How many miles do you have on your e-bike with a Brose motor?

I have 1500 trouble free kms. With my 6 month old Vado 4.0. I love the motor and no problems. I suspect that the more you ask of the motor the faster problems occur. I am 160 pounds and only ride on roads or paved paths with minimal baggage mostly in eco mode. Where I live there are no hills to speak of. So I expect a long trouble free life for the motor and drive train.
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Update on yesterday's ride. The speed reading was erratic again, sometimes going to zero, or stopped, or worked correctly. Noticed at beginning of ride, about 1.5 miles, that distance suddenly jumped more than 200 miles. Since the time reading was correct, the average speed calculation ended up at 261 mph. Upon return, I checked the motor odometer reading in the diagnostics window, it showed 244 miles, which would be correct, as I rode 11 miles. I'd guess it's a Mission Control glitch, not the bike. Will try rebooting app.
I have 6,000 miles over three seasons on a Brose motor. I don't think I've had any problems with the motor. Recently, I was experiencing some intermittent assist issues and now the bike won't turn on but dealer believes it's somewhere in the electrical system, not the motor. At this point I tend to agree with him.
If it won’t turn on, perhaps just dirty plug connector. Over my three motors, found that software/firmware updates are crucial. Your dealer can check that. Specialized has never given notice of new programming. I believe my motor #3 is a better design, as the motor temperature is always way below what it was in the first two. With motor #1, if you used too much boost, the temperature would get up to 170-190F and the control would cut out to prevent damage. Hasn’t happened at all with latest replacement.
Yeah, mine's a Bulls. I worked on the contacts (ROPD - all Sunday. I used vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and on Tuesday I sprayed battery terminal cleaner which I had ordered from Amazon. No luck. So I brought it by the dealer. He'll get it working. But as far as the motor itself is concerned, I had a conversation with my dealer last year around the 4K mark and he said it would be good to go until 10K miles. I can believe it. When the juice is flowing, the assist is smooth at 6K miles like the day I wheeled it out of the shop. I'm very impressed with the Brose motor.
My sister and brother in law have Vado 3s but they're not on this forum. He has done over 10,000 miles and my sister is not far behind. They have had no major problems other than replacing consumables, tyres, break pads, chains etc.
Yeah, mine's a Bulls. I worked on the contacts (ROPD - all Sunday. I used vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and on Tuesday I sprayed battery terminal cleaner which I had ordered from Amazon. No luck. So I brought it by the dealer. He'll get it working. But as far as the motor itself is concerned, I had a conversation with my dealer last year around the 4K mark and he said it would be good to go until 10K miles. I can believe it. When the juice is flowing, the assist is smooth at 6K miles like the day I wheeled it out of the shop. I'm very impressed with the Brose motor.

So here's the final report on this. The main electrical cable from the battery to the motor was corroded. It took a few weeks to get the correct diagnosis and then the part, but the cable is now replaced and I'm back on the road! So no issues with the motor. 6,370 miles and going strong.