Help Watt Wagons Out On Google Reviews

Pushkar is an enigma. On one hand I've had times where I could not get ahold of him through various media sources (forum, pm, email, text, phone), and other times he's answered me within a few minutes.
Recently, I had a 30+ minute Skype meeting with him while we discussed options for the problems I was having with my UC Pro.

If I were to rate WW on this meeting he'd get a 5 out of 5 from me.

We discussed a lot of things during our video meeting and we came up with a solution that was agreeable to both of us.

For me, the saga continues (I'm a founding member from March 2020) and I'm going to hold off giving a review until I see if Pushkar makes good on our solutions.

One thing I can say for sure.....for the most part, my UC Pro is one heck of a nice ebike.
It's a difficult thing. If the Helios project reached delivery with few delays, he'd likely have quite a few glowing reviews. The 1-star negative review for having refunds delayed I can't necessarily agree with - people knew they were getting into a pre-funding/kickstarter type setup for a bike that was just in the theorizing and design phase early on, and the money was indeed tied up into parts that they prepaid for. For the price, that money was indeed tied up into parts (savings thousands off expected retail). 1-star should be reserved for those that completely try to screw over the customer imo. I'd understand a 2 star for the gaps in communicaiton during the whole ordeal, and maybe a 3 star after the next-gen Helios is delivered, if no other issues are experienced.

If there were issues, but the company resolved them, then that is another reason for something greater than a 1-star. There's a reason that there are ratings available between a binary 1 and 5 ;)

I can't leave any review as I'm one person that still has 100% of their money tied up into the Helios preorder since spring 2020.
The issue was less about the delay and more about telling them that the money would be there in 24 hours and then disappearing for a few days. Happened again last friday, was told that another grand would on be refunded on Monday and then no money or word since. When people are told that they will be getting a grand a few days before Christmas and then nothing not even an explanation? That’s worth 1 star in my book.

Also I keep hearing about parts. Let’s be honest all forks that were reserved went onto hydras. Motors and controllers certainly aren’t laying around. Kindernay hubs? They have all been used and are on back order. Magura mt5 brakes, haven’t had those in stock for over a year. Frames never got delivered. Those are all the big ticket items.

Maybe ww bulk ordered some handlebars, gates belts, saddles, fenders and kickstands, but let not pretend like there is $5400/bike worth of parts tied up in this project that he can’t recoup. The parts paid for with Helios money were for the most part passed onto hydra bikes.
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The issue was less about the delay and more about telling them that the money would be there in 24 hours and then disappearing for a few days. Happened again last friday, was told that another grand would on be refunded on Monday and then no money or word since. When people are told that they will be getting a grand a few days before Christmas and then nothing not even an explanation? That’s worth 1 star in my book.

Also I keep hearing about parts. Let’s be honest all forks that were reserved went onto hydras. Motors and controllers certainly aren’t laying around. Kindernay hubs? They have all been used and are on back order. Magura mt5 brakes, haven’t had those in stock for over a year. Frames never got delivered. Those are all the big ticket items.

Maybe ww bulk ordered some handlebars, gates belts, saddles, fenders and kickstands, but let not pretend like there is $5400/bike worth of parts tied up in this project that he can’t recoup. The parts paid for with Helios money were for the most part passed onto hydra bikes.

Maybe, but we don't know certainty on a lot of these things. A lot of this I believe is speculation (and in reading such statements online, many people will simply believe it's a fact, when it may not be). I've tried to put myself into Pushkar's shoes, and while I do see areas to improve on the situation, there are others that may indeed be difficult to navigate, or the supposed legal issues that also required keeping certain things from going public. It's a mess all around, and as many believe, lack of communication at critical junctions has been a consistent problem for over a year now.

We'll probably never know if the delayed refunds are legitimately due to pending refunds on wholesale returns, or other reasons. It's just that I never assume smooth sailing when preordering something; I've had to wait years for a kickstarter before, before any such supply issues. I just don't see how one can give a 1 star when the company hasn't closed down shop to run off with everyone's money - they are supposedly trying to get everyone refunded (or the option to swap over to another bike model). I can full well see this situation warranting a 2 star, or 3 after the full refunds are completed.

You can find my own opinion on the situation and real cost of the bike in the founder forum. I'm not happy with the situation either, but have seen the attempts to make buyers whole again, as best WW can. Communication has been the consistent complaint.
Yeah I didn't want another negative write up, Pushkar really needs to get those refunds happening faster than in the past, it's a lot of money hung up for people.
When requesting an immediate refund for delayed goods not in transit, proper business acumen is a response acknowledgement that should be the same day(8 business hours CST), with the monetary posting happening within three business days.
That's what I do for my in house account customers, ghosting people and delaying refunds makes them nervous and unhappy and they talk and post online about it.
What we can't do is say you will get your refund once we resell it. If he that strapped for cash every cancelled order should be posted on EBR for immediate sale, maybe at a deal to get recouped faster.
I am sure people on EBR waiting, some for months, might want their new Ebike sooner and at a better price.
Let me break it down: Pushkar purchased parts for Helios', then what? The frame manufacturer flopped?
Next, along comes COVID. Even our Legal and Justice system have been intermittently shut down for nearly 2 years - California virtually suspended all civil forfeiture contract rules for months. Unheard of times.
"Three days" works for shipping perishables like lettuce perhaps, maybe even screws you said you had in stock - with a boilerplate contract in hand.
The "Just in time" concept dismally failed, during a pandemic while declarations of Civil Emergency abrogated financial responsibilities under law; companies (JIT warehouses overflowed) froze taking deliveries; shipping companies quit shipping with no guarantee of payment; China stopped taking containers back; huge pileups and our economy began to teeter.
As of June last, 1/3 of American businesses had closed down during 14 months of pandemic.
"Proper business acumen", applying "Not in transit" standard etiquette - To Pushkar, from his suppliers or late deliveries to owners?
They are mutually inclusive.
How would he build our machines following those rules?
"Where's my motors. I want my money returned"? Kindernay'; Archon; Batteries; Gates drives? All late ="Forget it? "I have to refund everybody and I want my money back - now"?
How could he keep such rules without completely ruining the company?
That might have led to the 'out of stock' syndrome we're seeing of locally produced products as companies unable to adapt went under.
This is "Help Watt Wagons Out On Google Reviews". So I'll say no more, and back to reality.
Acme. Whoa !!! That's one nice machine you posted on Google Reviews. The only review from an owner.
Optimax, the indefatigable; BarnBoy. Major test pilot, Mr. Can-do - who patiently waited, dispatching all gremlins to reach Valhalla; Deacon Blue - the "Not so blue now, baby"; Merle Nelson - the 'patient tooth gritter', who's dream is now material creation; Cuz Vinnie - Undercover, high-ranking member of the 'mind-blowing show quality machine' clan - rightfully suspected of serious magic powers;
and a lot more - who's names don't readily come to memory but are nonetheless important and I know got your machines:

I really like to see your posts, your impressions on Google.

Thanks in advance,

And there’s @Rome and his one star. He cancelled his order and still rated.
I cancelled because I got an unexpected failure to my plumbing system of my house and I ended up spending all of my vacation money and was forced to take a loan.
So you go on Google more than month later and trash WattWagon. You’re special