Is a Slime Seal (Tube) Permanent?

I have new set Eddy Current Tyres.
I'm working out my hands fingers with this old Bruce Lee tool for preparation.
No slime for this. Stan's race sealant for my Tyres
If they are that much harder to get on I may not be able to do them my hands are so wimpy anymore.
right that must be it. you cll me a 6 year old when you goofed up and did not know what we were talking about then go on and on. sorry nothing on the net will upset me been here way to many years. but hey if you don't want to admit you called me names and insulted me whatever its on you.
Boo Hoo!

Lets not loose sight of the fact that regardless of brand, inner tube sealants, BY DESIGN, need to be thin enough to spread over the entire tube interior (tread area anyway) using nothing but gravity and centrifugal force to function as designed. That fact alone makes any truth to the comment you made (regardless of what brand you were talking about) that you could not get it to flow through a syringe EXTREMELY unlikely. TOTAL BS!!

So don't pull that "you can't read" crap here. The brand is a moot point. If you had ANY clue what you were talking about, you'd know that. So typical of your input here, you sir, are trying desperately to hang your total BS comment on a technicality that has NO merit.... Not going to work.
So don't pull that "you can't read" crap here. The brand is a moot point. If you had ANY clue what you were talking about, you'd know that. So typical of your input here, you sir, are trying desperately to hang your total BS comment on a technicality that has NO merit.... Not going to work.
athere you go again ASSuming without knowledge. flat out is very stringy thats how it stops large leaks those strings plugged my syringe. but hey thanks for saying I am not smart enough to use a syringe its really nice of you. Any more knowledgeable facts you know nothing about you want to tell me.? man some people get so worked up when they are not fully agreed with.
athere you go again ASSuming without knowledge. flat out is very stringy thats how it stops large leaks those strings plugged my syringe. but hey thanks for saying I am not smart enough to use a syringe its really nice of you. Any more knowledgeable facts you know nothing about you want to tell me.? man some people get so worked up when they are not fully agreed with.
🤣 Finally. A statement from you I agree with! You seem to be the absolute perfect example!
nope I am just sick and need the entertainment.


So please mighty one, share some of that mighty (tiny?) brain power (only you seem to possess) with us regarding how YOU think flat out is distributed within the tube once injected? Are you saying it's so thick it's just sits there in a big gob?
🤣 Finally. A statement from you I agree with! You seem to be the absolute perfect example!


So please mighty one, share some of that mighty (tiny?) brain power (only you seem to possess) with us regarding how YOU think flat out is distributed within the tube once injected? Are you saying it's so thick it's just sits there in a big gob?
Jesus so you have clue about it yet your making posts about it. your a perfect example of Dunning Kruger effect. its designed to stop large leaks so it has to be thicker then normal sealants. if I had the bottle I would put some out and show you (not that it would do any good) its the thickest sealant I have tried and unlike you have have tried a lot of them.
sorry I have been on the net since there was one. just gonna call out bad behavior when they actually messed up and misread posts.
This could be interesting, since when exactly? what was your address?
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Jesus so you have clue about it yet your making posts about it. your a perfect example of Dunning Kruger effect. its designed to stop large leaks so it has to be thicker then normal sealants. if I had the bottle I would put some out and show you (not that it would do any good) its the thickest sealant I have tried and unlike you have have tried a lot of them.
So you admit the stuff you used (brand not important, fiber or no fiber) is thin enough, that once installed, it will spread out over the tubes interior using nothing but gravity and centrifugal force, yet you couldn't get it through the syringe? Do I have that right? 🤣

