How to remove asphalt from RadWagon frame?


New Member
I rode through a patch of freshly poured asphalt but thought it was just wet with runoff water at the time, so didn't pay much attention to it. Now, two weeks later, I discovered that the underside of the frame is splattered with black pieces of asphalt. Any advice on removing this, or should I get in touch with Rad's customer service?

Paint thinner! Then soapy water with a rinse and some Turtle Wax to finish the job so next time it does not stick.
For next time....

My wife has a white step-thru and I put Lizard skin paint protective film for impact areas:,aps,354&sr=8-3

They make all different sizes and styles to fit you type of ebike. I did the carbon fiber look for my black Radrover on the bottom and top tube.
lizard skin PPF.jpg
For next time....

My wife has a white step-thru and I put Lizard skin paint protective film for impact areas:,aps,354&sr=8-3

They make all different sizes and styles to fit you type of ebike. I did the carbon fiber look for my black Radrover on the bottom and top tube.
View attachment 88055
Thank you! Yes, I have these on my mountain bike. Haven't really thought about putting them on the RadWagon, as I've been thinking of that bike more as a utility truck, LOL. But that's definitely worth a thought.