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I got 2 used folding e.bikes recently. THEY WHERE MADE BY jINHUA lUYUAN eLECTRIC Vehicle co ltd. They have their controller inside the peddle
hub.I can,t open it.I twist the hub but it moved a bit, but did not come off.see marks in black marker. Need part number.
Motor has two wires going to it but no power too it. I can put 24v to it and it runs?


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On this style of bike, you might want to remove the screws marked with the purple arrows. lift off the plate and see if there is electronics in there. The blue arrows point to where your battery sits. no?

I could be wrong, but there's only one or two manufacturers that puts electronics inside the bottom bracket (inside by the crank axle). That gets expensive, and Chinese ebikes are not known to be expensive.

What controls does this bike have? Is there a throttle? Is there a start button? Do the brake levers have wires (which mean they switches) All the handlebar controls will have wires that go to the controller. Also look under the bike to see where the wires enter.

Also follow the cable out of the motor, which isn't seen in your pictures. Does it have a connector on it, or does it go directly into that box?

Your motor can be one of two types. FIrst is a brushed DC motor, which only needs two wires. The second is a brushless DC motor, which will have three heavy phase wires, and possibly 5 more small wires for sensors. If it has a connector, looking at it and counting the pins will tell you which kind. Otherwise, you will have to look inside the box behind the pedals.


Here's one of my ebikes. They stick the controller in the little box behind the pedals and under the battery.



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Hi Harrys, Thanks so much for getting back to me. Your blue arrow for the battery is correct.(nice arrows on my pic). I have opened that cover and checked the wires. First off I have a red and black to a battery level gauge. Next is both brakes have wires to inhibit the motor, they both run to one connector that jumpers them together. Next I have a throttle with three wires. Last but not least I have a black and red that go to the rear wheel motor. All wires come into the small box behind the peddles then connect to wires runing into the peddle hub. I think the controller is in there. The black and red from the bottom of the battery, one goes strait to the rear motor and the other goes into the peddle hub, (to the controller) and back out again to the rear motor. The battery gives out 24v. I will get some more pic. One more wire in there has a potentimeter. The motor, I don,t know what power. Hope some of this helps. I do have two of these to try to figure out. Thanks brian


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If only two wires go to the motor, then I think it's a DC brushed motor, If there is a connector between whatever is in the hub and the motor, open it and try applying 12 volts directly to the motor. It should spin, if I'm right, Blow thngs up if I'm wrong.

I also see you pulled the pedal. How about the other side.Pull the cramk and see if the hub plate looks more accessible? Looks like you needed some kind of tool with three prongs in it to turn the left side plate and even if you had one, I don't see how they expected it to be ableo apply any torque.

Also, what the chance they just ran the wires into the BB area and they go inside the frame to something behind the hinge?

Fitting electronics around the crank axle just seems so wrong, unless they did a torque sensor, and why would they get so sophisticated with a DC brushed motor. I am underthe impression that most bies like this ddn't even have any pedal control at all. It was all throttle.
Hi again harry, Lets try with some more pics. 1st one, the hinge, nothing behind it. The next 2 pics are the crank front and back. Can,t get that gray thing off and the other side I can,t get the screws out because of the hub. 4th pic is the 4 wires from the handle bar going in the box.(2 brakes,throttle, and power indicator). 5th pic red and black on left to motor, top power indicator, left, lower, shrink wrap red, red and black throttle wires in solder process.
6th pic, home made tool,, on ground to turn 3 pin hub.(can see black marker not lined up on peddle hub, spun a little bit, did not loosen). 7th is the handle bar with gauge, brakes and throttle. I don,t know how to use that pot.

I think it is strait throttle like you say. I hope I am not boring you. What now?


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The red and black wires go inside that beige sheath to the motor? You can open the connectors and put DC to the motor then to see if it runs. Looks like a very well made bike, You can't pull the pedal arm on the chain side, to see what holds the sprocket on?

If it runs, a brushed motor controller is around $25. I've never seen one with pedal assist. They are throttle only. You could consider retrofitting that directly to your motor. Although you haven't said whether the bikes work or not.
Hi again, The bikes seem great! I have one bike that does not run. If I put 24 volts direct to the motor it works. The other bike, when I install the battery, turn it on,the motor runs right away. If I hit the brakes the inhibit feature does not kick in,just keeps running. I,m thinking if I got a controller I could mount it(in a pouch?), and give it a try. I did take off the spoke pedel arm but saw no other way to get it off. I,m missing something. The controller would have to be 24v but what wattage? Thanks again...you are making me think....brian
350W-500W is probably OK. Probably less than $20 on ebay. Do the pedals spin smoothly? There's no electronic jumk that is creatiing friction?
Hi, Bike runs well with power,no friction. So I want to order one. It seems I want a brushed controller 24 v. Now they have 250,350 500w combined or separate.? They have the connectors in black or white. The throttle and brake wires always have black. They don,t connect together do they? Do I have to cut and solder everything?....brian
You will be soldering, but these controllers only have three or four connectors you will need. Motor, brakes, and throttle. There's a 4th connector called locks or something like it that you would wire to an on/off switch.

The wiring is show in this amazon advertisement fora $20 controller , and there's a bunch of competing models for less money that appear to be the same, but don't detail the wiring as well. 500W should be OK.
Hello again, I can get my solder gun going. WILL GET THE 24V 500W CONTROLLER and I need a throttle also I,ll get one with a key lock...I will order and see whats up.thanks again, I will update.