That being the case, I'm done here. I don't know how I can make my point any clearer to anyone in possession of even the smallest amount of common sense. I also KNOW, from previous experience dealing with you, that you MUST have the last word. So go for it. Let's hear your last thought, and put this to bed.....
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So you admit the stuff you used (brand not important, fiber or no fiber) is thin enough, that once installed, it will spread out over the tubes interior using nothing but gravity and centrifugal force, yet you couldn't get it through the syringe? Do I have that right? 🤣
So I admit what exactly???? you really have a problem. of course it spreads out I never said it did not. I said its thicker then slime and has fibers that clog up my syringe. what part of that don't you understand? please buy some so you can actually maker a comment without looking ignorant. maybe look up Dunning–Kruger effect too. just because its thicker does not mean centerifical force wont spread it out. what it means is is hard to get into a syringe or presta valves.
your whole argument is about how it spreads out? what has that goes to do with it plugging up my syringe? nothing at all. I am sorry your lack of actual knowledge of a product offends your knowledge of it.
So I admit what exactly???? you really have a problem. of course it spreads out I never said it did not. I said its thicker then slime and has fibers that clog up my syringe. what part of that don't you understand? please buy some so you can actually maker a comment without looking ignorant. maybe look up Dunning–Kruger effect too. just because its thicker does not mean centerifical force wont spread it out. what it means is is hard to get into a syringe or presta valves.
your whole argument is about how it spreads out? what has that goes to do with it plugging up my syringe? nothing at all. I am sorry your lack of actual knowledge of a product offends your knowledge of it.
OK, bringing this down to kindergarten level, if it's thin enough to spread/work as designed, there's no reason in the world it should not be able to be injected using a syringe. Is that simple enough for you? Not sure I can break it down much more....
OK, bringing this down to kindergarten level, if it's thin enough to spread/work as designed, there's no reason in the world it should not be able to be injected using a syringe. Is that simple enough for you? Not sure I can break it down much more....
lets bring it to the adult level. you don't know s*it about it and you are willing to die on that hill over that ignorance . Man I have seen the Dunning–Kruger effect before but you have it in spades. just drop it you don't know what you're talking about and you have proven it over and over. enough already go ride a bike on your elf inflating tires. your now in the same category as election and vaccine deniers.
As I suspect in many of your endeavors, you probably tried to use a tool (a syringe, in this case) not suited for the purpose, so of course it didn't work. Most people would choose a job-appropriate syringe and not have a bit of trouble with it. Another big difference here is that you blame the product and/or tool for your failure instead of your own stupidity and stubbornness. (Like using the tube on the Slime bottle to try to fill through Presta valves. No one but you would do that, and yes, you would make a mess.) Adult supervision!

As I suspect in many of your endeavors, you probably tried to use a tool (a syringe, in this case) not suited for the purpose, so of course it didn't work. Most people would choose a job-appropriate syringe and not have a bit of trouble with it. Another big difference here is that you blame the product and/or tool for your failure instead of your own stupidity and stubbornness. (Like using the tube on the Slime bottle to try to fill through Presta valves. No one but you would do that, and yes, you would make a mess.) Adult supervision!

Right that must be it. except I said my syringe would not work with it I did not say all syringes would not work with it. maybe you can point me to the syringe made for flat out perhaps???? I mean there must be one out there since you said I used the wrong tool. but hey I just used the hose provided like an adult and cleaned up afterwards it was only so messy because flat out is so thick it takes a lot more force to get it through a presta valve. . imagine that... Wait a minute I guess I should have gone out and found a hose that would have fit the bottle and the presta valve and used that instead? do you have this measurement on hand??? so maybe stop with the name calling its extremely childish and I have been seeing a lot that here. so I have Maybe 5 or 6 sealants and only one would not work with my syringe and somehow its me being too stupid to use the right tool? its not a big deal till someone here made it a bid deal and your doing the same. if I was going to keep using flat out I would have found a practice way to do it. but see taking al to of effort on something you don't know will work for you is a waste of time.
I cant believe all the insults over a tire sealant I have seen so far. myself I love to argue but it's getting past arguing and into the realm of name calling and lack of reading comprehension.
Dunning–Kruger effect
Right that must be it. except I said my syringe would not work with it I did not say all syringes would not work with it. maybe you can point me to the syringe made for flat out perhaps???? I mean there must be one out there since you said I used the wrong tool. but hey I just used the hose provided like an adult and cleaned up afterwards it was only so messy because flat out is so thick it takes a lot more force to get it through a presta valve. . imagine that... Wait a minute I guess I should have gone out and found a hose that would have fit the bottle and the presta valve and used that instead? do you have this measurement on hand??? so maybe stop with the name calling its extremely childish and I have been seeing a lot that here. so I have Maybe 5 or 6 sealants and only one would not work with my syringe and somehow its me being too stupid to use the right tool? its not a big deal till someone here made it a bid deal and your doing the same. if I was going to keep using flat out I would have found a practice way to do it. but see taking al to of effort on something you don't know will work for you is a waste of time.
I cant believe all the insults over a tire sealant I have seen so far. myself I love to argue but it's getting past arguing and into the realm of name calling and lack of reading comprehension.
So stop.
Right that must be it. except I said my syringe would not work with it I did not say all syringes would not work with it.
You said, and I quote, (the spelling and grammar are yours), "Flat out wont go through a syringe. its just too thick. the tubes that come with them are too lose on Presta valves. so its easy to make a mess."

Anyone with a bit of reading comprehension would probably understand that as 'Flat Out won't go through (any) syringe', not just the syringe you happened to pick. And the tubes that come with them are meant for Schrader valves, not Prestas, so of course you'll make a mess using them with Presta valves. Again, adult supervision.
maybe you can point me to the syringe made for flat out perhaps???? I mean there must be one out there since you said I used the wrong tool. but hey I just used the hose provided like an adult and cleaned up afterwards
So it's my fault for not pointing you to an appropriate syringe!?!? And you just admitted that you used the wrong thing. (Not what a competent adult would do.) I'm betting the bottle clearly said that the tube was for Schrader valves. Sound like a reading comprehension issue.
myself I love to argue
So yeah, now I'm done. Have fun.
