In the beginning, and desire...

So the usps doesn't know where my SLA batteries are. It's been 10 days. The supplier promises to ship replacements priority if the usps can't find them.

Maybe it's fate?

As I sit here kinda mad about my SLA batteries not being here for my ancient ebike, I thought maybe I should disclose something to the community here....

I am an avid motorcyclist.

I know, I know, burning liquid dinosaurs, is bad....

I'm am only disclosing this shameful fact to accentuate the cool factor of the ebike...

Now, where are my SLA batteries!!!???

As I sit here kinda mad about my SLA batteries not being here for my ancient ebike, I thought maybe I should disclose something to the community here....

I am an avid motorcyclist.

I know, I know, burning liquid dinosaurs, is bad....

I'm am only disclosing this shameful fact to accentuate the cool factor of the ebike...

Now, where are my SLA batteries!!!???


(video of our terrain-eating toy deleted so as to 'fit in')...yeah, you should be ashamed of yourself...;)
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Hey guys,
Any thoughts on Zero S electric motorcycle?
I'm torn between leasing an electric car vs Zero S.
I'm not an avid motorcyclist and if you have some info/links about any electric motorcycle, I would dearly appreciate that.
Rave, I have heard good things about the Zero eMotorcycle, but that's about all I know. Sorry I can't help further.

I can say that I love my current motorcycle! It's a 2007 Yamaha FJR, and I do 250+ mile days with no problems.

Hey guys,
Any thoughts on Zero S electric motorcycle?
I'm torn between leasing an electric car vs Zero S.
I'm not an avid motorcyclist and if you have some info/links about any electric motorcycle, I would dearly appreciate that.
Hi Ravi, I've tried the ZERO and it's a blast... A guy in Austin was selling his on Craigslist and I almost bought it (he was selling for just $5K!) ultimately riding in the street seemed dangerous (I only needed to get to work and there were bike paths the whole way). The thing is powerful, fast and solid feeling. Reminded me of a Stealth electric bike but with turn signals and a more refined build. Of course it's heavier than most ebikes and quite a bit more expensive. The newer models are even nicer with great bodies, lights and different styles. If you do get one, ride safe... That's the other thing, I don't like wearing a full face helmet... I prefer bicycles ;)
Hi Ravi, I've tried the ZERO and it's a blast... A guy in Austin was selling his on Craigslist and I almost bought it (he was selling for just $5K!) ultimately riding in the street seemed dangerous (I only needed to get to work and there were bike paths the whole way). The thing is powerful, fast and solid feeling. Reminded me of a Stealth electric bike but with turn signals and a more refined build. Of course it's heavier than most ebikes and quite a bit more expensive. The newer models are even nicer with great bodies, lights and different styles. If you do get one, ride safe... That's the other thing, I don't like wearing a full face helmet... I prefer bicycles ;)

Thanks Court.
I have been researching Ev bikes/cars and hopefully will be getting one by the end of this summer. Zero S looks awesome and as you mentioned safety is always a concern.
For anyone interested in following the ancient eBike re-boot, the batteries are supposed to arrive tomorrow. The vendor was Battery Supersite through Amazon, so I can't recommend them as a vendor for anything.


I will try and get the bike going sometime this weekend, and will report back here.

I calculated my limited resources, and may be able to swing an E3 Dash if this bike doesn't work, or even if it does. If it does (and works like it used to), I may sell the old system (everything including the wheel, but not the actual bike) for a simple conversion for any newbie that wants to try an old school conversion before taking the plunge on a modern bike. I would then have the Trek back to non-electric stock form for casual rides.

For anyone interested in following the ancient eBike re-boot, the batteries are supposed to arrive tomorrow. The vendor was Battery Supersite through Amazon, so I can't recommend them as a vendor for anything.


I will try and get the bike going sometime this weekend, and will report back here.

I calculated my limited resources, and may be able to swing an E3 Dash if this bike doesn't work, or even if it does. If it does (and works like it used to), I may sell the old system (everything including the wheel, but not the actual bike) for a simple conversion for any newbie that wants to try an old school conversion before taking the plunge on a modern bike. I would then have the Trek back to non-electric stock form for casual rides.

Hi Ravi - sorry I cannot speak particularly to the electric motorcycles, just don't have any experience with them. I presently enjoy a Suzuki DR650, but have had all manner of bikes from 1 liter sport bikes to mopeds! Ebikes are similar, it's all about freedom and the wind in your face. Especially riding a sportbike requires a level of alertness and situational awareness which I find inspirational. Have fun and be careful!

Thanks for all your support on this site too - I find it very helpful!!
Batteries arrived!!!

Installation in the case was easy, and I got the red light on power up (not on the bike yet).

New seat installed, and dead rear light blinkie also.

Charging the pack within sight in case of a problem, and hopefully a test ride tomorrow.


This MAC motor was well respected in its day, and I added a heat sink (a dozen years ago) for extra thermal protection cut off issues.

It's almost like resurrecting an electric model T in the days of the Nissan Leaf.

Well, the charger flashed red on re-attachment (I wanted to make sure it was fully charged), and some old information on the interwebby suggested the charger may have been transitioning from charge, to trickle. Based on that, I put the pack on the bike, and low and behold, the motor actually worked (sort of).

I could get three seconds of throttle, then total power cutout. When releasing the throttle, and reapplying, I could get three more seconds and then it cut out. It made no difference if I waited 10 seconds from releasing the throttle, or immediately re-applied, I only got three seconds of power, then none.

I really wanted this to work (really).

Well, the charger flashed red on re-attachment (I wanted to make sure it was fully charged), and some old information on the interwebby suggested the charger may have been transitioning from charge, to trickle. Based on that, I put the pack on the bike, and low and behold, the motor actually worked (sort of).

I could get three seconds of throttle, then total power cutout. When releasing the throttle, and reapplying, I could get three more seconds and then it cut out. It made no difference if I waited 10 seconds from releasing the throttle, or immediately re-applied, I only got three seconds of power, then none.

I really wanted this to work (really).


It's sign from the universe to move on to bigger and better electric bikes. SLA's have completed their lifetime on this earth :)
Lithium is the new platinum.
I am sure you would love any of the new bikes with refined pedal assist.
With a heavy heart (for my checkbook), I sadly report that resurrection of the old USPD has failed.

It isn't worth messing with. I had hoped it would work as it used to, but alas, it is not to be.

James, do you know what that means?

New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike, New bike, New Bike, New Bike, New Bike!!!!!
With a heavy heart (for my checkbook), I sadly report that resurrection of the old USPD has failed.

It isn't worth messing with. I had hoped it would work as it used to, but alas, it is not to be.

James, do you know what that means?

And Ravi, although my thanks to you are sincere, my checkbook is quite angry.
