Hidden Road Hazards


Well-Known Member
Was riding in the grassy median next to the sidewalk because there was someone on a skateboard coming up, but unseen to me someone dug a hole in the grass for whatever reason and I only saw it too late. Bike jumped up and skipped on the sidewalk and I fell on my hand/leg, Bike luckily just slid a little on the derailer guard (thank you Lectric)...nothing too serious but still a good reminder to take things slow if you really cant see whats on the road ahead.
Was riding in the grassy median next to the sidewalk because there was someone on a skateboard coming up, but unseen to me someone dug a hole in the grass for whatever reason and I only saw it too late. Bike jumped up and skipped on the sidewalk and I fell on my hand/leg, Bike luckily just slid a little on the derailer guard (thank you Lectric)...nothing too serious but still a good reminder to take things slow if you really cant see whats on the road ahead.
Grassy areas always make me nervous and I look/prepare for holes almost every time. Trying to get back on a paved area from grass is how I got hurt a few months back. The more perpendicular an approach the better.
I notice in Bellingham's bike lanes there are sometimes drain grates that are set quite deep into the pavement. It might be quite a jolt to drop into one of these at speed. I have a suspension fork, but would rather not put it to that test.
be careful riding on gravel with round stones. Wet leaves or grass cuttings, painted lines, antifreeze on the middle of the road, plywood or other lumber (many have nails sticking out), etc
wet leaves are slick too. those yellow mats at the slope of a sidewalk can be slick too. Train tracks can be really slick too even when dry.