How to Prevent Flat Tires on Electric Bikes

I was going to ask, will AAA help with these sort of flats, or is there a service for an older guy like me to call in the event of a flat?
AAA will pay for a tow truck to come get you and haul you and your bike home or to a shop if that's what you would prefer.
There are only two way to absolutely assure not further flat tires. Either use solid, non pneumatic tires or leave your bike in the garage, neither of which are appealing options. All the rest of solutions vary across a spectrum of effectiveness versus negative tradeoffs.
AAA will pay for a tow truck to come get you and haul you and your bike home or to a shop if that's what you would prefer.

Good to know... but hard to do if you are off-road or on a mountain top. ;)
Save one of the heavy duty plastic wrappers that come on energy bars. It can come in handy if you tear the sidewall of a tire on a rock or something. It can be wrapped around the tube where the tear is, allowing you to inflate the tube and not blow it out through the three inch sidewall tear. This is a good emergency, get home trick.
Save one of the heavy duty plastic wrappers that come on energy bars. It can come in handy if you tear the sidewall of a tire on a rock or something.

It can be wrapped around the tube where the tear is, allowing you to inflate the tube and not blow it out through the three inch sidewall tear. This is a good emergency, get home trick.

I have also done the same thing with a dollar bill in a pinch. ;)
Good to know... but hard to do if you are off-road or on a mountain top. ;)
Yep, you're gonna need to walk your bike to the nearest trail head where a AAA truck can meet you. Others have mentioned calling an Uber. Same walking issue, plus many of the Uber rides we've taken couldn't handle a bike.
Yep, you're gonna need to walk your bike to the nearest trail head where a AAA truck can meet you.
Others have mentioned calling an Uber. Same walking issue, plus many of the Uber rides we've taken couldn't handle a bike.

I have done the walk of shame a few times out of the woods with a sidewall tear... never thought to call AAA. I will now! ;)
Well I'm sold on the Armour but cant find any for my fat bike . Just like Jones bars , they seem to be like Sasquatch .
split a tube & cut away the valve, good to go.
That reminds me ...I don't know if they make slick fat tires , if they do you can get an old fat tire and use it just like the Armour. That goes for any tire as well..