Hi gang!


Central Massachusetts
Hi everyone,

I started riding mountain bikes in the early 1990s. In recent years, age, weight, and real discomfort made me pretty much abandon riding as an activity. Last year, I bought a fat bike (Juiced RipCurrent S) and it has transformed my life. I am a true convert to the fat e-bike, even after I made some changes to the my old mountain bike to try to make it more comfortable to ride.

Anyway, I’m delighted to be here and to be enjoying riding quite a lot around central Massachusetts, where I live. We have lots of great trails to ride on out here.

I believe I will be spending much of my time here in the Bafang and Juiced sub-forums, but is there a FAQ somewhere? There are many acronyms used here and I don’t know many of them?

Thanks and best wishes from central MA!
Hi everyone,

I started riding mountain bikes in the early 1990s. In recent years, age, weight, and real discomfort made me pretty much abandon riding as an activity. Last year, I bought a fat bike (Juiced RipCurrent S) and it has transformed my life. I am a true convert to the fat e-bike, even after I made some changes to the my old mountain bike to try to make it more comfortable to ride.

Anyway, I’m delighted to be here and to be enjoying riding quite a lot around central Massachusetts, where I live. We have lots of great trails to ride on out here.

I believe I will be spending much of my time here in the Bafang and Juiced sub-forums, but is there a FAQ somewhere? There are many acronyms used here and I don’t know many of them?

Thanks and best wishes from central MA!
Welcome to the forum. :)
What acronyms are you wondering about? Maybe we can get some of them gathered and start a basic thread that answers these.

LBS- Local bike shop
MUT- multi use trails (bikes, walkers, dogs, children)
MUP- Multi use paths. see MUT
Roadies- UHHHHH, nah not doing it.
emtb- electric mountain bike
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Hi @keithj69 ,

I’ll start making a list. I ran across quite a few as I started reading threads here. I used to moderate a guitar forum (one of my other passions) and we kept an acronym FAQ which was often helpful to clarify the shorthand.

I’ve got two from just reading this morning. More coming at another time. :) :

PAS (pedal assist?)
BBSxxx (HD, 02, 02B…) I think this is Bafang-related and it refers to controller(s).
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The forum search function is your friend here. But be aware that some acronyms are used to mean more than one thing, and PAS is a perfect example.

PAS is short for "pedal assist system". Logically, it should refer to the sensor and algorithm package used to dispense motor power based on how the bike's being pedaled at the time.

However, PAS is commonly used to refer just to the selected assist level. As in, "My ebike's too powerful in PAS 1." Or worse, to one particular kind of PAS — namely, the simple on-off cadence-sensing kind wherein the motor's at full power when the pedals are turning and off otherwise, regardless of the effort applied. As in, "My ebike has PAS, but I want one with torque-sensing assist instead."

Well, all legal ebikes have working pedals and a PAS to decide how and when to add motor power when pedaled — including torque- and power-sensing ebikes.
We might come up to some really sophisticated acronyms :)
"h" as in "32h" for the wheel rim number of holes for spokes.
"T" as in "44T" is a number of teeth in the chainring or the cassette sprocket.
FS is for "full suspension".

BBSxxx (HD, 02, 02B…) I think this is Bafang-related and it refers to controller(s).
"Friends do not let friends buy Bafang" :D
The forum search function is your friend here. But be aware that some acronyms are used to mean more than one thing, and PAS is a perfect example.
The problem for me with search is that, yes, I’ll find lots of uses of the acronym in question, but it won’t tell me what it means. Sometimes context is sufficient, but often not enough, Jeremy. Anyway, your definition for PAS is very helpful. Thanks!
The problem for me with search is that, yes, I’ll find lots of uses of the acronym in question, but it won’t tell me what it means. Sometimes context is sufficient, but often not enough, Jeremy. Anyway, your definition for PAS is very helpful. Thanks!
You can still figure out a good many of them from context — especially the widely used ones.

Someone recently used "DR" for "derailleur" without ever defining it. Never saw that once in my 3 years on EBR. Heck, it isn't even a real acronym. Eventually figured it out, but why should I have to decode it when the writer could have written "DR (derailleur)" on first use?

That's the problem with the many undefined non-standard abbreviations used on EBR — seemingly made up on the spot just to get out of some typing: They put a burden on the reader that rightly belongs on the writer. I usually just stop reading at first sight.

Ditto for long run-on posts with little or no capitalization, punctuation, or white space. These things were invented and taught for a reason.
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You can figure out a good many of them from context. Someone recently used "DR" for "derailleur" without ever defining it. Never saw that one before. Heck, it isn't even a real acronym. But I eventually figured it out.

My problem with a lot of the undefined acronyms used on EBR — many seemingly made up on the spot just to get out of some typing —is that they put a burden on the reader that rightly belongs on the writer. I usually just stop reading at first sight.

