This is not a drill" nuclear launch. I keep a screenshot of the message on my phone from that day.
View attachment 22838
I wish I still had the terrible siren! OH, I would I get in trouble with it on a bike, ha ha!
Sold over ten years ago through ebay to an Australian collector, it worked like new. It was a caution, alright.

How does German engineering at the height of the Second World War compare to your Federal model? Granted, one was used to destroy peaceful civilian lives and the Federal, to protect. But this one would fit on a bike with little adaptation....

PS: it is hard for non-Hawaiians to conceive of the horror felt there when that incoming missile MIStake was published. Many of us are of an age that we recall civil defense exercises. The duck and cover. PC Doctor in Hawaii got the full dose of atten-hut! that a siren at basis commands. Run for your lives,

it's a juggernau...no, in this case it is only a Juiced Bike, a good thing created where there was nothing before, by Tora Harris (grin).

I think the purpose of our lives is to live and be happy. Sirens, horns, bikes, dictators, death, are to be sorted out into two piles:

of things that are good on the one side and
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For reasons unclear, the display on my CCS has gone blank a couple times, but was fine after a reboot. Consider
the abuse this bike has absorbed while the performance has continued to improve, I'm just amazed. Maybe my
weight lost has something to do with that. Maybe I'm just becoming more proficient, but I really think it does get
better as it gets broken in. This bike is really tough. I really dumped it hard yesterday on a tree root that pushed
up the asphalt, totally skewed the front wheel & fork & came down hard. Got up with a few scratches; somehow
none of horribly twisted cable failed. I didn't even break the mirror,(something I seem to do regularly). Pulled
a hex wrench from the bar bag. 5 minutes later I was merrily on my way as if nothing had happened.
I'll be 70 soon only because I wore a helmet.
I used to have a collection of my old helmets that I kept to remind myself why I wear a helmet. There was the one with the big dent in front from that inconvenient tree branch, the cracked one, and the one with the rock embedded in it. Those works of art were all created using my non-electric mountain bikes. I haven't crashed yet (fingers crossed) on my e-bike, but if I do, I will be wearing my helmet! Glad to hear you only got a few scratches. Those pavement lumps from roots like to hide in the shade on a bright day. Ran into a punishing and frightening patch of them just day before yesterday, amazingly, when I got home, there was a letter in the mail saying that they are shutting down the road for tree work next week. I hope the work includes fixing the pavement.
I hate' em but I wear em'. Just tossed a couple of my old ones. I hardly noticed the scratches. With all the wounds
I've survived, I'm absurdly hard to kill. At my age my only worry is a slow death in some hospital with tubes stickin'
.outa me. As Chief Dan George said: "It's a good day to die." ....Or, to paraphrase, "What, me worry!":cool:
Aw geez, my luck, I'll probably live to a 100. I'm from a line of disgusting longevity. Mom & dad both died at 96.
paternal grandfather,90, great grandfather, 98. I'm fitter now than at 35, & am in no hurry, long as I can stay mobile.

Only the good die young, Reid.
Glad you are OK. Life: the only valuable. Please stick around for good.

Life: the only valuable

(I just wrote that and it seems to be an original expression. Life is the only valuable. Who else will agree? It's for John Peck)

The other day I got a snide fashion comment about my bright yellow safety vest.

note: Unless Shorts & old T-shirt prints are in fashion, I am never fashionable

But riding on the RCS must have inspired me because my immediate reply was "Living is the ultimate fashion statement"

Of course in the 2 seconds to say that phrase I was already 100 feet away.

Normally a come back would have taken me 5-10 minutes :)
The alternative is being invisible. Not a good idea for riding. I hate the stupid vest more than the helmet, but I don't ride
without it or bright clothing. I've been hit 4 times & likely a 1000 near misses. Not planning to push my luck. Twice as a kid,
once by a truck mirror. It was the 4th one tore me up good.
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We need to replace cars with bikes or light-weight three whl. hybrid electric velos. Bring the freeway spd limit down to 40mph
for private vehicles, & compensate the extra commute time with 6 hr. shifts & a 5 buck raise. Given the gridlock factor, it might
even speed the commute up. Staggering shifts so that everyone isn't expected to be there at one time would eliminate rush hour.
An automobile can kill you at any speed.
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