How do you power up a Biktrix Juggernaut ultra without the display.


Active Member
Wanted to read my Ultra settings and back them up, no changes needed at present.

I have my USB cable, it seems to check out . I show a COM 4 port , software is loaded but but it's not seeing anything (greyed out). Cable plugs in OK.

So the motor controller is probably not powered up.

How do you power up the Ultra without the power switch on the handlebars, something on the battery? Battery is fully charged, I have unlocked and re-inserted it
Have had trouble here in the past as well, so I know getting the software to talk to the controller can be a pain in the butt. I was looking to see if I could find my note regarding this, but of course I can't.

Where I've had trouble is with the com port ID. It' super picky about how it's typed in. If I remember right, COM must be capitalized followed by a space, then the com port number. E.G. COM 4 (com 4, com4, or just 4, won't work).

If COM 4 doesn't work, try different numbers, from 1 up through maybe 6.

It's not about the bike being powered up. I read a reference to that being the case a couple of times, and I figure that person has never done this. I'm sure you've found, as I have, it's impossible to power up with the display unplugged....

Last, an Ultra is an Ultra, no matter what bike it's bolted in to, so in an attempt to try and keep info like this from being scattered from one end of EBR to the other, I started a string for rookie Bafang controller programmers (like me) here:
Wanted to read my Ultra settings and back them up, no changes needed at present.

I have my USB cable, it seems to check out . I show a COM 4 port , software is loaded but but it's not seeing anything (greyed out). Cable plugs in OK.

So the motor controller is probably not powered up.

How do you power up the Ultra without the power switch on the handlebars, something on the battery? Battery is fully charged, I have unlocked and re-inserted it

This guy knows and is responsive to questions...
I've got a Frey, but the motors are the same.... I just plugged in the lead and used COM4 - it connected fine, never needed to turn the bike "on"... I think the controller is constantly powered tbh, even when the bike appears to be off, I think it draws a low voltage, which would help keep things like the date/time and other settings in memory.

Double check your COM ports and Bandrate and try again.... I think its 9600 for Bandrate... Also ensure the connections are properly mated, the waterproof plugs on these bikes can be a bit tricky to work with. Double check the pins on the socket too - in case you've accidently broken any.
COM4 vs. COM 4 would be no surprise here. Baud rate should set itself in my experience. -Al

This guy knows and is responsive to questions...
Yes I read that, but he says "Plug in the battery of your e-bike (and turn it on)" . The battery has no ON button and the key only mechanically locks the battery.

Thanks for all the suggestions, will try it again tonight.
I've got a Frey, but the motors are the same.... I just plugged in the lead and used COM4 - it connected fine, never needed to turn the bike "on"... I think the controller is constantly powered tbh, even when the bike appears to be off, I think it draws a low voltage, which would help keep things like the date/time and other settings in memory.

Double check your COM ports and Bandrate and try again.... I think its 9600 for Bandrate... Also ensure the connections are properly mated, the waterproof plugs on these bikes can be a bit tricky to work with. Double check the pins on the socket too - in case you've accidently broken any.
Mart, how do you like your Frey so far?
Mart, how do you like your Frey so far?
Its great Taylor! I've clocked up around 300 miles on it so far, mostly off-road riding, and its handled everything I've chucked at it, especially hill climbing - you can't beat it.

I think you'll be really pleased when your bike arrives! Do you have a delivery date for it?
YAY!! Love those happy endings!

Were you able to save your setup, and maybe do a little exploring while in there?
YAY!! Love those happy endings!

Were you able to save your setup, and maybe do a little exploring while in there?
Yes was able to back up everything, looked at the settings didn't tweak anything yet.

Didn't examine the torque settings yet different program required, I have it, but didn't bother with that yet.
Yes was able to back up everything, looked at the settings didn't tweak anything yet.

Didn't examine the torque settings yet different program required, I have it, but didn't bother with that yet.
It works exactly the same. The only difference is the 4th page.
My current Rad has the Bolton Upgrade, although it's capable of 1500 watts or more, I have it set to max out at 1200 watts or so. More than enough for me.

The Biktrix current limit is set to 30 amps, thinking of moving it down to 25/26 amps to restrict it to about 1200 watts.

Is reducing that all I need to do?

Another topic but I think the bike could do with a larger chain-ring (48T instead of stock 44T), low Gears 1-3 on the Juggernaut "as is" are pretty much redundant. Even on steep hills not needed .
A high speed 20-25 mph cruiser gear would be useful, my legs can't keep up with the cadence required to maintain that speed but I do want to pedal.

Looks like maybe a 130 BCD.
Sure. If you want to trim max available power, lower it right there.

My bike (Rise RX Pro/fatty) is similar when it comes to the cassette gearing. I generally find myself running 5th-7th and maybe 8th on occasion. This in rolling coastal hills. I feel I have plenty of speed on tap (for MY purposes). If I wanted to increase speed, I would be looking at a larger chain ring as well.

My only caution would be regarding heat build up while using a lot of power for extended periods of time. Even if you cut your max available to 1200w, if you are pulling that much power for more than just a few minutes, my bet is your motor is going to be flaming hot.

I don't know how to predict that point, but I do understand there is a thermal switch buried in the motor winding that is supposed to shut the motor down if it get's hot enough. If that happens, my bet is you're going to be sitting for a while waiting for it to cool to the point it comes back on line.... -Al