Ditto for long run-on posts with little or no capitalization or punctuation. These things were invented and taught for a reason.
That’s funny, Jeremy. I had just added “DR” to my list. I think we read the same thread. :D

I agree, context helps. I was still baffled by a few of the posts I read, but I didn’t write down the list. Anyway, keeping it now. :)
Welcome @Chazmo. Now you are a member. That status places you as an insider. All clubs have some exclusivity and culturally language is one of those distinguishing factors between insiders and outsiders. I have one for you. SS for single speed. A person can have a SS chain to an IGH that is multi-speed. The upside is that the chainline is always straight and the chain more robust while still being able to shift the internally geared hub in a mid-drive configuration. People here are nice. And you can always ask.
When I first started to look into and research e bikes about five years ago and I saw the acronym PAS I thought they were using it to describe low quality direct to consumer bikes that had histories of electrical and mechanical problems referring to them as Piece a S..t
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IGH? Dare I ask?
Yes! Ask away. Internally Geared Hub, IGH. The chain can can be a wide and and an extra strong half-link that lasts as long as a Gates Belt for 1/5th the money and is always perfectly straight. It must be prepared properly to out last a Gates Carbon belt. That takes the alchemy of the deep inner circle magic. Welcome new Wizard.


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I used to moderate a guitar forum,..

The one I like, although it's not an acronym, is "acoustic bike" and just like guitars, there's electric and acoustic versions.

That took me a couple weeks to figure out. 😂

@PedalUma used to smoke Vados on his custom-built e-bikes and leave them in dirt, but now he sells Vados instead.

Meanwhile here on the forum, "Smoking Vados" has taken on a whole new meaning,..

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Someone recently used "DR" for "derailleur" without ever defining it.
That’s funny, Jeremy. I had just added “DR” to my list.

I was wondering about that too, but in his defense, derailleur is a Sucky Word, and they spell it wrong !!

I don't care if the French invented it, the English version should simply be called a derailer.

So, in protest, even though I'm a Canadian 🍁 that is supposed to be bilingual, I'm adding DR to my list as well as derailer.

After all, it's just a simple mechanism that derails the chain from one toothed cog to the next.

All my derailleurs are built in China anyway. 😂
de'-raile-ur-rure, they were once thought of as cheating by purists. Now roadies all need eTap. I am cool with a GRX mechanical for robustness and trail field service. Ever ride a bike with a failed eTap 30 miles out? My Vado has twelve lengths of bungee around the lower battery and I still need to kick it every day to get it started. Then it lags sometimes. A simple bike can be better like French Onion and some toast for breakfast.

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Ever ride a bike with a failed eTap 30 miles out?

I had to Google that,..


I have never been analyzed by my bicycle. 😂

My Vado has twelve lengths of bungee around the lower battery,..

My Voltbike has two lengths of velcro strap around the bottom battery and three lengths around the top battery, but they are both top mounted batteries,..


Velcro straps work better than bungee cords.
You can snug them up tight without them being spring loaded.

,.. A simple bike can be better like French Onion and some toast for breakfast.

I hear that.

Mounting a battery upside-down needs to have a proper mounting mechanism.
Something more substantial that grabs and "cams" the battery into position in a spring loaded electrical connector.

You would think that Specialized would have thought that through better?

I'm no engineer, and have no credentials, but I do have common sense.

Hey, thanks for welcoming me with a cornucopia of new ideas and lingo!! Neat! “Acoustic” bike… Now that’s funny!

Yes! Ask away. Internally Geared Hub, IGH. The chain can can be a wide and and an extra strong half-link that lasts as long as a Gates Belt for 1/5th the money and is always perfectly straight. It must be prepared properly to out last a Gates Carbon belt. That takes the alchemy of the deep inner circle magic. Welcome new Wizard.

View attachment 189213

View attachment 189212
Hey, PedalUma… That’s a really slick setup. Looks bullet-proof. Does anyone make an internally-geared rear hub motor? That’d be cool. Maybe someday I could remove the external cassette/derailleur on my hub-powered fat e-bike. Although, I have to say that the gears and chain are not particularly high on my longevity concerns...

FYI, this is the spare Bafang motor I acquired for my fat e-bike in case it needs to be replaced someday. So far, though, 2000 miles on the existing motor and it still seems fine!

IMG_1566 (2).jpeg
Does anyone make an internally-geared rear hub motor? That’d be cool.

YES !! Yes They Do !!
And now I want one, or two, or three ?!!
There's a 2-speed, 3-speed, and the new 5-speed Bafang IGH hub motor available,..


I could buy two of them and build a mid-drive e-bike that's coupled to rear hub motor and turn two 5-speed IGH hub motors into a 25 speed driveline. 😂

That'd Be Cool 😎!!

I'd just add the pedal crank to the lower speed IGH gearbox. 😂

And, as far as I understand it, at least the 2-speed design is Completely Mechanically Operated, with no wires or cables connected to the shifting mechanism.
No AI, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Logarithmic Programming, or robots controlling the motor or the rider.

(One of the motors has adjustable gear ratios, but I don't know if that's an actual gear swap or a change in the programming?)