How do you all use your E-BIKES? Do you go out riding with friends or do you enjoy the experience on your own?

I do have friends who invite me out anytime, they ride constantly, sometimes everyday, but they are obsessed with speed and competition.
They have extended conversations where they mock each other for coming last up a hill, they even have a monthly award ceremony that is mostly highlighting failures with booby prizes.

The thing is they have all followed me into emtb and I just cant be bothered getting into the inevitable contest to beat me, Im too old for it and it doesnt entertain me anymore.

So nearly always alone or with the missus, though I am taking them over the Llandegla six peaks, which is just crackers, the path just goes straight up and down the mountains, no switchbacks, no skill reqd.
Just brakes and power.
I do have friends who invite me out anytime, they ride constantly, sometimes everyday, but they are obsessed with speed and competition.
They have extended conversations where they mock each other for coming last up a hill, they even have a monthly award ceremony that is mostly highlighting failures with booby prizes.
though I have found that kind of thing can get you to push yourself harder. like when we pass someone on the tandem and we work harder to keep ahead of them then we normally would.
Im not immune to it, but these days its me against the terrain, but Im sure if I met a similar rider on a rough trail it would turn into a competition
Since there is only 6 bikes, that I know of around here, and I own 2 of them, it usually means I am own my on, 9999.99 % of the time, except for the depositors of the big green flops, that are always in the middle of the trails/roads, fenders are sure nice. lol ymmv
Always ride with someone, now usually my wife. In younger days, it was with coworkers. Turned into "as a family".

From youngest days, ingrained not to go off alone.
This is true. Depending on the ride length and terrain, it might be smarter to use the “buddy system”. Take a buddy along in case of emergency. Not everywhere has cell phone signal and you never know when danger will strike.
Always ride with someone, now usually my wife.
From youngest days, ingrained not to go off alone.
My parents bought me a 26" bike in 1961. After that there was no "Mom's taxi". I was supposed to get there myself if the school bus would not take me. I rode city busses to downtown Houston on some Saturdays.
My Mother used to wander the mountains of West Virginia alone. In 1930s there were no bears. She met Chuck Yeager up on the mountain, with a crew drilling for gas. He was 15, she was 11.
My grandmother used to walk the electric lines over the mountain to get to her store clerk job, 4 miles by road and 1.5 direct. She was a 30 something widow.
I have walked over the mountains from my Grandmother's house to my grandfather's house. 12 miles, 2 days. 24 miles by road. There were strip mine high walls, fortunately only on the down leg. No cell phones in 1978.
I have walked and hitchhiked by myself from 701st Maintenance Bn field HQ to 1st Infantry Division field headquarters. Division HQ had shorted two 100k generators in 3 days. I found the problem, and told them. No more shorts, which was good because the one we loaned them was the last one in Kansas. Next year 1st Inf Div added a Chevrolet Blazer to the TOE (table of equipment) for my job. Both in Kansas and in storage in Germany. I hope they allowed my successor to have an Army drivers license. 701st maintenance Bn had lots of trucks parked, but I was not allowed to drive any of them. I held a Texas unlimited class Chauffers license, with 4 years driving school busses (from age 18) and 2 years driving moving vans for a North American Van Lines agent.
At age 74 I do like having a cell phone in my pocket. I'm more afraid of dog attacks than heart attacks, however. I've had to pepper spray some off, and beat some off with the security cable. Dogs think they own the road. No wolves in Indiana yet, and coyotes are afraid of people standing up. Some old ladies whose car slid down a hill and they froze to death were eaten 3 miles from the mall in Florence Ky. No cell phone service there.
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I ride every morning just before breakfast
I don't want no coffee or tea
Just me and my Hemiway Cobra Pro
That's all I ever need
I’ve got a similar rule for running. Do it before anything else, no food no drink, maybe Vado. If I don’t do it then, then I most likely won’t run that day.
I mostly ride alone to commit crimes. Drive_by robberies, chain and phone snatches and such. Much more effective with an ebike than a moped as they don't hear (with an ear) you coming up from behind.
Good to get my daily exercise in as I make a few bucks.
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There is a joke, When you have an ebike, soon one for each of your family. I had a rad rover, soon I bought an emma 3 moped ebike, my wife rode the rad rover after that. My friend test rode my Emma, he bought one too. Never ride alone
It's my medical mobility device. I use it to get around town.